tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-05-17 14:47:15
    Tencent Cloud Streaming Services (CSS) supports the errors feature, allowing you to quickly check errors that occur during the live streaming process. Moreover, you can understand the status of these streams by viewing the primary and backup stream events.


    You have logged in to the CSS Console.


    You can configure the push errors event callback in the Live Callback settings. When an event occurs within the live streaming service, the message will be notified through a unified callback of the event message.

    Push Errors Query

    1. Select Monitoring > Errors on the left sidebar.
    2. On the errors page, querying by stream ID is supported. You can query the push errors in the last 7 days, and the data within the query period is less than 3 hours.

    Primary/Backup Streams Query

    1. Select Monitoring > Errors from the left sidebar to enter the Primary/Backup Streams page.
    2. On the Primary/Backup Streams page, querying by stream ID is supported. You can query the primary/backup streams in the past 7 days, and the data within the query period is less than 3 hours.


    Error Types

    Below is a list of errors that may occur during live streaming.
    Error Type
    The video timestamp moved backwards
    The audio timestamp moved backwards
    The video timestamp increased notably
    The audio timestamp increased notably
    Chunk size too big
    Two consecutive video frames arrived late
    Two consecutive audio frames arrived late
    The video codec changed
    The audio codec changed
    No codec header before a video frame arrived
    No codec header before an audio frame arrived
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