Parameter | Default Value | Remark |
livy.sql.result.format.option.sep livy.sql.result.format.option.delimiter | , | The separator between columns when the result is stored in CSV, which is a comma by default. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.encoding livy.sql.result.format.option.charset | UTF-8 | String encoding format. For example: UTF-8, US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, and UTF-16. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.quote | \\" | Specifies whether to use single or double quotation marks, with attention to the use of escape characters. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.escape | \\\\ | Escape character. Ensure the proper use of escape characters. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.charToEscapeQuoteEscaping | | The characters that need to be escaped within quotation marks. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.comment | \\u0000 | Remark information. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.header | false | Specifies whether a header exists. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.inferSchema | false | Infers the data type of each column. If not inferred, all columns are treated as strings. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace | true | Ignores leading empty strings. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.ignoreTrailingWhiteSpace | true | Ignores trailing empty strings. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.columnNameOfCorruptRecord | _corrupt_record | The name for the column that cannot be converted. This parameter is influenced by spark.sql.columnNameOfCorruptRecord, with table configuration taking precedence. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.nullValue | | Specifies the storage format for null values. The default is an empty string, in which case it can specify other emptyValue types. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.nanValue | NaN | The storage format for non-numeric values. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.positiveInf | Inf | The storage format for positive infinity. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.negativeInf | -Inf | The storage format for negative infinity. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.compression or codec | | The class name of the compression algorithm. By default, no compression is applied. Short names like bzip2, deflate, gzip, lz4, and snappy can be used. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.timeZone | System default time zone | The default time zone, influenced by spark.sql.session.timeZone. For example, Asia/Shanghai. Table configuration takes precedence. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.locale | en-US | Specifies the language type. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.dateFormat | yyyy-MM-dd | The default format for dates. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.timestampFormat | yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX | The default format for time. In non-LEGACY mode, it follows the format of yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss[.SSS][XXX]. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.livy.sql.result.format.option.multiLine | false | Allows multiple lines. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.maxColumns | 20480 | The maximum number of columns. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.maxCharsPerColumn | -1 | The maximum number of characters per column. -1 means no limit. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.escapeQuotes | true | Escapes quotation marks. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.quoteAll | quoteAll | Encloses the entire content in quotation marks when writing. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.emptyValue | \\"\\" | The format used for reading and writing empty values. |
livy.sql.result.format.option.lineSep | | The newline character used for line separation. |
Data path for task results: COS directory path/DLCQueryResults/yyyy/mm/dd/[QueryID]/data/XXXX.csvMetadata path for task results: COS directory path/DLCQueryResults/yyyy/mm/dd/[QueryID]/meta/result.meta.json
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