HTTP/1.1 400<Error><Code>string</Code><Message>string</Message><Resource>string</Resource><RequestId>string</RequestId><TraceId>string</TraceId></Error>
Error Code | Description | Status Code | API |
InvalidArgument | Empty parameter | 400 | CreateJob |
InvalidArgument | Invalid parameter | 400 | CreateJob |
InvalidArgument | x-cos-appid cannot be empty | 400 | Any |
InvalidArgument | Priority must be an integer between 0 and 2,147,483,647 | 400 | CreateJob |
InvalidArgument | The value of the requestedJobStatus parameter must be Cancelled or Ready | 400 | UpdateJobStatus |
InvalidArgument | The jobStatuses parameter is invalid | 400 | ListJobs |
InvalidArgument | The maxResults parameter must be a positive integer | 400 | ListJobs |
InvalidArgument | The nextToken parameter is invalid | 400 | ListJobs |
InvalidRequest | Invalid request | 400 | Any |
InvalidRequest | Empty request body | 400 | Any |
InvalidRequest | No job ID is provided | 400 | Any |
InvalidRequest | No job priority is provided | 400 | UpdateJobPriority |
InvalidRequest | The ClientRequestToken parameter already exists | 400 | CreateJob |
InvalidRequest | The specified job has already been completed | 400 | UpdateJobStatus |
InvalidRequest | Error with the job status change | 400 | UpdateJobStatus |
InternalError | Failed to format the XML response | 500 | Any |
MalformedXML | Invalid request format | 400 | Any |
MalformedXML | Incorrect Manifest format | 400 | CreateJob |
MalformedXML | Incorrect Operation format | 400 | CreateJob |
MalformedXML | Incorrect Report format | 400 | CreateJob |
NoSuchJob | The specified job does not exist | 404 | DescribeJob |
NoSuchJob | The specified job has already been completed | 404 | UpdateJobStatus, UpdateJobPriority |
ServiceUnavailable | Error with data persistence | 500 | Any |
ServiceUnavailable | Error loading persistent data | 500 | Any |
ServiceUnavailable | Unable to create a job | 500 | CreateJob |
TooManyJobs | The number of jobs has reached the upper limit, making the server unavailable | 500 | CreateJob |
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