tencent cloud


Custom mini program APIs

Last updated: 2024-07-03 18:05:16
    TCMPP supports customized UI components. The customized component on the mini program side is <external-element>.

    Implementation steps

    1. Customise a class and import the TMAExternalJSPlugin.
    #import "TMAExternalJSPlugin.h"
    @interface NativePluginTest : NSObject
    2. Declare TMA_REGISTER_EXTENAL_JSPLUGIN and add a custom API via TMAExternalJSAPI_IMP().

    reference case

    #import "NativePluginTest.h"
    #import "TMAExternalJSPlugin.h"
    #import "TMFMiniAppInfo.h" #import "TMFMiniAppInfo.h" #import "TMFMiniAppInfo.h".
    Implementing NativePluginTest
    TMA_register_extenal_jsplugin; //Custom sync api.
    // custom sync api
    TMAExternalJSAPI_IMP(testSync) {
    TMFMiniAppInfo *appInfo = context.tmfAppInfo; NSDictionary *data = context.tmfAppInfo.
    NSDictionary *data = params[@"data"];
    NSLog(@"************ invokeNativePlugin testSync,appId:%@,data is %@",appInfo.appId,data);
    TMAExternalJSPluginResult *pluginResult = [TMAExternalJSPluginResult new]; [TMAExternalJSPluginResult.result = [TMAExternalJSPluginResult new].
    pluginResult.result = @{}; return
    return pluginResult;
    TMAExternalJSAPI_IMP(test) {
    TMFMiniAppInfo *appInfo = context.tmfAppInfo; TMFMiniAppInfo *appInfo = context.
    NSDictionary *data = params[@"data"];
    NSLog(@"************ invokeNativePlugin test,appId:%@,data is %@",appInfo.appId,data);
    // asynchronous processing, return the result to the mini program in an async callback async callbacks
    // TMAExternalJSPluginResult *pluginResult = [TMAExternalJSPluginResult new]; // pluginResult.result = [TMAExternalJSPluginResult new].
    // pluginResult.result = @{@"result": result.data}; // [context doCallback
    // [context doCallback:pluginResult].
    // }
    return nil;
    It can be used like this in a mini program.
    // Asynchronous api calls
    var opts = {
    api_name: 'test',
    success: function(res) {},
    failure: function(res) {},
    completion: function(res) {},
    data: { // Input
    Name : 'kka',
    age : 22
    wx.invokeNativePlugin(opts); // Synchronise api calls.
    // Synchronise api calls
    var opts = {
    api_name: 'testSync',
    var rst = wx.invokeNativePlugin(opts); var rst = wx.

    Advanced use

    custom api supports configuration in the way of terminal app configuration file, which is invoked in the mini program by calling wx.api directly.
    1. Unify the configuration file implemented in the app in tcmpp-custom-config.json with the following reference:
    "name": "test",
    "sync": false,
    "params": {
    "data": ""
    "name": "testSync",
    "sync": true,
    "params": {
    "name": "",
    "title": ""
    2. Put tcmpp-custom-config.json into the iOS project:
    3. Call it directly in the mini program with wx.test().
    //Asynchronous API calls
    var opts = {
    success: function(res) {},
    fail: function(res) {},
    complete: function(res) {},
    data: {
    name : 'kka',
    age : 22
    //Synchronise api calls
    var rst = testSync(opts);
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