tencent cloud


Live Stream Moderation

Last updated: 2024-07-16 09:36:23
    CSS offers a live stream moderation feature, supporting the configuration of moderation templates through the console. Once the streaming domain is associated with the template, this service will obtain live screenshots and the audio during streaming, storing any non-compliant screenshots or audio data in Tencent Cloud COS. If the streaming domain is linked to the callback configuration, Tencent Cloud will send a request to the customer's server once a callback event is triggered during the live stream. Customer's server is responsible for handling the request. After verification, a JSON packet containing the moderation callback information can be obtained. This document provides instructions on how to create, bind, unbind, modify, and delete moderation configuration templates via the console.


    Live stream moderation is a charged feature. When enabled, the IA function is charged at 0.2294 USD per thousand images, while the AAS function is charged at 0.0021 USD per minute. For more information, please refer to Live Stream Moderation.
    Screenshots or the audio flagged during live stream moderation and stored in your Tencent Cloud COS will generate storage costs in COS. For pricing details, please refer to COS Product Pricing.
    If the access permission of the COS Bucket is set to public read, and the Bucket contains inappropriate contents related to pornography, illegal activities, or any other prohibited contents, it is recommended to go to the corresponding COS Bucket and delete the relevant images. This action can avoid COS Bucket being blocked, as the block may affect the use of it.
    After creating the template, it can be associated with the streaming domain name. Refer to the Live Stream Moderation Configuration document for details. The association of the template is usually effective within 5-10 minutes.
    Binding, modifying, or unbinding a template only affects the updated live streams and not ongoing ones. To apply new rules to ongoing live streams, you need to stop them and push them again.
    For image recognition to be linked with a custom dictionary, the Image TAS strategy needs to be initiated, without which the linkage will not be effective. The image TAS by default, will perform OCR recognition and moderation on text in the screenshots from live screen. The default policy of Image TAS operates beyond the control of image recognition strategy and will audit all the non-compliant contents.

    Prerequisites for Use

    You have activated the Tencent CSS service and added a Pushing Domain Name.
    You have created a COS bucket. For more details, please refer to Creating a Bucket.

    Creating Live Stream Moderation Templates

    1. Log in to the CSS console and choose Feature Configuration > Content moderation from the left navigation bar.
    Since the CSS moderation service requires to store screenshots or audio data in the COS bucket, the initial creation of a moderation template necessitates the development of a service role, and authorizes CSS to have read and write access on COS. Access the CAM and click to authorize.
    2. Click Create template.
    3. A pop-up window will be generated to apply for resource authorization in the console. Please click Authorize Now in the pop-up window to go to the Role Management page.
    4. On the Role Management page, click Grant. After authentication, you can authorize COS resources and proceed to use the Live Stream Moderation service normally.
    5. After authorization, you will be redirected to the Create template page, where you can fill in the configuration items.


    Step 1: Configuring Moderation

    Click Create template to configure moderation:
    Configuration Item
    Template Name
    The template name can include up to 30 Chinese characters, letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
    Template Description
    The template description can include up to 100 Chinese characters, letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

    Step 2: Configuring Screencapture/Segment Policy

    In Screencapture/Segment policy, you can configure the auditing content based on your business requirements.
    Configuration Item
    Required Item
    Auditing Content Configuring
    Complete Audit
    Live Screen Auditing Only
    Screencapture interval. It refers to a time lapse of the auditing screencaputre in every two images during the live screen auditing process. The shorter the screencapture interval, the finer the auditing performs. Correspondingly, the auditing costs will increase.
    Screencapture interval. The value of it can range between 2-300 seconds. The default value is 2 seconds.
    AAS Only
    The audio auditing feature only supports Chinese.
    Audio segment duration. It refers to the length of each audio segment during the live stream AAS process. The length of the audio segments only affects the duration of the audio content returned by the moderation, not the billing process.
    Audio segment duration. The value of it can range between 15-60 seconds. The default value is 15 seconds.

    Step 3: Configuring Recognition Policy

    1. On recognition policy configuration page, you can configure policies for both Image Recognition and Audio Recognition based on your distinct business scenario requirements.
    2. The Image Recognition and Audio Recognition features under the recognition policy configuration can be expanded separately to select the dimensions you need for your recognition moderation.
    By selecting the corresponding category, the system will recognize and hit the content accordingly. Not selecting any category implies that no content is required to be recognized or hit.
    To bind a custom dictionary to the image recognition feature, turn the Image Recognition policy ON under Image Recognition Configuration. The binding will not take effect if the policy remains turned off.
    Image Recognition Configuration
    Audio Recognition Configuration
    3. In the drop-down list for associating an image recognition or audio recognition with a Use custom keyword library, you have the option to select a custom dictionary that has already been configured.
    In accordance with your business requirements, if a custom dictionary used for content recognition is needed, you may configure it in advance. For more information, please refer to the custom dictionary.
    4. After completing the configuration items in Storage, click Save to preserve the current template.
    Configuration Item
    Required Item
    Storage path
    Choose a COS bucket that you have created and authorized in COS.
    Region refers to the geographic information of the above Bucket, which is unalterable.
    Backup storage path
    You can enable the backup storage path. If the primary Bucket experiences issues causing content moderation to fail to store normally, the moderation return content will automatically be stored under the backup Bucket to prevent file loss. The backup Bucket is only enabled during a business anomaly, and only one copy of the audit content will be stored. The primary Region and backup Region cannot be identical.
    Click the input box to select a COS folder. The default is/Audit/{Year}-{Month}-{Day}/. Note: COS folder names only allow [a-z, A-Z, 0-9] characters and the symbols -,!, _,., * along with placeholders.
    File Name
    The file name format can be customized through parameter assembly. Default is:
    {StreamID}-Audit-{Hour}-{Minute}-{Second}{Ext}, wherein:
    {StreamID}: Stream ID
    {Audit}: Audit
    {Hour}: Audit time (Hour)
    {Minute}: Audit time (Minute)
    {Second}: Audit time (Second)
    {Ext}: Extension (.jpg)
    Note: It only accepts [a-z, A-Z, 0-9], symbols -,!,_,.,*, and placeholders.
    For example, if you enter the file format as {Hour}-{Minute}-{Second}-{Ext}, then a snapshot of the live stream was taken automatically at 14:00:00, and stored in COS with the filename as 140000.jpg.

    Binding Domain Names

    1. Log in to the CSS console and choose Feature Configuration > Content moderation from the left navigation bar.
    2. You can access the domain-binding window via the following methods:
    Direct Domain Association: Click on Bind Domain Name at the top left.
    Binding domain names after the successful creation of a new moderation template: after successfully creating a moderation template, click Bind Domain Name in the notification pop-up.
    3. In the Bind Domain Name window, select the desired Live Stream Moderation template and Push Domain, then click on Confirm to successfully bind them.
    You can click Add to associate multiple push domains with the current template.


    1. Log in to the CSS console and choose Feature Configuration > Content moderation from the left navigation bar.
    2. Select the live stream moderation template of the bound domain that you want to unbind, then click Unbind.
    3. Confirm it if you wish to unbind the current linked domain, and click Confirm to proceed with unbinding.

    Modifying a Template

    1. From the left navigation bar, choose Feature Configuration > Content moderation.
    2. Select the successfully created moderation template, click Edit on the right to go to modify the template information.

    Deleting a Template

    If the template has been associated, you must first Unbinding it before performing a deletion process.
    Note that a deleted template cannot be recovered. Proceed with caution.
    1. From the left navigation bar, choose Feature Configuration > Content moderation.
    2. Select the successfully created moderation template, click Delete in the upper part.
    3. Confirm it if you wish to delete the current moderation template, click Confirm to delete successfully.

    Related Operations

    Forspecific instructions and additional information on binding and unbinding moderation templates at the domain level, please refer to Live Streaming Review Configuration.
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