API | Operation | Description |
Setting a bucket policy | Sets a permission policy for the specified bucket | |
Querying bucket policy | Queries the permission policy of the specified bucket | |
Deleting a bucket policy | Deletes the permission policy of a specified bucket |
CosResult PutBucketPolicy(const PutBucketPolicyReq& req, PutBucketPolicyResp* resp)
qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);std::string bucket_name = "examplebucket-1250000000"; // Replace it with your bucket name, which is in the format of BucketName-APPID (APPID is required). It can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.qcloud_cos::PutBucketPolicyReq req(bucket_name);qcloud_cos::PutBucketPolicyResp resp;std::string bucket_policy =" {"" \\"Statement\\": ["" {"" \\"Principal\\": {"" \\"qcs\\": ["" \\"qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000011\\"" // Replace with the UIN of the account to be granted the permission." ]\\n"" },\\n"" \\"Effect\\": \\"allow\\","" \\"Action\\": ["" \\"cos:PutObject\\""" ],\\n"" \\"Resource\\": [" // Change it to the allowed path prefix (such as "a.jpg", "a/*", or "*"). You can determine the upload path based on your login status. (Keep in mind that using asterisks (*) could bring high risks.)" \\"qcs::cos:ap-guangzhou:uid/1250000000:examplebucket-1250000000/exampleobject\\""" ],\\n"" \\"Condition\\": {"" \\"string_equal\\": {"" \\"cos:x-cos-mime-limit\\": \\"image/jpeg\\""" }"" }"" }"" ],"" \\"Version\\": \\"2.0\\""" }";req.SetBody(bucket_policy);qcloud_cos::CosResult result = cos.PutBucketPolicy(req, &resp);if (result.IsSucc()) {// ...} else {// You can call the CosResult member functions to output the error information, such as requestID}
Parameter | Description | Required |
Statement | Specifies one or more permissions | Yes |
Version | The policy syntax version. Default value: 2.0 | Yes |
Principal | Entity to which the permission is granted. For more information, see Access Policy Language Overview | Yes |
Action | COS API. You can specify one, several, or all ( * ) COS APIs as needed. An example value is name/cos:GetService . Note that this parameter is case-sensitive. | Yes |
Effect | allow or deny | Yes |
Resource | Specific data authorized to be operated on. It can be any resource, a resource in a path with a specified prefix, a resource in a specified absolute path, or a combination thereof. | Yes |
Condition | Condition (this value is optional). For more information, see Condition | No |
CosResult GetBucketPolicy(const GetBucketPolicyReq& req, GetBucketPolicyResp* resp)
qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);std::string bucket_name = "examplebucket-1250000000"; // Replace it with your bucket name, which is in the format of BucketName-APPID (APPID is required). It can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.qcloud_cos::GetBucketPolicyReq req(bucket_name);qcloud_cos::GetBucketPolicyResp resp;qcloud_cos::CosResult result = cos.GetBucketPolicy(req, &resp);// The call is successful. You can call the resp member functions to get the return content.if (result.IsSucc()) {// ...} else {// You can call the CosResult member functions to output the error information, such as requestID}
provides the following member functions to obtain the Policy
content returned by Get Bucket Policy
.std::string resp.GetPolicy()
CosResult DeleteBucketPolicy(const DeleteBucketPolicyReq& req, DeleteBucketPolicyResp* resp)
qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);std::string bucket_name = "examplebucket-1250000000"; // Replace it with your bucket name, which is in the format of BucketName-APPID (APPID is required). It can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.qcloud_cos::DeleteBucketPolicyReq req(bucket_name);qcloud_cos::DeleteBucketPolicyResp resp;qcloud_cos::CosResult result = cos.DeleteBucketPolicy(req, &resp);if (result.IsSucc()) {// ...} else {// You can call the CosResult member functions to output the error information, such as requestID}
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