tencent cloud


Playback Configuration

Last updated: 2024-05-28 10:27:20
    After pushing a stream successfully, you can use the address generator of the CSS console to generate a playback URL (you need to enter the StreamName, which should be the same as the stream ID in the push URL).


    You have logged in to the CSS console.
    You have added a playback domain. For directions on how to add a domain, see Adding Your Own Domain Name.


    1. Select Domain Management on the left sidebar and click the name of your playback domain or click Manage on the right.
    2. Select Playback Configuration and, in Playback Address Generator, complete the following settings:
    2.1 You are required to select an encryption type . Make your choice based on your security needs and performance considerations. The options for encryption types include MD5 and SHA256, with MD5 being the default.
    2.2 Select the type of stream to play, which can be the original stream, the transcoded stream, or adaptive bitrate streams. If you select Transcoded stream, you need to specify a transcoding template. If you select Adaptive bitrate streams, you need to specify an adaptive bitrate template.
    2.3 Enter the StreamName.
    Only supports English letters, digits, and symbols.
    such as liveteststream. Make sure it’s the same as the StreamName in your push URL.
    2.4 After you select an adaptive bitrate template, the names of the streams in the template will be listed in descending order by bitrate.
    2.5 Select an URL Expiration Time, such as 2024-05-09 14:50:41 .
    The URL expiration time refers to the hex(time) in the authentication information, and modifying it will change the playback URL. The actual validity period is the sum of the URL expiration time and the authentication validity period. Beyond this actual validity period, new requests will be denied, preventing further streaming through that address.
    3. Click Generate Address.
    4. If you haven’t enabled authentication for your playback domain, in the Playback URL area on the same page, you can find playback URLs for RTMP, FLV, HLS, and UDP. Replace StreamName in the URLs with the stream ID in your push URL, and you can use the URLs to play the stream.
    For more information, see Live Playback.

    Playback URL Format

    Playback URL for the original stream

    RTMP format: `rtmp://domain/AppName/StreamName?txSecret=Md5(key+StreamName+hex(time))&txTime=hex(time)`
    FLV format: `http://domain/AppName/StreamName.flv?txSecret=Md5(key+StreamName+hex(time))&txTime=hex(time)`
    M3U8 format: `http://domain/AppName/StreamName.m3u8?txSecret=Md5(key+StreamName+hex(time))&txTime=hex(time)`
    UDP format: webrtc://domain/AppName/StreamName?txSecret=Md5(key+StreamName+hex(time))&txTime=hex(time)
    domain: Your playback domain name.
    AppName: The live streaming application name, which is live by default and is customizable.
    StreamName: The stream ID, which uniquely identifies a stream and is customizable.
    txSecret: The authentication string generated after playback authentication is enabled.
    txTime: The expiration timestamp of the playback URL configured in the console.
    If you have enabled authentication, the actual expiration time of a URL will be txTime plus the validity period of the authentication key.
    For the sake of convenience, the console allows you to specify the URL expiration time in human-readable format. If you enable authentication, when generating playback URLs, the system will convert it to a hex timestamp (the value of txTime).
    As long as you start push or playback before the expiration time and the stream is not interrupted, the push or playback can continue even after the URL expires.

    Playback URL for the transcoded stream

    If a transcoding template is bound to your playback domain, and you want to play the transcoded stream, you need to append the template name ( _transcoding template name) to the original playback URL.
    For example, if the original playback URL is http://domain/AppName/StreamName.flv?txSecret=Md5(key+StreamName+hex(time))&txTime=hex(time) and the name of the transcoding template bound is hd, the playback URL of the transcoded stream would be http://domain/AppName/StreamName_hd.flv?txSecret=Md5(key+StreamName_hd+hex(time))&txTime=hex(time) .

    Adaptive bitrate playback URL

    Only HLS and WebRTC are supported for adaptive bitrate playback. The URL formats for the two protocols are different.
    To get an HLS adaptive bitrate URL, add the template name ( _adaptive bitrate template name) after StreamName of the original playback URL. For example, suppose the original playback URL is http://domain/AppName/StreamName.m3u8?txSecret=Md5(key+StreamName+hex(time))&txTime=hex(time) and the name of the adaptive bitrate template bound is autobitrate. The HLS adaptive bitrate URL would be http://domain/AppName/StreamName_autobitrate.m3u8?txSecret=Md5(key+StreamName_autobitrate+hex(time))&txTime=hex(time) .
    The format of a WebRTC adaptive bitrate URL is:
    Playback domain (domain) + Application name (AppName, which is live by default), Stream ID (StreamName) + Authentication information + Adaptive bitrate stream names + Name of the initially played stream + Bitrate control mode.
    The adaptive stream names are listed in descending order by bitrate. Suppose the adaptive bitrate template bound has three streams. Their names are "test 1", "test 2", and "test 3", and their bitrates are 200 Kbps, 300 Kbps, and 400 Kbps respectively.The WebRTC adaptive bitrate URL would be:

    H.265 playback URL

    CSS supports pushing and playing H.265 streams. If the original stream is an H.264 stream, you can configure a transcoding template to transcode it into an H.265 stream. For details about how to do this in the console or by calling an API, see Live Remuxing and Transcoding.
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