Error Code | Error Description |
50000 | Business system error. Please retry or submit a ticket to contact us. |
50001 | Parameter not found or parameter is empty. |
50002 | The specified file path format is not compliant. Currently, only cosn:// or lakefs:// is supported. |
50003 | The specified file compression format is not compliant. Currently, only tar.gz, tar, or tgz is supported. |
50004 | Date parameter error, such as the end time is earlier than the start time. |
50005 | Invalid number of filter conditions. When filters are specified, there should be at least 1 and no more than 5 conditions. |
50006 | Specified parameter Base64 decoding failed. Please convert to Base64 encoding. |
50007 | The specified time format is not compliant. Currently, only YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS is supported. |
50008 | This is an allowlist feature. Please contact us to enable it. |
50009 | The specified URL format is not compliant. See the example: //ip:port/xxx. |
50010 | The specified FiltersKey is not supported. Please see the API documentation. |
50011 | Filter.Value cannot be empty. |
51001 | The specified script name exceeds the length limit, which should be 128 characters or fewer. |
51002 | The specified script status type does not match. Currently supported types are 0: Initialization; 1: Completed; 2: Deleted. |
51003 | The specified script enable status does not match. Currently supported types are 0: Disabled and 1: Enabled. |
51004 | The specified ViewKey type does not match. Currently supported types are BatchId, SessionSQL, ComputerEngine, ComputeResource, DataAmount, DataNumber, DeployStatus, SubmitTime, TotalTime and UsedTime. |
51005 | The user does not have permissions to modify the current script. |
51006 | The specified script does not exist. Please adjust and try again. |
51007 | The specified script already exists. Please adjust and try again. |
51008 | When you change the script name, IsMove must be set to 1. |
53001 | The current file compression format is not supported. Supported formats are snappy, gzip, and none. |
53002 | The current file format is not supported. Supported formats are json, csv, avro, orc, and parquet. |
53003 | COS path error. Please check whether the COS path is correct. |
53004 | COS file error. Please select the file again. |
53005 | |
53006 | The specified data connection type is not supported. Currently supported types are DataLakeCatalog, Mysql, HiveCos, HiveHdfs, HiveCHdfs, PostgreSql, SqlServer, and ClickHouse. |
53007 | Metadata error. Please retry, or submit a ticket to contact us. |
53008 | Data governance error. Please retry, or submit a ticket to contact us. |
53009 | System file error. Please retry, or submit a ticket to contact us. |
53010 | Data source connection configuration error. Please retry, or submit a ticket to contact us. |
53011 | Data source connection is not unique. Please retry, or submit a ticket to contact us. |
53012 | Data source connection does not exist. Please retry, or submit a ticket to contact us. |
53013 | The specified filter condition is not supported. Please see the API documentation for parameters. |
53014 | Invalid DecimalType setting: Precision must be greater than or equal to Scale, and Precision must be less than 38. |
53015 | Invalid table format. Currently supported formats are TextFile, CSV, Json, Parquet, ORC, and AVRO. |
53016 | The current user does not have permissions to create UDFs. Please obtain authorization and try again. |
53017 | The current user does not have permissions to modify UDFs. Please obtain authorization and try again. |
53018 | The current user does not have permissions to delete UDFs. Please obtain authorization and try again. |
53019 | UDF parameter error |
53020 | UDF duplication |
53021 | |
53022 | The view does not exist. Please retry, or submit a ticket to contact us. |
53023 | The directory already exists. |
53024 | The current user does not have permissions to delete the directory. |
53025 | The directory does not exist. |
53026 | The current user is not allowed to modify the directory; only administrators or the creator can modify. |
53027 | The parent directory does not exist. |
53028 | Table path configuration error. Please check and reset the path. |
53029 | Table format configuration error. Only one format can be set. |
53030 | Table name configuration error. The table name must be 128 bytes or fewer. |
53031 | Field type configuration error. Supported types are
string, tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, boolean, float, double, decimal, timestamp, date, binary, array<>, map<>, struct<>, and uniontype<>. |
53032 | Field count configuration error. The number of fields must be 4096 or fewer. |
53033 | Field name configuration error. Field names must be 128 bytes or fewer. |
53034 | The table does not exist. Please retry, or submit a ticket to contact us. |
53035 | Function name must consist of alphanumeric characters or underscores, and be no longer than 20 characters. |
53036 | Function class name format error. A fully qualified Java class name is required. |
53037 | Only JAR file types are supported for packages. |
53038 | TableType configuration error. Supported types are TABLE, VIEW, MANAGED_TABLE, EXTERNAL_TABLE, LAKEFS, ICEBERG, HIVE, and OTHER. |
53039 | |
55001 | The Spark Shuffle storage path not found. Please go to the Console > Data Explorer page > Storage Configuration to set it up. |
55002 | The Warehouse storage path not found. Please go to the Console > Data Explorer page > Storage Configuration to set it up. |
56001 | Specified task resources exceed the remaining cluster resource limits. Please adjust and retry. |
56002 | The specified Spark task does not exist. Please adjust and retry. |
56003 | The specified Spark task already exists. Please adjust and retry. |
56004 | The specified Spark task type does not match. Currently supported types are 1: Batch Tasks; 2: Streaming Tasks; 3: PySpark Tasks; 4: SQL Tasks |
56005 | The specified Spark task package file format does not match. Currently, only .jar or .py files are supported. |
56006 | The specified Spark task Filter.Key does not match. Currently supported keys are spark-app-type, user-name, spark-job-name, spark-job-id, and key-word. |
56007 | Spark tasks can only be run using the Spark Job Engine. |
56008 | The specified Spark task sorting type does not match. Currently supported types are create-time, update-time, user-name, and data-engine-name. |
56009 | The specified Spark task IsInherit type does not match. Currently supported values are 0: Inherit; 1: Do not inherit. |
56010 | The specified Spark task RoleArn does not exist. Please adjust and retry. |
56011 | The specified TCR Spark image format does not match. See the example: my-image/ndf/python/latest. |
56012 | Insufficient resources for the specified Spark job. Please adjust driver/executor specifications. |
57001 | The current statement only supports SQL type. |
57002 | SQL script Base64 decoding failed. Please convert to Base64 encoding. |
57003 | SQL parameter preprocessing failed. |
57004 | The number of submitted SQL statements must be between 1 and 50. |
57005 | Failed to obtain the result storage path. Please go to the Console > Data Exploration Page to set it up. |
57006 | The current session only supports the following types: spark, pyspark, sparkr, and sql. |
57007 | The specified DriverSize specification only supports small, medium, large, xlarge, m.small, m.medium, m.large, and m.xlarge. |
57008 | The specified ExecutorSize specification only supports small, medium, large, xlarge, m.small, m.medium, m.large, and m.xlarge. |
57009 | The specified dynamic number of EXECUTORS must be set to the current maximum value. |
57010 | The current task only supports running on the Spark batch job engine. |
57011 | Insufficient resources to create the session, please adjust the driver/executor specification. |
57012 | Session not found. |
57013 | Session state is dead. |
57014 | The specified interactive SQL task does not exist. |
57015 | The specified SortBy type for the interactive SQL task does not match. Currently supported types are create-time and resource-usage. |
57016 | The specified interactive SQL task Filter.Key does not match. Currently supported keys are task-sql-keyword, task-operator, batch-id, session-id, and task-state. |
57017 | The specified interactive SQL task is not unique. |
58001 | The specified engine does not exist. |
58002 | The specified engine already exists. |
58003 | The specified engine is not running. |
58004 | The specified ENI resource does not exist. |
58005 | The specified ENI resource already exists. |
58006 | The specified RoleArn does not exist. |
58007 | The specified isPublic value does not match. Currently supported values are 1: Public; 2: Private |
58008 | The specified cluster image version does not exist. |
58009 | The specified cluster image version already exists. |
58010 | The specified state value does not match. Currently supported values are 1: Initializing; 2: Online; 3: Offline |
58011 | The specified engine type does not match. Currently supported types are SparkSQL, PrestoSQL, and SparkBatch. |
58012 | The specified cluster image session configuration does not exist. |
58013 | The specified cluster image session configuration already exists. |
58014 | The default engine not found. |
58015 | The specified cluster image UserRecords value does not match. Currently supported values are 1: parentVersion; 2: childVersion; 3: pySpark |
58016 | The specified cluster image ParameterSubmitMethod does not match. Currently supported values are 1: session; 2: common; 3: cluster |
58017 | The specified cluster image ParameterSubmitMethod does not match. Currently supported values are User and BackGround. |
58018 | The specified cluster parameter is invalid. Please check and retry. |
58019 | The specified cluster parameter already exists. |
58020 | The specified cluster is not in a running status. |
58021 | The specified cluster is not multi-versioned and does not support this operation. |
58022 | The specified cluster is not of the Spark batch job type and does not support this operation. |
58023 | The specified cluster configuration instance does not exist. |
58024 | The specified cluster configuration instance already exists. |
58025 | The specified cluster has unfinished tasks. Please wait for the tasks to complete and retry. |
58026 | The specified cluster configuration has not changed. |
58027 | The specified cluster billing type does not match. Currently supported values are 0: Postpaid; 1: Prepaid |
58028 | The specified cluster image constant format is not in JSON. |
58029 | The specified cluster image session parameter format is not in JSON. |
58030 | The specified cluster ExecType does not match. Currently supported values are SQL or BATCH. |
58031 | The specified cluster image Config operation mode does not match. Currently supported values are 1: Modify Session configuration; 2: Modify Cluster configuration |
58032 | The specified cluster image is not activated. |
58033 | The specified cluster image name does not meet the required standards. |
58034 | The specified private settings for the cluster image already exist. |
58035 | The specified cluster specification does not meet the required standards. |
58036 | The specified cluster image parameter does not exist. |
58037 | The specified cluster image Cluster parameter format is not in JSON. |
58038 | The specified cluster image operation does not match. Currently supported operations are InitImage, UpgradeImage, SwitchImage, RollbackImage, and ModifyResource. |
58039 | The specified cluster type does not match. Currently supported types are spark and presto. |
58040 | The specified cluster specification type does not match. Currently supported types are Standard_CU (General) and Memory_CU (Memory-optimized; not supported for SQL type clusters) |
58041 | The specified cluster resource type does not match. Currently supported types are spark_cu (for Spark clusters) and presto_cu (for Presto clusters). |
58042 | The specified cluster elasticity number does not match. The minimum cluster size should be greater than 1, the maximum should be 10 or fewer, and the maximum should be greater than the minimum. |
58043 | The specified cluster elasticity specification does not match. The upper limit of the specified elastic specification should be less than the cluster specification. |
58044 | The specified cluster CIDR format does not match. See the example: |
58045 | The specified cluster start/stop policy is invalid. If the auto-suspend policy is enabled, the scheduled start/stop policy cannot be enabled, and vice versa. |
58046 | The specified cluster scheduled suspend policy is invalid. Currently supported options are 1: Suspend after tasks are completed; 2: Force suspend (tasks will fail) |
58047 | The specified unit for cluster resource usage duration does not match. Postpaid: h; Prepaid: m. The default is h. |
58048 | The specified cluster resource usage duration does not match. Postpaid: must be set to 3600; Prepaid: the minimum is 1 (representing one month) and the maximum is 120. The default is 3600. |
58049 | The specified cluster billing mode does not match. Currently supported modes are 1: Pay-as-you-go; 2: Monthly or annual subscription |
58050 | The specified cluster auto-renewal mode does not match. Postpaid does not require renewal and must be set to 0. For prepaid: 0 indicates manual renewal; 1 indicates automatic renewal; 2 indicates no renewal. |
58051 | The specified cluster auto-suspend policy does not match. Subscription clusters do not support this. |
58052 | The specified cluster auto-start policy does not match. Subscription clusters do not support this. |
58053 | The specified postpaid cluster policy does not match. Subscription clusters do not support this. |
58054 | |
58055 | EMR-LIVY cluster limit exceeded. |
58056 | This feature is only supported by batch job clusters. |
58057 | User does not exist. Please enter a valid user. |
58058 | The specified NetworkConnectionType is invalid. Currently supported values are 2: Cross-source; 4: Enhanced |
58059 | This VPC is already bound to the specified data engine. |
58060 | No runnable EKS cluster exists. |
58061 | Unsupported Hive version. Supported versions are 2.1.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.5, 2.3.7, 3.1.1, 3.1.2. |
58062 | Cloud Ladder users do not support this operation. |
58063 | Information.type is invalid. Currently supported values are User, Group, DataAuth, EngineAuth, and RowFilter. |
58064 | DatasourceConnectionType is invalid. Currently supported values are Mysql, HiveCos, HiveHdfs, HiveCHdfs, Kafka, MysqlEni, OtherDatasourceConnection, PostgreSql, TDSQLPostgreSql, SqlServer, ClickHouse, and Elasticsearch. |
58506 | CIDR is invalid. |
59001 | The current user does not have permissions to grant authorization. |
59002 | The current user does not have permissions to revoke authorization. |
59003 | The current user does not have permissions to perform this operation. |
59004 | The current user does not have permissions to add users to the workgroup. |
59005 | No permission to bind a job to a user. |
59006 | The user does not have permissions to create a workgroup. |
59007 | No permission to create a user. |
59008 | The user does not have permissions to remove a user from a workgroup. |
59009 | User does not have permissions to delete a workgroup. |
59010 | The user does not have permissions to modify user information. |
59011 | The user does not have permissions to modify user type. |
59012 | The user does not have permissions to modify workgroup information. |
59013 | The user does not have permissions to unbind a workgroup. |
59014 | The user does not have permissions to create an administrator. |
59015 | The user does not have permissions to use the engine. |
59016 | The user does not have permissions to update the engine. |
59017 | The user does not have permissions to delete the engine. |
59018 | The user does not have permissions to monitor the engine. |
59019 | The user does not have permissions to operate the compute engine. |
59020 | The user does not have permissions to modify the compute engine. |
59021 | The sub-user does not exist. |
59022 | The user does not have permissions to create a UDF. |
59023 | The user does not have permissions to modify the UDF. |
59024 | The user does not have permissions to delete the UDF. |
59025 | The user does not have permissions to create a Catalog. |
59026 | Insufficient permissions for sub-account; payment not allowed. |
59027 | The user does not have permissions to use the specified engine. |
59028 | |
59029 | Invalid username. Usernames can only contain numbers and must be 64 characters or fewer. |
59030 | The workgroup does not exist. |
59031 | The network connection does not exist. |
59032 | Policy is invalid. Please see the API documentation. |
59033 | The field does not support sorting. Please see the API documentation. |
59034 | The workgroup does not exist. |
59035 | Sorting is invalid. Currently supported values are desc/asc. |
59036 | Modifying administrator permissions is not allowed. |
59037 | UserType is invalid. Currently supported values are ADMIN/COMMON. |
59038 | The workgroup already exists. |
60001 | TaskType error. For Spark Engine, the task type is SparkSQLTask; for Presto Engine, the task type is SQLTask. |
60002 | Task fault tolerance type error. Currently supported values are Proceed/Terminate. |
60003 | Number of SQL statements error. The number of SQL statements must be between 1 and 50. |
60004 | |
60005 | Allowlist validation failed. Please retry, or submit a ticket to contact us. |
60006 | SQL parameter validation failed. Please adjust the parameters, or submit a ticket to contact us. |
60007 | The task has already failed. |
60008 | The task has already completed. |
60009 | The specified task parameter Value length exceeds the limit. |
60010 | The specified task parameter Value does not meet the requirements. |
60011 | The specified task parameter Key does not exist. |
60012 | The specified SQL task does not exist. |
60013 | The specified SQL task already exists. |
60014 | The number of SQL task results retrieved at once must be greater than 0 and less than 1000. |
60015 | The specified SQL task SortBy type does not match. Currently supported types are create-time, data-amount, used-time, and resource-usage. |
60016 | The specified number of Filter.Values exceeds the limit. Currently, it should be 50 or fewer. |
60017 | The specified task status does not match. Currently supported statuses are 0: Initializing; 1: Running; 2: Successful; 3: Data Writing; 4: Queued; -1: Failed; -3: Deleted |
60018 | The specified Filter.Key does not match. Currently supported keys are: task-id, task-sql-keyword, task-kind, task-operator, batch-id, session-id, and task-state. |
60019 | You are currently allowed to view only 100 result data entries. If you need to adjust this limit, please contact us. |
60020 | SQL execution failed. Please validate and retry. |
60021 | Syntax parsing failed. Please validate and retry. |
{"Response": {"Error": {"Action": "AddUsersToWorkGroup","Code": "InternalError.InternalSystemException","Detail": "{\\"errStr\\":\\"InternalError.InternalSystemException\\",\\"errDesc\\":\\" Business system error. Please retry or submit a ticket to contact us. \\",\\"errCode\\":\\"50000\\",\\"errMsg\\":\\"\\"}","Message": Business system error. Please retry or submit a ticket to contact us. \\n{\\"errStr\\":\\"InternalError.InternalSystemException\\",\\"errDesc\\":\\"Business system error. Please retry or submit a ticket to contact us. \\",\\"errCode\\":\\"50000\\",\\"errMsg\\":\\"\\"}"},"RequestId": "27c536fe-351b-41a6-8156-24330989a742"}}
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