tencent cloud


A Video Cannot Be Played

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-03-25 18:01:58


    The uploaded video cannot be played normally (for example, the video has sound only, the video has no sound, or the video cannot be played at all).

    Possible Causes

    The codec of the original video is unsupported.
    The original video is corrupted. As a result, the uploaded video cannot be played normally.

    Troubleshooting Procedure

    1. Check whether the codec of the original video is supported.
    If yes, proceed with the next step.
    If not, upload a video with a supported codec. For more information, see Specifications and Limits.
    2. Check whether the original video can be played normally using VLC or other professional players.
    If yes, contact us.
    If not, you are advised to try using Tencent Cloud’s transcoding service to fix the video. For more information, see Video Transcoding.
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