tencent cloud


Player Adapter for Web

最終更新日:2022-10-17 11:42:21

    This document describes the Player Adapter for web, which helps you quickly integrate third-party players with VOD capabilities through flexible APIs to implement video playback. It supports the acquisition of basic video information, video stream information, and keyframe and thumbnail information as well as private encryption. This document is intended for developers with a basic knowledge of JavaScript.

    SDK Integration

    Player Adapter for web supports integration via CDN and npm.

    Integration via CDN

    Import the initialization script to the page where videos need to be played back. The script will expose TcAdapter variables globally.

    <script src="https://cloudcache.tencentcs.com/qcloud/video/dist/tcadapter.1.0.0.min.js"></script>

    Integration via npm

    // npm install
    npm install tcadapter --save
    // import TcAdapter
    import TcAdapter from 'tcadapter';

    Placing Player Container

    Add the container to the page where the player needs to be displayed. TcAdapter only needs to carry the container for video playback. The playback styles and custom features can be implemented by third-party players or yourself.

    <video id="player-container-id">

    SDK Use Instructions

    Checking the development environment

    Check whether the current environment supports TcAdapter.


    Initializing Adapter

    This API is used to initialize Adapter and create an Adapter instance. The initialization process will request the video file information from the Tencent Cloud VOD server.


    const adapter = new TcAdapter('player-container-id', {
    fileID: string,
    appID: string,
    psign: string,
    hlsConfig: {}
    }, callback);

    Parameter description

    Parameter Type Description
    appID String The APPID of the VOD account.
    fileID String The fileId of the video to be played back.
    psign String The player signature.
    hlsConfig HlsConfig HLS settings. Any parameters supported by hls.js can be used.
    callback TcAdapterCallBack Callback for initialization completion. Basic video information can be obtained after this method is used.

    The underlying layer of TcAdapter is implemented based on hls.js, and it can receive any parameters supported by hls.js through HlsConfig to fine-tune playback.

    Getting the basic video information

    This API is used to get the video information and will take effect only after initialization.


    VideoBasicInfo adapter.getVideoBasicInfo();

    Parameter description

    The parameters of VideoBasicInfo are as follows:

    Parameter Type Description
    name String The video name.
    duration Float Video duration in seconds.
    description String The video description.
    coverUrl String The video thumbnail.

    Getting video stream information


    List<StreamingOutput> adapter.getStreamimgOutputList();

    Parameter description

    The parameters of StreamingOutput are as follows:

    Parameter Type Description
    drmType String The adaptive bitstream protection type. Valid values: plain (no encryption), simpleAES (HLS common encryption).
    playUrl String Playback URL
    subStreams List The adaptive bitrate substream information of the SubStreamInfo type.

    The parameters of SubStreamInfo are as follows:

    Parameter Type Description
    type String Substream type. Valid values: video
    width Int The substream video width in px.
    height Int The substream video height in px.
    resolutionName String The name of the substream video displayed in the player.

    Getting keyframe timestamp information


    List<KeyFrameDescInfo> adapter.getKeyFrameDescInfo();

    Parameter description

    The parameters of KeyFrameDescInfo are as follows:

    Parameter Type Description
    timeOffset Float 1.1
    content String "Beginning now..."

    Getting thumbnail information


    ImageSpriteInfo adapter.getImageSpriteInfo();

    Parameter description

    The parameters of ImageSpriteInfo are as follows:

    Parameter Type Description
    imageUrls List Array of thumbnail download URLs of String type.
    webVttUrl String Thumbnail VTT file download URL.

    Listening on events

    The player can perform event listening through the objects returned by the initialization, for example:

    const adapter = TcAdapter('player-container-id', options);
    adapter.on(TcAdapter.TcAdapterEvents.Error, function(error) {
    // do something

    Here, type is the event type. Supported events include HLS' native events and the following events. Event names can be accessed from TcAdapter.TcAdapterEvents:

    Name Description
    LOADEDMETADATA The corresponding video information was obtained through playcgi. Relevant video information can be obtained through this event callback.
    HLSREADY An HLS instance was created. At this point, you can call the various attributes and methods of the HLS instance object.
    ERROR This event will be triggered when an error occurs. You can view the specific failure cause according to the callback parameters.

    Getting an HLS instance

    The underlying layer of Adapter is implemented based on HLS.js. You can access an HLS instance and its attributes and methods through an Adapter instance to achieve fine control over the playback process.

    adapter.on('hlsready', () => {
    const hls = adapter.hls;
    // ...

    For more information, see hls.js.


    Sample 1. Using TcAdapter in React

    For the specific sample, see tcplayer/tcadapter-combine-video.

    import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
    import TcAdapter from 'tcadapter';
    function App() {
    if (!TcAdapter.isSupported()) {
      throw new Error('current environment can not support TcAdapter');
     const videoRef = useRef(null);
    useEffect(() => {
      const adapter = new TcAdapter(videoRef.current, {
        appID: '1500002611',
        fileID: '5285890813738446783',
        psign: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6MTUwMDAwMjYxMSwiZmlsZUlkIjoiNTI4NTg5MDgxMzczODQ0Njc4MyIsImN1cnJlbnRUaW1lU3RhbXAiOjE2MTU5NTEyMzksImV4cGlyZVRpbWVTdGFtcCI6MjIxNTY1MzYyMywicGNmZyI6ImJhc2ljRHJtUHJlc2V0IiwidXJsQWNjZXNzSW5mbyI6eyJ0IjoiMjIxNTY1MzYyMyJ9fQ.hRrQYvC0UYtcO-ozB35k7LZI6E3ruvow7DC0XzzdYKE',
        hlsConfig: {},
      }, () => {
        console.log('basicInfo', adapter.getVideoBasicInfo());
       adapter.on(TcAdapter.TcAdapterEvents.HLSREADY, () => {
        const hls = adapter.hls;
        // ...
    }, []);
     const play = () => {
     return (
          <video id="player" ref={ videoRef }></video>
        <button onClick={play}>play</button>
    export default App;

    Sample 2. Combining TcAdapter with Video.js

    For the specific sample, see tcplayer/tcadapter-combine-videojs.

    // 1. Video.js playback over HLS uses `@videojs/http-streaming`, so we have developed a set of policies for playback with TcAdapter to override the original logic (you can also directly modify the internal logic of `@videojs/http-streaming`)
    // src/js/index.js
    import videojs from './video';
    import '@videojs/http-streaming';
    import './tech/tcadapter'; // Add logic
    export default videojs;
    // src/js/tech/tcadapter.js
    import videojs from '../video.js';
    import TcAdapter from 'tcadapter';
    class Adapter {
    constructor(source, tech, options) {
      const el = tech.el();
      // Get parameters and initialize the instance
      const adapter = new TcAdapter(el, {
        appID: '1500002611',
        fileID: '5285890813738446783',
        psign: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6MTUwMDAwMjYxMSwiZmlsZUlkIjoiNTI4NTg5MDgxMzczODQ0Njc4MyIsImN1cnJlbnRUaW1lU3RhbXAiOjE2MTU5NTEyMzksImV4cGlyZVRpbWVTdGFtcCI6MjIxNTY1MzYyMywicGNmZyI6ImJhc2ljRHJtUHJlc2V0IiwidXJsQWNjZXNzSW5mbyI6eyJ0IjoiMjIxNTY1MzYyMyJ9fQ.hRrQYvC0UYtcO-ozB35k7LZI6E3ruvow7DC0XzzdYKE',
        hlsConfig: {},
      adapter.on(TcAdapter.TcAdapterEvents.LEVEL_LOADED, this.onLevelLoaded.bind(this));
     dispose() {
     onLevelLoaded(event) {
      this._duration = event.data.details.live ? Infinity : event.data.details.totalduration;
    let hlsTypeRE = /^application\/(x-mpegURL|vnd\.apple\.mpegURL)$/i;
    let hlsExtRE = /\.m3u8/i;
    let HlsSourceHandler = {
    name: 'hlsSourceHandler',
    canHandleSource: function (source) {
      // skip hls fairplay, need to use Safari resolve it.
      if (source.skipHlsJs || (source.keySystems && source.keySystems['com.apple.fps.1_0'])) {
        return '';
      } else if (hlsTypeRE.test(source.type)) {
        return 'probably';
      } else if (hlsExtRE.test(source.src)) {
        return 'maybe';
      } else {
        return '';
     handleSource: function (source, tech, options) {
      if (tech.hlsProvider) {
        tech.hlsProvider = null;
      } else {
        // After automatic loading is disabled for HLS, you need to manually load resources
        if (options.hlsConfig && options.hlsConfig.autoStartLoad === false) {
          tech.on('play', function () {
            if (!this.player().hasStarted()) {
      tech.hlsProvider = new Adapter(source, tech, options);
      return tech.hlsProvider;
    canPlayType: function (type) {
      if (hlsTypeRE.test(type)) {
        return 'probably';
      return '';
    function mountHlsProvider(enforce) {
    if (TcAdapter && TcAdapter.isSupported() || !!enforce) {
      try {
        let html5Tech = videojs.getTech && videojs.getTech('Html5');
        if (html5Tech) {
          html5Tech.registerSourceHandler(HlsSourceHandler, 0);
      } catch (e) {
        console.error('hls.js init failed');
    } else {
      // TcAdapter is not imported, MSE is not available, or X5 kernel is disabled
    export default Adapter;




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