tencent cloud


Querying Bucket

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-01-06 14:59:34


    You can quickly query the created buckets by bucket name and tag in the COS console.
    Before you can access the bucket list with a sub-account, the sub-account must be authorized by the root account. For more information, see Accessing Bucket List Using Sub-Account.
    As the List Bucket operation is not restricted by bucket permission, a sub-account cannot be restricted to querying just specified buckets.

    Querying by Bucket Name or Tag

    1. Log in to the COS console and click Bucket List on the left sidebar to enter the bucket list page, where you can view all the created buckets.
    2. If there are many buckets, you can search for buckets by bucket name or tag in the top-right corner of the Bucket List page.
    Query by bucket name: You can enter a specific bucket name or a bucket name prefix to query buckets.
    Query by tag: If you have set tags for a bucket as instructed in Setting Bucket Tags, you can also select Tag in the top-right corner of the Bucket List page and enter a tag key to query buckets.
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