tencent cloud


Bandwidth Cap Configuration

Last updated: 2024-05-28 10:25:05
CSS allows you to set a bandwidth cap for your playback domain. In the acceleration region of your domain, if the peak downstream bandwidth in a reference period hits the cap you set, a 403 error will be returned to playback requests. This feature is disabled by default.
If the bandwidth cap configuration is enabled, the scanning granularity is 5 minutes. If there is a sudden increase in usage within a short period of time, the previous scan may not have triggered the threshold, and the next scan may directly exceed the threshold. In this scenario, there will be a certain delay (approximately 5 minutes) in the access interception operation, and the consumption during this period will be billed normally.


You have logged in to the CSS console.
You have added a playback domain name.


Acceleration Region
Default Bandwidth Capping Region
Chinese mainland
Chinese mainland
You can only set a cap for the Chinese mainland.
Outside the Chinese mainland
Outside the Chinese mainland
You can only set a cap for outside the Chinese mainland.
Global acceleration
Global acceleration
You can set different caps for inside and outside the Chinese mainland.
You can also set a global cap.

Configuring Bandwidth Cap

1. Go to Domain Management. Click the name of your playback domain or Manage on the right.

2. Select Advanced Configuration > Bandwidth cap configuration to view the Bandwidth cap configuration tab.

3. Click Edit in the upper-right corner of the tab to enter the bandwidth cap configuration page.

4. Click

to enable Bandwidth Cap .
After the bandwidth threshold for global acceleration is configured, it will take effect preferentially.

4.1 After the bandwidth cap is enabled, proceed with the following configuration:
Bandwidth Threshold
Valid Region is determined based on the acceleration region type of the playback domain name. For related configuration rules, refer to Limits.
Fill in the bandwidth threshold based on your actual business needs. Choose the threshold unit as Mbps, Gbps, or Tbps.

5. Click

to enable Alert threshold .

5.1 After the alert threshold is enabled, set the alert threshold percentage based on your actual business needs. When the access bandwidth/bandwidth threshold reaches the alert threshold, the system will alert you through the Message Center and other methods.

6. Click Save.

The conversion factor between the bandwidth units is 1,000: 1 Tbps = 1,000 Gbps; 1 Gbps = 1,000 Mbps.
If you change the acceleration region for your domain, you need to configure the bandwidth cap again.
The default alert threshold is 80% of the bandwidth cap. Value range: 0-100.

Disabling Bandwidth Cap

1. Go to Domain Management. Click the name of your playback domain or Manage on the right.

2. Select the Advanced Configuration tab to view the Bandwidth cap configuration tab.

3. Click Edit in the upper-right corner of the tab to enter the bandwidth cap configuration page.

4. Click

to disable Bandwidth Cap .

5. Click Save.


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