tencent cloud


Managing Data Job

Last updated: 2024-07-17 17:47:58
    This document describes how to manage a data job.
    Edit a data job.
    Start and stop a data job task.
    View the data job and task details.
    Delete a data job.

    Editing a data job

    A running data job cannot be edited.
    The type of a data job cannot be changed. To change it, create a new data job as instructed in Creating Data Job.
    1. Log in to the Data Lake Compute console, select the service region, and select Data job on the left sidebar.
    2. Find the target data job and click Edit.
    3. Edit the content and click Save.

    Starting and stopping a data job task

    You can start and stop a created data job to generate corresponding tasks. A data job can generate multiple task instances and be executed multiple times. Data task statuses are as follows:
    Not started
    Initial status after creation.
    The data task is running, during which the data job cannot be edited or deleted.
    The task is executed successfully.
    Failed to run the task. You can query the error message through the log or SparkUI.
    The task is manually canceled.
    You can start and stop a data job task in the following steps:
    1. Log in to the Data Lake Compute console, select the service region, and select Data job on the left sidebar.
    2. Find the target data job and click Start or Stop to change the task status.
    Starting a task instance will use compute engine resources. If the usage exceeds the configured upper limit, the task will be put into a queue.

    Viewing the Data Job and Task Details

    1. Log in to the Data Lake Compute console, select the service region, and select Data job on the left sidebar.
    2. Click Job name to enter the data job details page.
    On the details page, you can view the basic information and task list of the data job. The task list contains the data task information of the data job. You can view the task run log and SparkUI.
    Click Learn more or Task ID to view the task details, which include the basic information and run log of the task. Currently, the run log allows you to view the last 1,000 data entries.
    You can click Create download task to download the full log and click Log download to save the log locally.
    The download record will be saved for three days, after which you cannot save the log locally and need to create a new download task.

    Deleting a data job

    A data job with a running data task cannot be deleted.
    1. Log in to the Data Lake Compute console, select the service region, and select Data job on the left sidebar.
    2. Find the target data job, click Delete > OK.
    Note that deleting a data job will delete its data task information. Proceed with caution.
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