tencent cloud


Enabling Global Acceleration

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-01-06 14:59:34


    You can enable global acceleration for your bucket in the COS console, which accelerates uploads and downloads, so that end users around the globe can quickly access your bucket. This improves your business access success rate and business stability. For more information, see Overview.


    1. Log in to the COS console.
    2. Click Bucket List on the left sidebar.
    3. Locate the bucket for which you want to enable the global acceleration feature. Click the bucket name to enter its details page.
    4. On the left sidebar, select Domains and Transfer > Global Acceleration and click Edit to enable the feature.
    5. After confirming that everything is correct, click Save.
    After enabling global acceleration, you can quickly access the bucket at a global acceleration domain name in the format of <BucketName-APPID>.cos.accelerate.myqcloud.com.
    Enabling global acceleration will not affect the existing default bucket domain name. You can still use them.
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