tencent cloud


Introduction of the Standard Engine System

Last updated: 2024-09-04 11:12:04
    The Standard Engine system is composed of several key components: Engine Network, Gateway, Resource Group, Endpoint, and Executor. Before using the DLC Standard Engine, you should understand these concepts:


    The table below provides a brief introduction to several key concepts within the Standard Engine system. For more detailed information, you can click the relevant links.
    The Engine Network is a managed private connection that deploys the gateway and the Standard Engine within a logically isolated network environment. Users can customize the IP address range and subnet of the Engine Network according to their business needs.
    The gateway, implemented based on the Kyuubi big data component, serves as the access point for the Standard Engine services, providing users with a more efficient and stable task submission experience.
    The Standard Engine is a type of computing resource provided by DLC that helps users quickly launch compute clusters of a certain scale. It offers comprehensive support for native syntax and behavior, allowing users familiar with the big data ecosystem to get started more quickly and use the system with ease.
    The Standard Spark Engine supports further on-demand division of engine resources through the use of resource groups. A resource group is a collection of a portion of the Standard Spark Engine's computing resources and corresponding configurations. SQL tasks can be submitted to a designated resource group for execution.
    Through a private connection, users can establish a link between their account's VPC and the Standard Engine's network, allowing tasks to be submitted via servers within that VPC.
    After an endpoint is created, any server within the user account's VPC associated with that endpoint can serve as an executor for task submissions.

    Task Submission Methods

    Users can submit tasks in various ways:
    1. Through JDBC on the executor, as shown in the diagram.
    2. Submit SQL tasks via the Data Exploration page in the DLC console.
    3. Submit Spark batch and streaming jobs via the Data Jobs page in the DLC console.
    4. Submit tasks through the TencentCloud API.

    Quick Purchase and Configuration of the Standard Engine

    1. If you are purchasing the Standard Engine for the first time, DLC recommends following the Standard Engine Configuration Guide in the documentation to quickly set up the Standard Engine.
    2. Once the purchase is completed, you can submit tasks via the Data Exploration page or the executor.
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