Node | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
Location | Manifest | Location of the object inventory | Location Object | Yes |
Spec | Manifest | Format of the object inventory. If the format is CSV, this element will describe the fields contained in the inventory | Spec Object | Yes |
Node | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
ETag | Location | Specifies the ETag of the object inventory; length: 1-1,024 bytes | String | Yes |
ObjectArn | Location | Specifies the unique resource ID of the object inventory; length: 1-1,024 bytes | String | Yes |
ObjectVersionId | Location | Specifies the version ID of the object inventory; length: 1-1,024 bytes | String | No |
Node | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
Fields | Spec | Describes the fields contained in the inventory. If the format is COSBatchOperations_CSV_V1 , this element is required to specify the fields in the CSV file. Valid values: Ignore , Bucket , Key , VersionId | Array of Strings | No |
Format | Spec | Specifies the format of the object inventory. Valid values: COSBatchOperations_CSV_V1 , COSInventoryReport_CSV_V1 | String | Yes |
Node | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
COSPutObjectCopy | Operation | Specifies the parameters for the batch replication of objects in the inventory | COSPutObjectCopy Object | No |
COSInitiateRestoreObject | Operation | Specifies the parameters for the batch restoration of ARCHIVED objects in the inventory | COSInitiateRestoreObject | No |
Node | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
AccessControlDirective | COSPutObjectCopy | Specifies the ACL replication mode. Valid values: Copy , Replaced , Add .Copy: inherits the ACL of the source object. Replaced: replaces the source ACL. Add: adds a new ACL based on the source ACL. | String | No |
AccessControlGrants | COSPutObjectCopy | Controls the access permissions of an object | AccessControlGrants Object | No |
CannedAccessControlList | COSPutObjectCopy | Defines the ACL attribute of an object. Valid values: private , public-read | String | No |
PrefixReplace | COSPutObjectCopy | Specifies whether to replace the source object prefix. If set to true , the object prefix is replaced. It is used together with <ResourcesPrefix> and <TargetKeyPrefix> . Default value: false | boolean | No |
ResourcesPrefix | COSPutObjectCopy | Specifies the source object prefix to be replaced. This parameter takes effect only when <PrefixReplace> is set to true . To replace a directory, the directory should end with a slash (/). This parameter can be up to 1,024 bytes and can be left empty. | string | No |
TargetKeyPrefix | COSPutObjectCopy | Specifies the target prefix that replaces the source object prefix. This parameter takes effect only when <PrefixReplace> is set to true . To replace a directory, the directory should end with a slash (/). This parameter can be up to 1,024 bytes and can be left empty. Example: Assume that the source object is picture.jpg. If you set ResourcesPrefix to pic and TargetKeyPrefix to abc , picture.jpg will be changed to abcture.jpg.Note: If ResourcesPrefix is empty and TargetKeyPrefix carries a value, a prefix will be added.If both ResourcesPrefix and TargetKeyPrefix carry a value, the prefix will be replaced.If ResourcesPrefix carries a value and TargetKeyPrefix is left empty, the prefix will be deleted. | String | No |
ModifiedSinceConstraint | COSPutObjectCopy | If the object is modified after the specified time, the operation will be performed; otherwise, 412 will be returned | Timestamp | No |
UnModifiedSinceConstraint | COSPutObjectCopy | If the object is not modified after the specified time, the operation will be performed; otherwise, 412 will be returned | Timestamp | No |
MetadataDirective | COSPutObjectCopy | Specifies whether to copy the metadata of the source object, or replace the metadata with that specified in <NewObjectMetadata> . Valid values: Copy , Replaced . Add . Copy: inherits the metadata of the source object. Replaced: replaces the source metadata. Add: adds new metadata based on the source metadata. | String | No |
NewObjectMetadata | COSPutObjectCopy | Configures the metadata of an object | NewObjectMetadata Object | No |
TaggingDirective | COSPutObjectCopy | Specifies whether to copy the tag of the source object, or replace the tag with that specified in <NewObjectTagging> . Valid values: Copy , Replaced , Add . Copy: inherits the tag of the source object. Replaced: replaces the source tag. Add: adds a tag based on the source tag. | String | No |
NewObjectTagging | COSPutObjectCopy | Configures the object tag. This parameter must be specified if <TaggingDirective> is set to Replace or Add . | NewObjectTagging | No |
StorageClass | COSPutObjectCopy | Configures the storage class of an object. Enumerated values: STANDARD (default), STANDARD_IA . | String | No |
TargetResource | COSPutObjectCopy | Configures the destination bucket for the replication. Please specify it with "qcs", e.g., qcs::cos:ap-beijing::result-1250000000 | String | Yes |
Node | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
ExpirationInDays | COSInitiateRestoreObject | Specifies the number of days after which the copy will expire and be deleted automatically. It is an integer ranging from 1 to 365. | Integer | Yes |
JobTier | COSInitiateRestoreObject | Specifies the restoration mode. Valid values: Bulk , Standard . | String | Yes |
Node | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
COSGrant | AccessControlGrants | Configures access control | COSGrant Object | No |
Node | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
Grantee | COSGrant | Specifies the user to which the permission is granted | Grantee Object | Yes |
Permission | COSGrant | Specifies the permission to be granted. Enumerated values: READ , WRITE , FULL_CONTROL | String | Yes |
Node | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
DisplayName | Grantee | Username | String | No |
Identifier | Grantee | User ID in qcs format (UIN), e.g., qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001 | String | Yes |
TypeIdentifier | Grantee | Specifies the identifier type. Currently, only user ID is supported. Enumerated value: ID | String | Yes |
Node | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
CacheControl | NewObjectMetadata | Cache directives as defined in RFC 2616. It will be stored as object metadata. | String | No |
ContentDisposition | NewObjectMetadata | Filename as defined in RFC 2616, which will be stored in the object metadata | String | No |
ContentEncoding | NewObjectMetadata | Encoding format as defined in RFC 2616. It will be stored as object metadata. | String | No |
ContentType | NewObjectMetadata | Content type as defined in RFC 2616. It will be stored as object metadata. | String | No |
HttpExpiresDate | NewObjectMetadata | Cache expiration time as defined in RFC 2616. It will be stored as object metadata. | String | No |
SSEAlgorithm | NewObjectMetadata | Server-side encryption algorithm. Currently, only AES256 is supported | String | No |
UserMetadata | NewObjectMetadata | Includes user-defined object metadata | Array of Key and Value | No |
Node | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | Report | Bucket to which a job report is delivered | String | Yes |
Enabled | Report | Specifies whether to output a job report | Boolean | Yes |
Format | Report | Job report format. Valid value: Report_CSV_V1 | String | Yes |
Prefix | Report | Job report prefix; length: 0-256 bytes | String | No |
ReportScope | Report | Specifies whether the job report records all operations or only failed operations. Valid values: AllTasks , FailedTasksOnly | String | Yes |
Node | Parent Node | Description | Type |
NumberOfTasksFailed | ProgressSummary | Number of failed operations | Integer |
NumberOfTasksSucceeded | ProgressSummary | Number of successful operations | Integer |
TotalNumberOfTasks | ProgressSummary | Total number of operations | Integer |
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