Hive 3.1 Function Name | Function Feature Description | DLC Function Name | Difference Description | Usage Reference |
round | Rounding to the nearest integer | No differences | select round(1.23); | |
round | Rounding to a specified number of decimal places | No differences | select round(1.234,2); | |
bround | Rounding in HALF_EVEN mode | In the DLC function, bround requires two parameters, with the second parameter specifying the number of decimal places to retain. Setting the second parameter to 0 has the same effect as bround(double a) in Hive. | select bround(1.237,0); | |
bround | Rounding in HALF_EVEN mode, retaining the specified number of decimal places | No differences | select bround(1.237,2); | |
floor | Rounding down | No differences | select floor(1.23); | |
ceil, ceiling | Rounding up | No differences | select ceil(1.93); select ceiling(1.13); | |
rand | Return a random number between 0 and 1. If a seed is specified, it returns a stable sequence of random numbers. | No differences | select rand(); select rand(5); | |
exp | e raised to the power of a | No differences | select exp(1); select exp(2.4); | |
ln | Natural logarithm function | No differences | select ln(2.4); | |
log10 | Base-10 logarithm function | No differences | select log10(2.4); | |
log2 | Base-2 logarithm function | No differences | select log2(2.4); | |
log | Logarithm function | No differences | select log(2,4); | |
pow, power | Power function | No differences | select pow(2,4); | |
sqrt | Square root function | No differences | select sqrt(4); | |
bin | Binary function | No differences | select bin(4); | |
hex | Hexadecimal function | No differences | select hex(10); | |
unhex | Hexadecimal to string conversion | The result needs to be decoded in DLC Spark functions. | select decode(unhex('3141'), 'UTF-8'); | |
conv | Base conversion | No differences | select conv(2,10,2); | |
abs | Absolute value | No differences | select abs(-1); | |
pmod | Modulus | No differences | select pmod(5,3); | |
sin | Trigonometric function sin, with a in radians | No differences | select sin(3.14); | |
asin | Trigonometric function arc sin, with a in radians | No differences | select asin(0.5); | |
cos | Trigonometric function cos, with a in radians | No differences | select cos(3.14); | |
acos | Trigonometric function arc cos, with a in radians | No differences | select acos(1); | |
tan | Trigonometric function tan, with a in radians | No differences | select tan(3.14); | |
atan | Trigonometric function arc tan, with a in radians | No differences | select atan(1); | |
degrees | Radians to degrees | No differences | select degrees(3.14); | |
radians | Degrees to radians | No differences | select radians(180); | |
positive | Return a. | No differences | select positive(-1); | |
negative | Return -a. | No differences | select negative(1); | |
sign | If a is positive, it returns 1.0; if a is negative, it returns -1.0. If a is 0, then it returns 0.0. | No differences | select sign(1.12); | |
e | Return the natural constant e. | No differences | select e(); | |
pi | Return the value of pi. | No differences | select pi(); | |
factorial | Factorial | No differences | select factorial(5); | |
cbrt | Cube root | No differences | select cbrt(27); | |
shiftleft | Left shift | No differences | select shiftleft(3,1); | |
shiftright | Right shift | No differences | select shiftright(3,1); | |
shiftrightunsigned | Unsigned right shift | No differences | select shiftrightunsigned(3,1); | |
greatest | Return the maximum value. | When there are null values among the parameters, the DLC function ignores null values and returns the maximum value excluding nulls, whereas the Hive function returns null. | select greatest(1,2,3.3); | |
least | Return the minimum value. | When there are null values among the parameters, the DLC function ignores null values and returns the minimum value excluding nulls, whereas the Hive function returns null. | select least(1,2,3.3); | |
width_bucket | Bucket value. Create num_buckets + 1 buckets of equal size based on min_value/max_value, and return the bucket number where the current value resides. | No differences | select width_bucket(10,1,20,2); |
Hive 3.1 Function Name | Function Feature Description | DLC Function Name | Difference Description | Usage Reference |
size | Return the size of a map/array. | No differences | select size(str_to_map('a:1,b:2')); | |
map_keys | Return the list of keys in a map. | No differences | select map_keys(str_to_map('a:1,b:2')); | |
map_values | Return the list of values in a map. | No differences | select map_values(str_to_map('a:1,b:2')); | |
array_contains | Check if the array contains value. | No differences | select array_contains(split('a,b',','),'a'); | |
sort_array | Sort the elements in the array in ascending order. | No differences | select sort_array(split('1,3,2',',')); |
Hive 3.1 Function Name | Function Description | DLC Function Name | Difference Description | Usage Reference |
binary | Convert the input parameter to a binary array. | Hive 3.1 only supports input parameters of type string and binary, while DLC supports input parameters of type string, int, long, and binary. In Hive 3.2, the output parameter is converted to a string for display, whereas DLC's output parameter is a binary array and is not converted to a string. | select binary('testString') select binary(1) (not supported in HIVE) select binary(inputCol) from inputTable (not supported in HIVE) | |
cast | Force the input parameter to be converted to the specified type. An error is thrown if the given expression or value cannot be forcefully converted to the specified type. For example, a string-to-long conversion error: Cast function cannot convert value of type VARCHAR(65536) to type LONG. | In Hive 3.1, failed force conversions return NULL, whereas in DLC, an error is reported. | select cast('10' as int)select cast(inputCol as int) from inputTable |
Hive 3.1 Function Name | Function Feature Description | DLC Corresponding Function Name | Difference Description | Usage Reference |
from_unixtime | Convert a numeric Unix time (representing the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) to a string in the specified format. The default output time format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, and the timezone is the system-defined timezone. | No differences | select from_unixtime(12458456) select from_unixtime(100, 'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ssZ') | |
unix_timestamp | Specify a time, or default to the current time, and return the number of seconds from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC to the specified time. | No differences | select unix_timestamp() select unix_timestamp('2023-04-12 00:00:00') select unix_timestamp('2023-04-12', 'yyyy-MM-dd') | |
to_date | Specify a time and return the date of that time. For example, the date for 2023-04-12 13:14:20 is 2023-04-12. | The to_date function in HIVE can only accept input in the specified format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. For any other formats, NULL is returned. DLC can accept an additional parameter to specify the data format, making the input time format more flexible. | select to_date('2023-04-12 19:41:23') select to_date('20230412 19:41', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm') (not supported in HIVE) select to_date('20230412 19:41', 'yyyyMMdd HH:mm') (not supported in HIVE) | |
year | Specify a time and return the year of that time. For example, the year for 2023-04-12 13:14:20 is 2023. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. | select year('2023-04-12 19:41:25') select year('2023-04') (not supported in HIVE) | |
quarter | Specify a time and return the quarter of that time. For example, the quarter for 2023-04-12 13:14:20 is 2. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. | select quarter('2023-04-12 19:41') select quarter('2023-04') (not supported in HIVE) | |
month | Specify a time and return the month of that time. For example, the month for 2023-04-12 13:14:20 is 4. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. When the month exceeds 12 in the time format, HIVE calculates the difference with the last month and takes the remainder, whereas DLC returns NULL. | select month('2023-04-12 19:41') select month('2023-04') (not supported in HIVE) | |
day/dayofmonth | Specify a time and return the day of that time. For example, the day for 2023-04-12 13:14:20 is the 12th day of the month. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. When the day exceeds the number of days in the month in the time format, HIVE takes the remainder of the number of days in the month, whereas DLC returns NULL. | select day('2023') (not supported in HIVE) select dayofmonth('2023-04-12 19:41') select day('2023-04-12 19:41') | |
hour | Specify a time and return the hour of that time. For example, the hour for 2023-04-12 13:14:20 is the 13th hour. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. When the hour exceeds 23 in the time format, HIVE takes the remainder of 23, whereas DLC returns NULL. | select hour('2023-04-12 19:41') select hour('2023-04') (not supported in HIVE) | |
minute | Specify a time and return the minute of that time. For example, the minute for 2023-04-12 13:14:20 is the 14th minute. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. When the minute exceeds 59 in the time format, HIVE takes the remainder of 60, whereas DLC returns NULL. | select minute('2023-04-12 00:41') select minute('2023-04') (not supported in HIVE) | |
second | Specify a time and return the second of that time. For example, the second for 2023-04-12 13:14:20 is the 20th second. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. When the second exceeds 59 in the time format, HIVE takes the remainder of 60, whereas DLC returns NULL. | select second('2023-04-12 00:41:24') select second('2023-04') (not supported in HIVE) | |
weekofyear | Specify a time and return the week of the year for that time. For example, 2023-04-12 13:14:20 is the 15th week of 2023. Note that the first Monday of the year is considered the start of the first week. If the date is before the first Monday of the year, it is considered the 52nd week of the previous year. For example, if 2023-01-01 is a Sunday, weekofyear('2023-01-01') returns 52 (the 52nd week of the previous year), while weekofyear('2023-01-02') returns 1 (the first week of the current year). | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. | select weekofyear('2023-04-12 00:41:25') select weekofyear('2023-04') (not supported in HIVE) | |
extract | extract(field from source) extracts the specified field from the input source time or interval. | HIVE and DLC versions currently do not support adjusting precision. When the DATE or TIMESTAMP identifier is explicitly specified, if the date or time format does not match, DLC throws an error, whereas HIVE returns 0. When HIVE calculates INTERNAL intervals, if the field is not present in the source, it automatically calculates the remainder, while DLC throws an error. For example, when the year field is extracted from an interval of 24 months, HIVE returns 2 years, while DLC throws an error stating the field does not exist. | select extract(DAY FROM DATE '2023-04-12') select extract(second from TIMESTAMP '2023-04-12 00:41:25') select extract(month from interval '23-1' YEAR TO MONTH) select extract(month from interval '23' MONTH) select extract(year from interval '23' MONTH) (not supported in DLC) select extract(hour from interval '23 13:23:34.34784' DAY TO SECOND) | |
datediff | Calculate the number of days between startDate and endDate. If startDate is later than endDate, a negative number is returned. If any input is NULL, NULL is returned. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. | select datediff('2021', '2022-10') (not supported in HIVE) select datediff('2023-04-13', '2022-04-13 11:00:00') | |
from_utc_timestamp | Given a timestamp in UTC, convert it to the time in the specified time zone timeZone. If any input is NULL, NULL is returned. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. HIVE returns the time as a string in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. DLC returns the UTC standard representation, for example, for the Shanghai time zone, it is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+08:00. | select from_utc_timestamp('2023-04', 'Asia/Seoul') select from_utc_timestamp('2023-04-12 15:00:00', 'Asia/Shanghai') | |
to_utc_timestamp | Given a timestamp in the time zone timeZone, convert it to the UTC standard time timestamp. If any input is NULL, NULL is returned. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. HIVE returns the time as a string in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. DLC returns the UTC standard representation, for example, for the Shanghai time zone, it is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+08:00. | select to_utc_timestamp('2023-04-12 15:00:00', 'Asia/Shanghai') select to_utc_timestamp('2023-04', 'Asia/Shanghai') (not supported in HIVE) | |
date_add | Date addition: Given a startDate date, return the date after adding numDays days. numDays can be negative. If any input is NULL, NULL is returned. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. | select date_add('2023-04-12 15:00:00', 1) select date_add('2023-04', -1) (not supported in HIVE) | |
date_sub | Date subtraction: Given a startDate date, return the date after subtracting numDays days. numDays can be negative. If any input is NULL, NULL is returned. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. | select date_sub('2023-04-12 15:00:00', 1) select date_sub('2023-04', -1) (not supported in HIVE) | |
current_date | Return the current date. | No differences | select current_date() | |
current_timestamp | Return the current time. | No differences | select current_timestamp() | |
add_months | Calculate the date after adding a specified number of months to a given date (or time). If the input is NULL, NULL is returned. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. | select add_months('2023-04-12 15:00:00', 1) select add_months('2023-04', -1) (not supported in HIVE) | |
last_day | Calculate the last day of the month for a given date. If the input is NULL, NULL is returned. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. | select last_day('2023-04-12 15:00:00') select last_day('2023-04') (not supported in HIVE) | |
next_day | Calculate the date of the first day_of_week after the specified date, where day_of_week can be any day from Monday to Sunday. If any input is NULL, NULL is returned. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. | select next_day('2023-04-12 15:00:00') select next_day('2023-04') (not supported in HIVE) | |
trunc | Calculate the first day of the specified date truncated to the given format (e.g., year, quarter, month, week, etc.), such as the first day of the quarter, month, or week. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. HIVE does not support truncation to WEEK. | select trunc('2023-04-12 15:00:00', 'MONTH') select trunc('2023-04', 'YEAR') (not supported in HIVE) | |
- | Calculate the time of the first day of the specified date truncated to the given format (e.g., year, quarter, month, week, etc.), such as midnight on the first day of the quarter. Unlike the trunc method, date_trunc returns the time. | HIVE does not support this function, see the trunc function. | select date_trunc('MM', '2023-04-12 15:00:00') select date_trunc('SECOND', '2023-04-12 15:00:60') | |
months_between | Calculate the number of months between date1 and date2. If date1 < date2, a negative number is returned. Note that for the calculation, each month is estimated as 31 days (i.e., the denominator is 31). The numerator is the actual time difference between the two dates, precise to the millisecond. The final result is a decimal. If any input is NULL, NULL is returned. | HIVE does not support input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats but supports other time or date formats. DLC supports input in yyyy or yyyy-MM formats. | select months_between('2023-04-12 15:00:00', '2023-04-12 15:00:00') select months_between('2023-04', '2023-04-12 15:00:00') (not supported in HIVE) | |
date_format | According to the specified formatting template fmt (see
Datetime Patterns for Formatting and Parsing, format the entered date. If any input is NULL, NULL is returned. | When the date or time format is incorrect, or the fmt template format is incorrect, HIVE returns NULL, whereas DLC throws an error. | select date_format('2023-04-12 15:00:00', 'y') select date_format('2023-04-12', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm') |
Hive 3.1 Function Name | Function Feature Description | DLC Function Name | Difference Description | Usage Reference |
if | Return valueTrue if the condition is true; otherwise, return valueFalseOrNull. | When the condition is NULL, HIVE treats the condition as false, whereas DLC throws an error. | select if(1<2, 12, 'false') | |
isnull | Return true if a is NULL; otherwise, return false. | No differences | select isnull('false') | |
isnotnull | Return true if a is not NULL; otherwise, return false. | No differences | select isnotnull('false') | |
nvl | If the value is NULL, return the second parameter. | No differences | select nvl(NULL, 'false') select nvl(1, 'false') | |
coalesce | Return the first non-NULL parameter. | No differences | select coalesce(NULL, 'false') | |
case/when | Match evaluation | case/when | When the types of the match selection are different, HIVE only supports implicit conversion between integers and strings, whereas DLC also supports implicit conversion for boolean types, etc. | select CASE 'c' WHEN 'a' THEN 1 WHEN 'b' THEN 2 ELSE 0 END; select CASE WHEN 1 > 0 THEN 1 WHEN 2 > 0 THEN 2.0 ELSE 1.2 END; |
nullif | Return null if the parameters a = b; otherwise, return a. | HIVE does not support the first parameter being NULL, whereas DLC supports any parameter being NULL. | select nullif(1, 'test'); select nullif(NULL, 'test'); (not supported in HIVE) | |
assert_true | Throw an exception if the condition is not true; otherwise, return null. | No differences | select assert_true(1>0) |
Hive 3.1 Function Name | Function Feature Description | DLC Corresponding Function Name | Difference Description | Usage Reference |
ascii | Return the numerical value of the first string in str. | No differences | select ascii('222'); | |
base64 | Convert the parameter from binary to a base64 string. | No differences | select base64('tencent'); | |
character_length | Return the number of UTF-8 characters contained in str. | No differences | select char_length(binary('tencent')); | |
chr | Return a binary character equivalent to A. | No differences | select chr(65); | |
concat | Return a string or byte sequence that concatenates the parameters passed as strings or bytes in order. | No differences | select concat('Spark', 'SQL'); | |
context_ngrams | Given a contextual N-grams, return the top k contextual N-grams from a set of tokenized sentences. | No differences | - | |
concat_ws | Return a string separated by sep. | No differences | select concat_ws(' ', 'tencent', 'dlc'); | |
decode | Decode the first parameter into a string using the provided character sets (one of US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, and UTF-16). If any parameter is NULL, the result is also NULL. | No differences | select decode(encode('abc', 'utf-8'), 'utf-8'); | |
elt | | | | |
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