API | Operation | Description |
Creating an inventory job | Creates an inventory job for a bucket | |
Querying inventory jobs | Queries the inventory jobs of a bucket | |
Querying the list of inventory configurations | Queries the list of inventory configurations for a bucket | |
Deleting an inventory job | Deletes an inventory job from a bucket |
cos_status_t *cos_put_bucket_inventory(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,cos_inventory_params_t *inventory_params,cos_table_t **resp_headers
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; //your secret_idstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; //your secret_key// The only user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; //your appid// Region information. For more information about the enumerated values (such as ap-beijing, ap-hongkong, and eu-frankfurtplease), please visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224?from_cn_redirect=1.static char TEST_REGION[] = "ap-guangzhou"; //region in endpoint// Object owner, e.g., user UIN: 100000000001static char TEST_UIN[] = "<Uin>"; //your uin// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void test_put_bucket_inventory(){cos_pool_t *pool = NULL;int is_cname = 0;int inum = 3, i, len;char buf[inum][32];char dest_bucket[128];cos_status_t *status = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;// Create a memory poolcos_pool_create(&pool, NULL);// Initialize the request optionsoptions = cos_request_options_create(pool);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);// put bucket inventorylen = snprintf(dest_bucket, 128, "qcs::cos:%s::%s", TEST_REGION, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);dest_bucket[len] = 0;// Set multiple inventoriesfor (i = 0; i < inum; i++) {cos_inventory_params_t *params = cos_create_inventory_params(pool);cos_inventory_optional_t *optional;len = snprintf(buf[i], 32, "id%d", i);buf[i][len] = 0;cos_str_set(¶ms->id, buf[i]);cos_str_set(¶ms->is_enabled, "true");cos_str_set(¶ms->frequency, "Daily");cos_str_set(¶ms->filter_prefix, "myPrefix");cos_str_set(¶ms->included_object_versions, "All");cos_str_set(¶ms->destination.format, "CSV");cos_str_set(¶ms->destination.account_id, TEST_UIN);cos_str_set(¶ms->destination.bucket, dest_bucket);cos_str_set(¶ms->destination.prefix, "invent");params->destination.encryption = 1;optional = cos_create_inventory_optional(pool);cos_str_set(&optional->field, "Size");cos_list_add_tail(&optional->node, ¶ms->fields);optional = cos_create_inventory_optional(pool);cos_str_set(&optional->field, "LastModifiedDate");cos_list_add_tail(&optional->node, ¶ms->fields);optional = cos_create_inventory_optional(pool);cos_str_set(&optional->field, "ETag");cos_list_add_tail(&optional->node, ¶ms->fields);optional = cos_create_inventory_optional(pool);cos_str_set(&optional->field, "StorageClass");cos_list_add_tail(&optional->node, ¶ms->fields);optional = cos_create_inventory_optional(pool);cos_str_set(&optional->field, "ReplicationStatus");cos_list_add_tail(&optional->node, ¶ms->fields);// Set bucket inventorystatus = cos_put_bucket_inventory(options, &bucket, params, &resp_headers);log_status(status);}// Destroy the memory poolcos_pool_destroy(pool);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}//set log level, default COS_LOG_WARNcos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);//set log output, default stderrcos_log_set_output(NULL);test_put_bucket_inventory();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket for inventory job setting, in the format of BucketName-APPID . For more information, please see Bucket Naming Conventions. | String |
inventory_params | Inventory configuration information of bucket | Struct |
node | Used to link inventory configuration to the list inventory API | List |
id | Inventory name, corresponding to the ID in the request parameter | String |
is_enabled | Indicates whether to enable inventory true : enablefalse : no inventory will be generated. | Struct |
frequency | Frequency of the inventory job. Enumerated values: Daily , Weekly | String |
filter_prefix | Prefix of the objects to analyze | String |
included_object_versions | Indicates whether to include object versions in the inventory If this is set to All , the inventory will include all object versions and the additional fields VersionId , IsLatest , and DeleteMarker .If this is set to Current , no object versions will be included in the inventory. | String |
destination | Destination to store the inventory result | Struct |
format | Format of the inventory results. Valid value: CSV | String |
account_id | ID of the bucket owner, e.g., 100000000001 | String |
bucket | Name of the bucket that stores the inventory results | String |
prefix | Prefix of the inventory result | String |
encryption | Option of enabling server-side encryption for inventory results | Int |
fields | Sets the analysis items to be included in the inventory results | Struct |
field | Optional analysis dimensions, including Size , LastModifiedDate , StorageClass , ETag , IsMultipartUploaded , and ReplicationStatus | String |
resp_headers | Returns the HTTP response headers | Struct |
Response Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code content | String |
error_msg | Error code description | String |
req_id | Request message ID | String |
Error Code | Description | Status Code |
InvalidArgument | Invalid parameter value | HTTP 400 Bad Request |
TooManyConfigurations | The number of inventories has reached the upper limit of 1,000 | HTTP 400 Bad Request |
AccessDenied | Unauthorized access. You most likely do not have access permission for the bucket | HTTP 403 Forbidden |
cos_status_t *cos_get_bucket_inventory(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,cos_inventory_params_t *inventory_params,cos_table_t **resp_headers);
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; //your secret_idstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; //your secret_key// The only user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; //your appid// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void test_get_bucket_inventory(){cos_pool_t *pool = NULL;int is_cname = 0;int inum = 3;char buf[inum][32];cos_status_t *status = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_inventory_params_t *get_params = NULL;cos_inventory_optional_t *optional = NULL;// Create a memory poolcos_pool_create(&pool, NULL);// Initialize the request optionsoptions = cos_request_options_create(pool);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);// get inventoryget_params = cos_create_inventory_params(pool);cos_str_set(&get_params->id, buf[inum/2]);status = cos_get_bucket_inventory(options, &bucket, get_params, &resp_headers);log_status(status);printf("id: %s\\nis_enabled: %s\\nfrequency: %s\\nfilter_prefix: %s\\nincluded_object_versions: %s\\n",get_params->id.data, get_params->is_enabled.data, get_params->frequency.data, get_params->filter_prefix.data, get_params->included_object_versions.data);printf("destination:\\n");printf("\\tencryption: %d\\n", get_params->destination.encryption);printf("\\tformat: %s\\n", get_params->destination.format.data);printf("\\taccount_id: %s\\n", get_params->destination.account_id.data);printf("\\tbucket: %s\\n", get_params->destination.bucket.data);printf("\\tprefix: %s\\n", get_params->destination.prefix.data);cos_list_for_each_entry(cos_inventory_optional_t, optional, &get_params->fields, node) {printf("field: %s\\n", optional->field.data);}// Destroy the memory poolcos_pool_destroy(pool);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}//set log level, default COS_LOG_WARNcos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);//set log output, default stderrcos_log_set_output(NULL);test_get_bucket_inventory();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket for inventory job query, in the format of BucketName-APPID . For more information, please see Bucket Naming Conventions. | String |
inventory_params | Used to link inventory configuration to the list inventory API | Struct |
node | Links inventory configuration | List |
id | Inventory name, corresponding to the ID in the request parameter | String |
is_enabled | Indicates whether to enable inventory. true : enablefalse : no inventory will be generated. | Struct |
frequency | Frequency of the inventory job. Enumerated values: Daily , Weekly | String |
filter_prefix | Prefix of the objects to analyze | String |
included_object_versions | Indicates whether to include object versions in the inventory If this is set to All , the inventory will include all object versions and the additional fields VersionId , IsLatest , and DeleteMarker .If this is set to Current , no object versions will be included in the inventory. | String |
destination | Destination to store the inventory result | Struct |
format | Format of the inventory results. Valid value: CSV | String |
account_id | ID of the bucket owner, e.g., 100000000001 | String |
bucket | Name of the bucket that stores the inventory results | String |
prefix | Prefix of the inventory result | String |
encryption | Option of enabling server-side encryption for inventory results | Int |
fields | Sets the analysis items to be included in the inventory results | Struct |
field | Optional analysis dimensions, including Size , LastModifiedDate , StorageClass , ETag , IsMultipartUploaded , and ReplicationStatus | String |
resp_headers | Returns the HTTP response headers | Struct |
Response Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code content | String |
error_msg | Error code description | String |
req_id | Request message ID | String |
cos_status_t *cos_list_bucket_inventory(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,cos_list_inventory_params_t *inventory_params,cos_table_t **resp_headers);
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; //your secret_idstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; //your secret_key// The only user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; //your appid// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void test_list_bucket_inventory(){cos_pool_t *pool = NULL;int is_cname = 0;cos_status_t *status = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_inventory_params_t *get_params = NULL;cos_inventory_optional_t *optional = NULL;cos_list_inventory_params_t *list_params = NULL;// Create a memory poolcos_pool_create(&pool, NULL);// Initialize the request optionsoptions = cos_request_options_create(pool);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);// list inventorylist_params = cos_create_list_inventory_params(pool);status = cos_list_bucket_inventory(options, &bucket, list_params, &resp_headers);log_status(status);// View resultsget_params = NULL;cos_list_for_each_entry(cos_inventory_params_t, get_params, &list_params->inventorys, node) {printf("id: %s\\nis_enabled: %s\\nfrequency: %s\\nfilter_prefix: %s\\nincluded_object_versions: %s\\n", get_params->id.data, get_params->is_enabled.data, get_params->frequency.data, get_params->filter_prefix.data, get_params->included_object_versions.data);printf("destination:\\n");printf("\\tencryption: %d\\n", get_params->destination.encryption);printf("\\tformat: %s\\n", get_params->destination.format.data);printf("\\taccount_id: %s\\n", get_params->destination.account_id.data);printf("\\tbucket: %s\\n", get_params->destination.bucket.data);printf("\\tprefix: %s\\n", get_params->destination.prefix.data);cos_list_for_each_entry(cos_inventory_optional_t, optional, &get_params->fields, node) {printf("field: %s\\n", optional->field.data);}}// Destroy the memory poolcos_pool_destroy(pool);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}//set log level, default COS_LOG_WARNcos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);//set log output, default stderrcos_log_set_output(NULL);test_list_bucket_inventory();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Destination bucket to store inventory results in the format of BucketName-APPID . For more information, please see Naming Convention | String |
inventory_params | All inventory configuration information of bucket | Struct |
inventorys | Links node members of cos_inventory_params_t | List |
is_truncated | Flag about whether all inventory jobs have been listed. If yes, it is false ; otherwise, it is true | Struct |
continuation_token | Flag of the inventory list on the current page, which can be understood as the page number. It corresponds to the continuation-token parameter in the request | String |
next_continuation_token | Identifier of the next response. You can pass the value of this parameter to continuation-token and initiate a GET request to obtain the inventory jobs from the next response | String |
resp_headers | Returns the HTTP response headers | Struct |
Response Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code content | String |
error_msg | Error code description | String |
req_id | Request message ID | String |
cos_status_t *cos_delete_bucket_inventory(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,const cos_string_t *id,cos_table_t **resp_headers);
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; //your secret_idstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; //your secret_key// The only user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; //your appid// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void test_delete_bucket_inventory(){cos_pool_t *pool = NULL;int is_cname = 0;cos_status_t *status = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;int inum = 3, i;char buf[inum][32];// Create a memory poolcos_pool_create(&pool, NULL);// Initialize the request optionsoptions = cos_request_options_create(pool);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);// delete inventoryfor (i = 0; i < inum; i++) {cos_string_t id;cos_str_set(&id, buf[i]);status = cos_delete_bucket_inventory(options, &bucket, &id, &resp_headers);log_status(status);}// Destroy the memory poolcos_pool_destroy(pool);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}//set log level, default COS_LOG_WARNcos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);//set log output, default stderrcos_log_set_output(NULL);test_delete_bucket_inventory();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket for inventory job deletion, in the format of BucketName-APPID . For more information, please see Bucket Naming Conventions. | String |
id | Inventory name | String |
resp_headers | Returns the HTTP response headers | Struct |
Response Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code content | String |
error_msg | Error code description | String |
req_id | Request message ID | String |
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