Stringstatement="SELECTdate_add('week',3,TIMESTAMP'2001-08-2203:04:05.321')";TasksInfotask=newTasksInfo();task.setTaskType("SQLTask");task.setSQL(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(statement.getBytes()));//Add the following parameter configuration.KVPairpair=newKVPair();pair.setKey("useHiveFunction");pair.setValue("false");task.setConfig(newKVPair[]{pair});CreateTasksRequestrequest=newCreateTasksRequest();request.setDatabaseName("");request.setDataEngineName(PRESTO_ENGINE);request.setTasks(task);
parameter in the JDBCURL path or use info.setProperty("presto.USEHIVEFUNCTION","false");
.Connectionconnection=DriverManager.getConnection(" intermediate parameter xx&presto.USEHIVEFUNCTION=true",info);Orinfo.setProperty("presto.USEHIVEFUNCTION","false");info.setPropertv("user","");info.setProperty("password","");
Function Name | Return Value | Function Feature Description |
abs(x) | Same as x | Return the absolute value of x. |
cbrt(x) | double | Return the cube root of x. |
ceil(x) | ceiling(x) | Same as x | Return the smallest integer greater than or equal to x. For example: ceil(2.2); -->3 |
cosine_similarity(x, y) | double | Return the cosine similarity of vectors x and y. For example: SELECT cosine_similarity(MAP(ARRAY['a'], ARRAY[1.0]), MAP(ARRAY['a'], ARRAY[2.0])); -->1.0 |
degrees(x) | double | Convert radians to degrees. |
e() | double | Return the constant e. |
exp(x) | double | Return e raised to the power of x |
floor(x) | Same as x | Return the largest integer less than or equal to x. For example: floor(2.2); -->2 |
ln(x) | double | Return the natural logarithm of x. |
log2(x) | double | Return the base-2 logarithm of x. |
log10(x) | double | Return the base-10 logarithm of x. |
mod(n, m) | Same as n | Return the remainder of n divided by m. |
pi() | double | Return the constant Pi. |
pow(x, p) | power(x, p) | double | Return x raised to the power of p. |
radians(x) | double | Convert angle x (in degrees) to radians. |
rand() | random() | double | Return a random value in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0. |
random(n) | Same as n | Return a random number between 0 and n (excluding n). |
secure_rand() | secure_random() | double | Return a random encrypted value in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0. |
secure_random(lower, upper) | Same as lower | Return a random encrypted value in the range lower <= x < upper, where lower < upper. |
round(x) | Same as x | Return the nearest integer to which x is rounded. |
round(x, d) | Same as x | Return x rounded to d decimal places. |
sign(x) | Same as x | Return the sign of x. If x > 0, return 1; if x < 0, return -1; if x = 0, return 0. |
sqrt(x) | double | Return the square root of x. |
truncate(x) | bigint | Return the number with the decimal part truncated. For example: truncate(4.9) --> 4 |
truncate(x, n) | double | Return x truncated to n decimal places. If n < 0, truncate to the left of the decimal point. For example: truncate(12.333, -1) --> 10.0; truncate(12.333, 0) --> 12.0; truncate(12.333, 1) --> 12.3; |
Function Name | Return Value | Function Feature Description |
length(b) | bigint | Return the binary length of b in bytes. |
concat(b1, ..., bN) | varbinary | Return the binary value by concatenating b1, ..., bN. |
substr(b, start) | varbinary | Return the binary value extracted from b starting at position start. If start > 0, the extraction starts from the beginning; if start < 0, the extraction starts from the end. |
substr(b, start, length) | varbinary | Return the binary value of length length extracted from b starting at position start. If start > 0, the extraction starts from the beginning; if start < 0, the extraction starts from the end. |
to_base64(b) | varchar | Convert binary data b to a base64 string. |
from_base64(string) | varbinary | Convert a base64 encoded string to binary data. |
to_base64url(b) | varchar | Use URL-safe characters to convert binary data b to a base64 string. |
from_base64url(string) | varbinary | Use URL-safe characters to convert a base64 encoded string to binary data. |
from_base32(string) | varbinary | Convert a base32 encoded string to binary data. |
to_base32(b) | varchar | Convert binary data b to a base32 string. |
to_hex(b) | varchar | Convert binary data b to a hexadecimal string. |
from_hex(string) | varbinary | Convert a hexadecimal encoded string to binary data. |
lpad(b, size, padb) | varbinary | Return binary data with padb concatenated to the left of b until the length reaches size. |
rpad(b, size, padb) | varbinary | Return binary data with padb concatenated to the right of b until the length reaches size. |
crc32(b) | bigint | Calculate the cyclic redundancy check value of the expression using the CRC32 algorithm. |
md5(b) | varbinary | Calculate the MD5 value of binary b. |
sha1(b) | varbinary | Calculate the SHA-1 value of binary b. |
sha256(b) | varbinary | Calculate the SHA-256 value of binary b. |
sha512(b) | varbinary | Calculate the SHA-512 value of binary b. |
xxhash64(b) | varbinary | Calculate the XXHash64 value of binary b. |
Function Name | Return Value | Function Feature Description |
bit_count(x, bits) | bigint | Return the position of the bit in x. |
bitwise_and(x, y) | bigint | Return the bitwise AND of x and y. |
bitwise_not(x) | bigint | Return the bitwise NOT of x. |
bitwise_or(x, y) | bigint | Return the bitwise OR of x and y. |
bitwise_xor(x, y) | bigint | Return the bitwise XOR of x and y. |
bitwise_left_shift(value, shift) | Same as input | Return the value of value left-shifted by shift bits. For example: bitwise_left_shift(TINYINT '7', 2) --> 28 |
bitwise_right_shift(value, shift) | Same as input | Return the value of value right-shifted by shift bits. For example: bitwise_right_shift(TINYINT '7', 2) -->1 |
Function Name | Return Value | Function Feature Description |
chr(n) | varchar | Return the Unicode character for n. |
codepoint(string) | integer | Return the Unicode value of the string. For example: codepoint('0') -->48 |
concat(string1, ..., stringN) | varchar | Return the concatenated string of string1, ..., stringN. |
length(string) | bigint | Return the length of the string. |
hamming_distance(string1, string2) | bigint | Return the number of differing characters at corresponding positions in two strings of the same length. For example: hamming_distance(abc, art) -->2 |
levenshtein_distance(string1, string2) | bigint | Return the minimum number of edits (insertions, deletions, substitutions) required to convert one string into another. For example: levenshtein_distance('ab', 'abcde') -->3 |
lower(string) | varchar | Return the string converted to lowercase. |
upper(string) | varchar | Return the string converted to uppercase. |
ltrim(string) | varchar | Delete leading spaces from the string. |
rtrim(string) | varchar | Return the string with trailing spaces deleted. |
trim(string) | varchar | Return the string with all spaces deleted. |
replace(string, search) | varchar | Delete all instances of the search character from the string. |
replace(string, search, replace) | varchar | Replace the search string with the replace string. For example: replace('abcavc', ‘a', ‘c') -->'cbccvc' |
reverse(string) | varchar | Return the string with its characters in reverse order. For example: reverse('abc') -->'cba' |
lpad(string, size, padstring) | varchar | Concatenate the left side of the string with a padstring until the string reaches the specified size. If size is less than the length of the string, the string is truncated to the specified size. |
rpad(string, size, padstring) | varchar | Concatenate the right side of the string with a padstring until the string reaches the specified size. If size is less than the length of the string, the string is truncated to the specified size. |
split(string, delimiter) | array | Return an array of substrings split by the delimiter. |
split(string, delimiter, limit) | array | Return an array of substrings split by the delimiter with a limit on the number of splits. If limit > 0, the last element contains the rest of the string. For example: select split('ab-cd-efg', '-', 2) -->['ab','cd-efg'] |
split_part(string, delimiter, index) | varchar | Return the substring at the specified index from the array split by delimiter. The index starts at 1. If index > array length, return null. For example: select split_part('ab-cd-efg', '-', 2) -->'cd' |
split_to_map(string, entryDelimiter, keyValueDelimiter) | map<varchar, varchar> | Return a map obtained by splitting the string using entryDelimiter and keyValueDelimiter. For example: select split_to_map('a:1,b:2', ',', ':') -->{'a':'1','b':'2'} |
split_to_map(string, entryDelimiter, keyValueDelimiter, function(K, V1, V2, R)) | map<varchar, varchar> | Return a map obtained by splitting the string using entryDelimiter and keyValueDelimiter. If there are duplicate keys, the value for each key is determined by the specified function. For example: split_to_map('a:1,b:2;a:3',‘,' , ':’, (k, v1, v2) -> v1)-->{'a':'1','b':'2'} |
substr(string, start) | varchar | Return the substring from the specified start position in the string. The position starts at 1. If start <0, counting starts from the end of the string. |
substr(string, start, length) | varchar | Return the substring of the specified length starting from the start position in the string. The position starts at 1. If start <0, counting starts from the end of the string. |
position(substring IN string) | bigint | Return the position of the first occurrence of substring in the string. The position starts at 1. If the position is not found, 0 is returned. |
strpos(string, substring) | bigint | Return the position of the first occurrence of substring in the string from left to right. The position starts at 1. If the position is not found, 0 is returned. For example: strpos('abcdefg', 'a') -->1 |
strpos(string, substring, instance) | bigint | Return the position of the instance-th occurrence of substring in the string from left to right. If instance >0, the position starts at 1. If the position is not found, 0 is returned. For example: strpos('abcaefg', 'ab',2) -->0 |
strrpos(string, substring) | bigint | Return the position of the first occurrence of substring in the string from right to left. The position starts at 1. If the position is not found, 0 is returned. For example: strpos('abcdefg', 'a') -->7 |
strrpos(string, substring, instance) | bigint | Return the position of the instance-th occurrence of substring in the string from right to left. If instance >0, the position starts at 1. If the position is not found, 0 is returned. For example: strpos('abcaefg', 'a',2) -->0 |
to_utf8(string) | varbinary | Convert the string to a UTF-8 encoded binary number. |
from_utf8(binary) | varchar | Convert the binary number to a UTF-8 encoded string, replacing invalid characters with the Unicode character U+FFFD. |
from_utf8(binary, replace) | varchar | Convert the binary number to a UTF-8 encoded string, replacing invalid characters with the replace. |
Function Name | Return Value | Function Feature Description |
current_date | date | Return the current date. |
current_time | time | Return the current time with time zone. |
current_timestamp | timestamp | Return the current timestamp with time zone. |
current_timezone() | varchar | Return the current time zone. |
date(x) | date | Return the current date. |
last_day_of_month(x) | date | Return the last day of the current month. |
from_unixtime(unixtime) | timestamp | Return the Unix timestamp. For example: from_unixtime(1475996660) -->2016-10-09 15:04:20.000 |
to_unixtime(timestamp) | double | Return the Unix timestamp of the timestamp. |
from_unixtime(unixtime, string) | timestamp | Return the timestamp from Unixtime, with the string specifying the time zone. For example: from_unixtime(1617256617,'Asia/Shanghai') -->2021-04-01 13:56:57.000 Asia/Shanghai |
from_iso8601_timestamp(string) | timestamp | Convert the string to a timestamp in ISO 8601 format. |
from_iso8601_date(string) | date | Convert the string to a date in ISO 8601 format. |
localtime | time | Return the current time. |
localtimestamp | timestamp | Return the current timestamp. |
now() | timestamp | Return the current timestamp with time zone. |
to_iso8601(x) | varchar | Return the ISO 8601 formatted string of x, where x can be a date, timestamp, or timestamp with time zone. |
date_trunc(unit, x) | Same as input | Return the time x truncated to the specified unit, which can be second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, or year. For example: date_trunc('hour', TIMESTAMP '2020-03-17 02:09:30') --> '2020-03-17 02:00:00' |
date_add(unit, value, timestamp) | Same as input | Return a new timestamp calculated by adding or subtracting the specified interval. A value >0 means adding, while a value <0 means subtracting. The unit can be millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, or year. For example: date_add('hour', 2, cast ('2023-07-20 20:22:22.022' as timestamp) -->'2023-07-20 22:22:22.022' |
date_diff(unit, timestamp1, timestamp2) | bigint | Return the time difference between two timestamps in the specified unit. The unit can be millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, or year. For example: date_diff('hour', cast ('2023-07-01 22:22:22' as timestamp) , cast ('2023-07-03 22:22:22' as timestamp) -->48 |
extract(field FROM x) | bigint | Return the time extracted from x based on the field. The field can be year, quarter, month, week, day, dow, doy, yow, hour, minute, second, timezone_hour, timezone_minute, day_of_week, day_of_year, or day_of_month. For example: extract(year from current_date) 2023 |
day(x) | bigint | Return the day of the month for x. |
day_of_month(x) | bigint | Return the day of the month for x. |
day_of_week(x) | bigint | Return the day of the week for x, ranging from 1 to 7. |
day_of_year(x) | bigint | Return the day of the year for x. |
dow(x) | bigint | Return the day of the week for x. Same as day_of_week(x) |
doy(x) | bigint | Return the day of the year for x. Same as day_of_year(x) |
hour(x) | bigint | Return the hour of the day for x, ranging from 0 to 23. |
millisecond(x) | bigint | Return the millisecond within the second for x. |
minute(x) | bigint | Return the minute of the hour for x. |
month(x) | bigint | Return the month of the year for x. |
quarter(x) | bigint | Return the quarter of the year for x. |
second(x) | bigint | Return the second of the minute for x. |
week(x) | bigint | Return the week of the year for x. |
week_of_year(x) | bigint | Return the week of the year for x. |
year(x) | bigint | Return the year for x. |
Function Name | Return Value | Function Feature Description |
array_distinct(x) | array | Delete duplicate occurrences of the value x from the array. |
array_intersect(x, y) | array | Return the distinct elements in the intersection of x and y. |
array_union(x, y) | array | Return the distinct elements in the union of x and y. |
array_except(x, y) | array | Return the distinct elements that are in x but not in y. (Difference) |
array_join(x, delimiter, null_replacement) | varchar | Concatenate the elements of the array x using the delimiter, replacing null values with null_replacement. null_replacement is an optional character. |
array_max(x) | x | Return the maximum value in the input array. |
array_min(x) | x | Return the minimum value in the input array. |
array_position(x, element) | bigint | Return the position (index) of the first occurrence of element in the array x (return 0 if not found). |
array_remove(x, element) | array | Delete all elements in the array x that are equal to element. |
array_sort(x) | array | Return the sorted array x. The elements of x must be sortable. Null elements will be placed at the end of the returned array. |
array_sort(array(T), function(T, T, int)) | array(T) | Return the array sorted according to the comparison function. For example: array_sort(ARRAY [3, 2, 5, 1, 2], (x, y) -> IF(x < y, 1, IF(x = y, 0, -1))) -->[5, 3, 2, 2, 1] |
arrays_overlap(x, y) | Boolean value | Check if arrays x and y have any common non-null elements. |
cardinality(x) | bigint | Return the cardinality (size) of the array. |
concat(array1, array2, ..., arrayN) | array | Concatenate array1, array2, ... and arrayN. |
contains(x, element) | Boolean value | Check if the array x contains the element |
element_at(array(E),index) | E | Return the element at the index position in the array. If index > 0, counting starts from the left; if index < 0, counting starts from the right. |
filter(array(T), funciton(T, boolean)) | array(T) | Return a new array consisting of elements for which the function returns true. For example: filter( array[5, -6, NULL, 7], x -> x > 0); --> [5, 7] |
repeat(element,count) | array | Count the number of times the element occurs. |
reverse(x) | array | Return the array x with elements in reverse order. |
sequence(start, stop, n) | array(bigint ) | Generate a sequence of integers from start to stop with step size n, which is optional and defaults to 1. If start is less than or equal to stop, increment by 1; otherwise, increment by -1. |
shuffle(x) | array | Shuffle the elements of the array. |
slice(x, start, length) | array | Return a slice of the array x starting from start position with a length of length. |
transform(array(T), function(T, U)) | array(U) | Return a new array where each element T in the array is transformed to U by the function. For example: transform(array [5, 6], x -> x + 1); -- [6, 7] |
Function Name | Return Value | Function Feature Description |
is_json_scalar(json) | boolean | Check if a JSON is a JSON number, JSON string, true, false, or null. For example: is_json_scalar('[1, 2, 3]') -->false |
json_array_contains(json, value) | boolean | Check if a value exists in a JSON (a string containing a JSON array). For example: json_array_contains('[1, 2, 3]', 2) -->true |
json_array_length(json) | bigint | Return the length of a JSON array (a string containing a JSON array). For example: json_array_length('[1, 2, 3]') --> 3 |
json_extract(json, json_path) | json | Evaluate a JSONPath-like expression json_path on a JSON (a string containing a JSON array) and return the result as JSON. For example: json_extract('{"log":{"file":{"path":"/etc/nginx/logs/access.log"},"offset":19991212}}', '$.log.file.path')--> "/etc/nginx/logs/access.log" |
json_extract_scalar(json, json_path) | varchar | Similar to json_extract(), but the result is returned as a string instead of a JSON string. The value referenced by json_path must be a boolean, number, or string. For example: json_extract_scalar('{"log":{"file":{"path":"/etc/nginx/logs/access.log"},"offset":19991212}}', '$.log.file.path') -->/etc/nginx/logs/access.log |
json_format(json) | varchar | Return JSON text serialized from the input JSON value. This is the inverse function of json_parse(). For example: json_format(JSON '[1, 2, 3]') -->[1,2,3] |
json_parse(string) | json | Return a JSON value deserialized from the input JSON text. This is the inverse function of json_format(). For example: json_parse('[1, 2, 3]') -->[1,2,3] |
json_size(json, json_path) | bigint | Similar to json_extract(), but the size of the value is returned. For objects or arrays, the size is the number of members. For scalar values, the size is zero. For example: json_size('{"x": [1, 2, 3]}', '$.x') -->3 |
Function Name | Return Value | Function Feature Description |
arbitrary(x) | Same as input | Return any non-null value of x if it exists. |
array_agg(x) | array[x] | |
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