tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-07-05 15:13:18


    Quick Application Performance Management (QAPM) is a comprehensive performance monitoring platform for enterprise-grade mobile apps. Simply by calling several APIs, you can create your own performance optimization solution in a few minutes. By leveraging Tencent's experience, it organically combines multidimensional metric analysis and problem clustering to deliver a one-stop performance optimization experience throughout metric measurement, evaluation, locating, and solution.
    After your mini program is connected to QAPM, QAPM will automatically capture relevant performance data and report it to the backend. The backend will analyze the data according to the rules formed based on the experience in long-term special testing, so as to automatically analyze suspicious performance defects in various dimensions. Then, you can have a quick overview of the mini program performance in the console and make optimization decisions.  Acting as a digital experience assistant, QAPM helps you render a good user experience, continuously achieve good results, and make great breakthroughs in the digital business.


    Helps R&D focus on key serious defects
    Based on years of special testing experience, issues are clustered in each performance dimension and key data are provided to assist in determining the priority of issues, helping developers to effectively focus on key issues.
    Helps accurately combat difficult defects
    By combining user environment, resource usage, and stack information, the platform can restore the actual situation where users encounter performance issues, helping developers accurately solve difficult defects such as occasional bugs.
    Quickly build a comprehensive performance monitoring system
    To build a comprehensive performance monitoring system for your project, you only need to integrate the QAPM SDK and perform simple configuration. In the R&D process, based on the easy-to-use APIs provided by QAPM, you can customize the code incorporation specifications specific to the project by combining the data of various performance dimensions. In addition to the R&D process, by collecting millions of real user data reports, the platform can restore the performance panorama of your application. Based on the QAPM big data analysis engine, the platform can also help you break through the performance bottlenecks of your application, building high-quality user experience and achieving excellent industry reputation.


    QAPM facilitates swift and efficient construction of a mini program performance monitoring system with a lightweight architecture, optimizing user experience for your application and bolstering digital business operations.
    Quick connection and out-of-the-box service.
    Full data collection, accurate analysis and location, and monitoring without blind spots.
    Accurate and effective performance metrics, and real user experience feedback.
    Root cause analysis for problem resolution and code-level JavaScript error diagnosis.
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