tencent cloud


Stream Management

Last updated: 2024-07-16 09:36:23
    Log in to the CSS console and enter Stream Management. Stream Management includes interrupting live streams and disabling live streams, as well as viewing Live Streams, Primary/Backup Streams, Stream History, Disabled Streams, and their detailed information. Here is a brief introduction and usage of these features:

    Live Streams Management

    Log in to the CSS console, then navigate to Stream Management > Live Streams, and perform operations according to your actual business needs.

    Preview live stream

    In the Live Streams list, you can select the domain and corresponding online stream you want to query. Click "Preview" on the right to view the real-time live streaming image.

    View stream data

    Click on the stream data on the right side to view detailed information of the online live stream, such as traffic, bandwidth, frame rate, bitrate, etc.

    Interrupt live stream

    Click Stream Interruption on the right to interrupt the current live stream publishing.
    After the interruption, the current live stream will stop publishing. You can resume the live stream by republishing with the same Stream Name.

    Disable live stream

    Click Disable to disable the live stream.
    After disabling, the current live stream will stop publishing (republishing is not possible for the current Stream Name until it is re-enabled). You can manually resume it or it will be automatically enabled after 7 days by default.

    Primary and backup stream management

    The primary and backup stream feature refers to the system's ability to automatically merge and output two live streams with the same Stream ID. The primary stream's content is prioritized for playback. If there are issues with the primary stream's content, you can automatically or manually switch to the backup stream content to ensure the stability of the live image. The primary and backup streams can be enabled or disabled for optimal scheduling. When optimal scheduling is enabled, the system will dynamically evaluate the quality of each stream and select the highest-quality stream as the primary stream.
    Log in to the CSS console, then navigate to Stream Management > Primary/Backup streams, and perform operations according to your actual business needs.

    Preview live stream

    Click Preview on the right to view the real-time live streaming image.

    View stream data

    Click on the stream data on the right side to view detailed information of the online live stream, such as traffic, bandwidth, frame rate, bitrate, etc.

    Optimal Scheduling Management

    Enable optimal scheduling
    ,to enable optimal scheduling. When optimal scheduling is enabled, the system will dynamically evaluate the quality of each stream and select the highest-quality stream as the primary stream.
    Disable Optimal Scheduling
    ,to disable optimal scheduling.

    Primary and Backup Stream Switching

    Click on the left-pointing triangle to expand the manual switch to the standby option.
    Click the Switch on the right side to switch between the main and backup streams. By manually switching the main and backup streams, you can flexibly deal with issues that may arise during the live broadcast.

    Stream History Management

    Log in to the CSS console, then navigate to Stream Management > Stream History, You can query historical live stream data and perform operations according to your actual business needs.

    Disable Historical Live Stream

    In the historical stream list, you can select the domain name to be queried and the corresponding historical live stream. Click Disable to disable the historical live stream.
    After being disabled, the current live broadcast will stop pushing (streaming cannot be re-pushed until the current StreamName is restored). It can be manually restored or automatically enabled after 7 days by default.
    You can view stream history in the past 7 days under the Stream History tab or query records in the past month in Stream Interruption Records.

    View stream data

    Click on the stream data on the right side to view detailed information of the online live stream, such as traffic, bandwidth, frame rate, bitrate, etc.

    Disabled Streams Management

    Log in to the CSS console, then navigate to Stream Management >Disabled Streams, and perform operations according to your actual business needs.

    Enable live streaming

    In the Disabled Streams list, select the corresponding disabled live stream and click Enable to resume the live stream publishing.

    View stream data

    Click on the stream data on the right side to view detailed information of the online live stream, such as traffic, bandwidth, frame rate, bitrate, etc.
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