tencent cloud


Creating/Obtaining a Symbolic Link - symlink

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-11-01 20:59:19
    The symlink command is used to create or obtain a symbolic link to an object. You can quickly find the object through this symbolic link.

    Command Syntax

    ./coscli symlink --method create cos://<bucket-name>/<key> --link linkKey [flag]
    The symlink command includes the following parameters:
    Parameter Format
    Specifies the target bucket, which is accessible by using the bucket alias or bucket name configured in the configuration file as detailed in Download and Installation Configuration. If you use the bucket name for access, you also need to include the endpoint flag.
    Access with the bucket alias: cos://example-alias
    Access with the bucket name: cos://examplebucket-1250000000
    Specifies the object name.
    The symlink command includes the following optional flags:
    Flag Abbreviation
    Flag Name
    Views the usage of this command.
    Valid values: create/get.
    Specifies the symbolic link key value.
    For more general options for this command (such as switching buckets or user accounts), see Common Options.

    Operation Example

    Creating a symbolic link named symlink for picture.jpg in the bucket1 bucket

    ./coscli symlink --method create cos://bucket1/picture.jpg --link symlink

    Accessing the target object via the symlink

    ./coscli symlink --method get cos://bucket2 --link symlink
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