tencent cloud


Creating Folder

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-01-06 15:06:14


    COS stores objects in a flat structure with no traditional folder concept. In order to make COS customary, we turn an object into a "folder" by suffixing it with / in its key. In fact, a "folder" in COS is an object with a storage capacity of 0 KB. For more information, see Folder and directory.
    The length of the folder name cannot exceed 255 characters, and the following ASCII control characters are not supported:
    Up (↑): CAN (24)
    Down (↓): EM (25)
    Right (→): SUB (26)
    Left (←): ESC (27)


    A bucket is created. For operation details, see Creating a Bucket.


    1. Log in to the COS console.
    2. Click Bucket List on the left sidebar.
    3. Locate the bucket for which a folder is to be created, and click the bucket name to go to the bucket management page.
    4. Click File List on the left sidebar.
    5. Click Create Folder.
    6. In the pop-up window, enter the folder name and click OK.
    Folders cannot be renamed. Please exercise caution when naming folders.
    Folder naming rules are as follows:
    The folder name can contain digits, letters, and visible characters.
    A subdirectory can be created quickly by separating the path by a slash (/).
    Do not start with/ or use two or more / consecutively.
    Do not leave the folder name empty.
    Do not use .. as the folder name.
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