tencent cloud


Billing Overview

最終更新日:2024-04-11 16:11:38
    The cost of the Player SDK includes the following:
    Type of Expense
    The use of authorization fees for Player SDK.
    When using the Player SDK in conjunction with cloud services like VOD and CSS, corresponding fees are generated.
    The Player SDK offers a cumulative 28-day trial License for both the Mobile Premium Version and the Web Premium Version. You can apply for free in the console.

    SDK Authorization Fees

    The Player SDK authorizations for Mobile and Web are separate. Both platforms offer Basic and Premium versions, and you can obtain the usage authorization for the corresponding version by purchasing the designated License. For differences between the platforms and the versions, see Product Features.

    Acquisition Method

    Player SDK Platform
    Feature Version
    Required License Type
    Authorization Unit
    Mobile Player
    (iOS & Android & Flutter)
    Basic version
    Player Mobile Basic Version License /UGSV License /MLVB License
    0 USD (1 year, renewable for free) Apply for free
    One license can authorize one iOS application Bundle ID and one Android application Package Name
    Premium version
    Player Mobile Premium Version License
    499 USD/month
    Web Player
    Basic version
    Player Web Basic Version License
    0 USD (1 year, renewable for free)
    Precise domain (one License can authorize up to ten precise domains)
    Premium version
    Player Web Premium Version License
    99 USD/month
    Wildcard Domain (one License can authorize up to one wildcard domain)
    If you have already purchased one of the following three Licenses, you can also obtain the Player Mobile SDK authorization with the Basic version without needing to purchase an additional player License.
    Official License Type
    Validity Period
    Price (USD/Year)
    UGSV Lite Version License
    1 Year (From the Date of Purchase)
    UGSV Basic Version License
    1 Year (From the Date of Purchase)
    MLVB License
    1 Year (From the Date of Purchase)


    Each account can apply for one free mobile player trial license and one web player trial license via the VOD console or CSS console to experience and test the product. The first application provides a 14-day validity period, which can be renewed in the console for another 14 days, totaling 28 days. Mobile and web trial licenses have separate application counts and durations.
    A mobile license can be associated with one iOS application Bundle ID and one Android application Package Name, while a web license can be associated with up to ten precise domains. Associating a license with an application/domain provides the corresponding authorization without distinction between business environments. If multiple applications need to be integrated, the corresponding number of licenses must be purchased for binding.
    Domain Name Description:
    A precise domain refers to a specific fixed domain address, such as: a.com, a.b.com, a.b.c.com and other unique and fixed domain addresses.
    A wildcard domain refers to a series of domain addresses with the same domain suffix, such as a wildcard domain *.a.com associated with a license. It allows a.a.com, b.a.com, c.a.com and other domains with the same suffix to unlock package capabilities. The * position can support custom definitions of multi-level domains, such as b.c.a.com and b.c.d.a.com.
    An application supports changing the associated license. The authorization validity period for changing the application is the validity period of the newly associated license. The replaced license can be used to associate with other applications, and its validity period remains unchanged.
    For refund-related content, see Refund Explanation.

    New License Validity Period Example

    A customer purchased the Player Mobile Premium Version License A on July 1, 2022, at 11:36:59, and associated it with iOS application A1 and Android application A2. Later, on July 2, 2022, at 11:36:59, the customer purchased another Player Mobile Premium Version License, obtained its License B, and associated it with iOS application B1 and Android application B2. Therefore:
    The validity period of Player Mobile Premium Version License A is from July 1, 2022, 11:36:59 to August 2, 2022, 00:00:00.
    The validity period of Player Mobile Premium Version License B is from July 2, 2022, 11:36:59 to August 3, 2022, 00:00:00.
    Applications A1, A2, B1, and B2 all receive authorization to use features of the Player SDK Mobile Premium Version. Meanwhile, the authorization validity period for applications A1 and A2 is based on the validity of License A, and for applications B1 and B2, it is based on the validity of License B.

    Validity Period Update Example

    Based on the previous example, the same customer purchased the Player Mobile Premium Version License C on December 1, 2022, 15:48:12, and used License C to renew applications A1 and A2. As a result:
    The validity period of Player Mobile Premium Version License C is from August 1, 2022, 15:48:12 to September 2, 2022, 00:00:00. When renewing for applications A1 and A2, License C will replace the originally affiliated License A with applications A1 and A2.
    Since an application's authorization validity period is based on the actual affiliated License's validity period, the renewal changes the validity period of applications A1 and A2 to that of License C, which is from August 1, 2022, 15:48:12 to September 2, 2022, 00:00:00. Thus, the authorization validity period of applications A1 and A2 is extended from the original August 2, 2022, 00:00:00 to September 2, 2022, 00:00:00.
    After License C becomes affiliated with applications A1 and A2, the originally affiliated License A with applications A1 and A2 will naturally disaffiliate, while the validity period of License A remains unchanged, still serving as an available License resource that can be affiliated with other applications.

    Other Related Cloud Services Fee

    In addition to license fees, using the Player SDK may also incur the following service fees. Related fees will not be generated if the related services are not used.

    Video on Demand (VOD)

    Tencent Cloud’s VOD service provides functions such as video upload, storage, transcoding, acceleration distribution playback, copyright protection, and play quality monitoring.
    Billing of VOD:
    Storage fees are charged based on the storage space used by files uploaded to VOD and their transcoding outputs.
    If you transcode files stored in VOD, transcoding fees are charged based on the specifications and durations of the outputs.
    If you use VOD’s acceleration service to deliver videos, acceleration fees will be charged based on the traffic consumed for playback.
    For more information about the billing of VOD, see Billing Overview.

    Cloud Streaming Services (CSS)

    CSS offers capabilities including live stream receiving, on-cloud recording, live transcoding, live screencapture, and live stream delivery and playback. If you need to use related functions, we recommend you use CSS.
    Using CSS to receive and deliver live streams will incur basic service fees, which are charged based on the traffic/bandwidth consumed.
    Using CSS features such as live transcoding (including stream mixing and watermarking), live recording, live screencapture, RTC-based co-anchoring, and relay to CDN will incur value-added service fees.
    For more information about the billing of CSS, see Pricing Overview.




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