-- Insert Using a VALUES Clause
('Ashua Hill', '456 Erica Ct, Cupertino', 111111),
('Brian Reed', '723 Kern Ave, Palo Alto', 222222);
-- Insert Using a SELECT Statement
INSERT OVERWRITE students PARTITION (student_id = 222222)
SELECT name, address FROM persons WHERE name = "Dora Williams"
-- Insert Using a TABLE Statement
INSERT OVERWRITE students TABLE visiting_students
-- Insert with a column list
INSERT OVERWRITE students (address, name, student_id) VALUES
('Hangzhou, China', 'Kent Yao', 11215016)
-- Insert with both a partition spec and a column list
INSERT OVERWRITE students PARTITION (student_id = 11215016) (address, name) VALUES
('Hangzhou, China', 'Kent Yao Jr.')
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