CSS supports the watermark feature. It adds watermarks to the live streaming screen to protect video content from theft. This document describes how to create, modify, bind, unbind, and delete a watermark template in the console.
You can create a watermark template in the following ways:
Create a watermark template by calling an API. For more information, please see AddLiveWatermark. Notes
After creating a template, you can bind it to a push domain name. The binding will take effect in 5–10 minutes.
The watermark templates are managed at the domain name level in the console, and rules created by APIs cannot be canceled there for the time being. If you bound the watermark configuration to a specified stream through the watermark management API and want to unbind them, you need to call the DeleteLiveWatermark API. Binding, unbinding, and modifying a template affect only new live streams after the update but not ongoing ones. To make the new rule take effect for ongoing live streams, you need to interrupt them and push them again.
Creating Watermark Template
2. Click Create Watermark to enter the watermark template creation page.
3. Enter a watermark name, which can contain up to 30 letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
4. Click Select Image to upload a watermark image. The size of the watermark image supports stretching to full window dimensions.
For the best visual effect, the watermark should be a transparent image in PNG format; the image size should be smaller than 2MB; the uploaded image file name should only support: English, numbers, and symbols - ! _ . *.
5. Set the watermark image preview window size:
Default width and height values: Width 1920px, Height 1080px.
Width and height value range: 360px - 4096px.
Clicking Update the right side will automatically validate and synchronize the update of the watermark image preview window.
6. Specify the watermark location in the following ways:
Drag the watermark image in the configuration pane.
Adjust the coordinates of the X axis and Y axis.
7. Click Save.
Binding Domain Name
2. Enter the domain name binding page in either of the following ways:
Directly bind a domain name: click Bind Domain Name in the top-left corner.
3. Select a watermark template and a push domain name in the domain name binding window and then click Confirm.
You can click Add to bind multiple push domain names to this template.
2. Select domain names bound to the watermark template and click Unbind.
3. Confirm whether to unbind the domain name and click Confirm to unbind it.
Modifying Template
2. Select the target watermark template and click Edit on the right to modify the template information.
3. Click Save.
You can click Preview to view how the watermark will be displayed on the screen.
Deleting Template
If the template is already associated, you need to Unbind it first before you can perform the delete operation. Once the template is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Please proceed with caution.
If a template has been bound to a domain name, you need to unbind the template before deleting it. For detailed directions, please see Unbinding. 2. Select the watermark template you have successfully created, and click Delete in the upper right corner.
3. In the pop-up dialog box, click Confirm to confirm the deletion.
Relevant Operations
For more information on how to bind/unbind a domain name to/from a watermark template, please see Watermark Configuration.
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