tencent cloud


Cloud Streaming Services


Last updated: 2023-09-06 15:06:23

1. API Description

Domain name for API request: live.tencentcloudapi.com.

This API is used to create a recording task that starts and ends at specific times and records videos according to a specific recording template.

  • Prerequisites
  1. Because recording files are saved in VOD, you must first activate VOD.
  2. Storage and playback traffic fees are charged for storing and playing the videos recorded. For details, see Purchase Guide.
  • Notes
  1. If streaming is interrupted, the current recording will stop and a recording file will be generated. When streaming resumes, as long as it’s before the end time of the task, recording will start again.
  2. Avoid creating recording tasks with overlapping time periods. If there are multiple tasks with overlapping time periods for the same stream, the system will start three recording tasks at most to avoid repeated recording.
  3. Task records are kept for three months by the platform.
  4. Do not use the new CreateRecordTask, StopRecordTask, and [DeleteRecordTask] APIs together with the old CreateLiveRecord, StopLiveRecord, and DeleteLiveRecord APIs.
  5. Do not create recording tasks and push streams at the same time. After creating a recording task, we recommend you wait at least three seconds before pushing streams.

A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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2. Input Parameters

The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

Parameter Name Required Type Description
Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: CreateRecordTask.
Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2018-08-01.
Region Yes String Common Params. For more information, please see the list of regions supported by the product. This API only supports: ap-bangkok, ap-guangzhou, ap-hongkong, ap-jakarta, ap-mumbai, ap-seoul, ap-singapore, ap-tokyo, eu-frankfurt, na-ashburn, na-siliconvalley, na-toronto, sa-saopaulo.
StreamName Yes String Stream name.
DomainName Yes String Push domain name.
AppName Yes String Push path.
EndTime Yes Integer Recording end time in UNIX timestamp format. EndTime should be later than StartTime and the current time, and the duration between EndTime and StartTime is up to 24 hours.
StartTime No Integer Recording start time in UNIX timestamp format. Leaving this parameter empty means starting recording now. StartTime cannot be later than the current time plus 6 days.
StreamType No Integer Push type. Default value: 0. Valid values:
0: LVB push.
1: mixed stream, i.e., A + B = C mixed stream.
TemplateId No Integer Recording template ID, which is the returned value of CreateLiveRecordTemplate. If this parameter is left empty or incorrect, the stream will be recorded in HLS format and retained permanently by default.
Extension No String Extension field which is not defined now. It is empty by default.

3. Output Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
TaskId String A globally unique task ID. If TaskId is returned, the recording task has been successfully created.
RequestId String The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.

4. Example

Example1 Sample

Input Example

&<Common request parameters>

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "RequestId": "eac6b301-a322-493a-8e36-83b295459397",
        "TaskId": "UpTbk5RSVhRQFkAAfHwQCCjcRD0lRFcZ0xTSlNTQltlRVRLU1JAWW9EUb"

5. Developer Resources


TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

Command Line Interface

6. Error Code

The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Error Code Description
InternalError Internal error.
InternalError.GetConfigError Error getting the configuration.
InternalError.NetworkError Internal network error.
InvalidParameter Invalid parameter.
LimitExceeded.MaximumRunningTask The current number of concurrent tasks exceeds the limit.
ResourceNotFound.ForbidService You are blocked.
ResourceNotFound.FreezeService Service suspended.
ResourceNotFound.StopService The service has been suspended due to account arrears. Please top up it to a positive balance to activate the service first.
ResourceNotFound.UserDisableService You disabled the service.
ResourceUnavailable.InvalidVodStatus The VOD service has not been activated.
UnsupportedOperation Unsupported operation.
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