COS offers AWS S3-compatible APIs. Therefore, after your data is migrated from S3 to COS, you can make your client application conveniently compatible with the COS service by simply modifying the configurations. This document describes how to adapt the S3 SDK to different development platforms. After adaptation, you can use the APIs of S3 SDK to access files in COS.
You have signed up for a Tencent Cloud account as instructed in Signing Up and obtained the Tencent Cloud SecretID
and SecretKey
from the CAM console. You have a client application that has been integrated with the S3 SDK and runs properly.
The following describes how to adapt the AWS Android SDK 2.14.2 to COS. If COS is accessed from a device, a permanent key placed into the client code is at great risk of being leaked; therefore, we recommend you connect to the STS service to obtain a temporary key. For more information, see Generating and Using Temporary Keys. Initialization
When initializing an instance, you need to set the temporary key provider and Endpoint
. Suppose the bucket region is ap-guangzhou
AmazonS3Client s3 = new AmazonS3Client(new AWSCredentialsProvider() {
public AWSCredentials getCredentials() {
// Here, the backend requests for a temporary key from STS.
return new BasicSessionCredentials(
"<TempSecretID>", "<TempSecretKey>", "<STSSessionToken>"
public void refresh() {
The following describes how to adapt the AWS iOS SDK 2.10.2 to COS. If COS is accessed from a device, a permanent key placed into the client code is at great risk of being leaked; therefore, we recommend you connect to the STS service to obtain a temporary key. For more information, see Generating and Using Temporary Keys. 1. Implement the AWS CredentialsProvider protocol
-(AWSTask<AWSCredentials *> *)credentials{
// Here, the backend requests for a temporary key from STS.
AWSCredentials *credential = [[AWSCredentials alloc]initWithAccessKey:@"<TempSecretID>" secretKey:@"<TempSecretKey>" sessionKey:@"<STSSessionToken>" expiration:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:1565770577]];
return [AWSTask taskWithResult:credential];
- (void)invalidateCachedTemporaryCredentials{
2. Provide a temporary key provider and Endpoint
Suppose the bucket region is ap-guangzhou
NSURL* bucketURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com"];
AWSEndpoint* endpoint = [[AWSEndpoint alloc] initWithRegion:AWSRegionUnknown service:AWSServiceS3 URL:bucketURL];
AWSServiceConfiguration* configuration = [[AWSServiceConfiguration alloc]
initWithRegion:AWSRegionUSEast2 endpoint:endpoint
credentialsProvider:[MyCredentialProvider new]]; // `MyCredentialProvider` implements the `AWSCredentialsProvider` protocol.
[[AWSServiceManager defaultServiceManager] setDefaultServiceConfiguration:configuration];
The following describes how to adapt the AWS JS SDK 2.509.0 to COS.
When initializing an instance, set the Tencent Cloud key and Endpoint
. Supposing the bucket region is ap-guangzhou
, the sample code is as follows:
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
accessKeyId: "COS_SECRETID",
secretAccessKey: "COS_SECRETKEY",
region: "ap-guangzhou",
endpoint: 'https://cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com',
s3 = new AWS.S3({apiVersion: '2006-03-01'});
The following describes how to adapt the AWS Java SDK 1.11.609 to COS.
1. Modify the configuration and certificate files of AWS
Below is an example of modifying the configuration and certificate files of AWS on Linux.
Add the following configuration information to the configuration file (located in ~/.aws/config
s3 =
addressing_style = virtual
Configure the Tencent Cloud key in the certificate file (located in ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = [COS_SECRETID]
aws_secret_access_key = [COS_SECRETKEY]
2. Set the Endpoint in the code
Supposing the bucket region is ap-guangzhou
, the sample code is as follows:
AmazonS3 s3Client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard()
.withEndpointConfiguration(new AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(
If you are using version 2 of the AWS Java SDK, the code example is as follows:
S3Client s3Client = S3Client.builder()
The following describes how to adapt the AWS Python SDK 1.9.205 to COS.
1. Modify the configuration and certificate files of AWS
Below is an example of modifying the configuration and certificate files of AWS on Linux.
Add the following configuration information to the configuration file (located in ~/.aws/config
s3 =
signature_version = s3
addressing_style = virtual
Configure the Tencent Cloud key in the certificate file (located in ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = [COS_SECRETID]
aws_secret_access_key = [COS_SECRETKEY]
2. Set the Endpoint
in the code
Suppose the bucket region is ap-guangzhou
client = boto3.client('s3', endpoint_url='https://cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com')
The following describes how to adapt the AWS PHP SDK 3.109.3 to COS.
1. Modify the configuration and certificate files of AWS
Below is an example of modifying the configuration and certificate files of AWS on Linux.
Add the following configuration information to the configuration file (located in ~/.aws/config
s3 =
addressing_style = virtual
Configure the Tencent Cloud key in the certificate file (located in ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = [COS_SECRETID]
aws_secret_access_key = [COS_SECRETKEY]
2. Set the Endpoint
in the code
Suppose the bucket region is ap-guangzhou
$S3Client = new S3Client([
'region' => 'ap-guangzhou',
'version' => '2006-03-01',
'endpoint' => 'https://cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com'
The following describes how to adapt the AWS .NET SDK to COS.
When initializing an instance, set the Tencent Cloud key and Endpoint
. Supposing the bucket region is ap-guangzhou
, the sample code is as follows:
string sAccessKeyId = "COS_SECRETID";
string sAccessKeySecret = "COS_SECRETKEY";
string region = "ap-guangzhou";
var config = new AmazonS3Config() { ServiceURL = "https://cos." + region + ".myqcloud.com" };
var client = new AmazonS3Client(sAccessKeyId, sAccessKeySecret, config);
The following describes how to adapt the AWS Go SDK 1.21.9 to COS.
1. Create a session based on the key
Suppose the bucket region is ap-guangzhou
func newSession() (*session.Session, error) {
creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials("COS_SECRETID", "COS_SECRETKEY", "")
region := "ap-guangzhou"
endpoint := "http://cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com"
config := &aws.Config{
Region: aws.String(region),
Endpoint: &endpoint,
S3ForcePathStyle: aws.Bool(true),
Credentials: creds,
return session.NewSession(config)
2. Create a server initiation request based on the session
sess, _ := newSession()
service := s3.New(sess)
fp, _ := os.Open("yourLocalFilePath")
defer fp.Close()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(30)*time.Second)
defer cancel()
service.PutObjectWithContext(ctx, &s3.PutObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String("examplebucket-1250000000"),
Key: aws.String("exampleobject"),
Body: fp,
The following describes how to adapt the aws-sdk-go-v2 to upload objects to COS.
package main
import (
func main() {
creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentialsProvider(os.Getenv("SECRETID"), os.Getenv("SECRETKEY"), "")
customResolver := aws.EndpointResolverWithOptionsFunc(func(service, region string, options ...interface{}) (aws.Endpoint, error) {
return aws.Endpoint{
PartitionID: "aws",
URL: "http://cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com",
SigningRegion: "ap-guangzhou",
}, nil
cfg, _ := config.LoadDefaultConfig(
s3Client := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg, func(o *s3.Options) {
o.UsePathStyle = false
input := &s3.PutObjectInput{
Body: strings.NewReader("xxxxxxx"),
Bucket: aws.String("test-1250000000"),
Key: aws.String("test"),
StorageClass: "STANDARD",
result, err := s3Client.PutObject(context.Background(), input)
if err != nil {
The following describes how to adapt the AWS C++ SDK 1.7.68 to COS.
1. Modify the configuration and certificate files of AWS
Below is an example of modifying the configuration and certificate files of AWS on Linux.
Add the following configuration information to the configuration file (located in ~/.aws/config
s3 =
addressing_style = virtual
Configure the Tencent Cloud key in the certificate file (located in ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = [COS_SECRETID]
aws_secret_access_key = [COS_SECRETKEY]
2. Set the Endpoint in the code
Supposing the bucket region is ap-guangzhou
, the sample code is as follows:
Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration awsCC;
awsCC.scheme = Aws::Http::Scheme::HTTP;
awsCC.region = "ap-guangzhou";
awsCC.endpointOverride = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";
Aws::S3::S3Client s3_client(awsCC);
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