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Windows App Icon ICO File Generation Guidelines

Last updated: 2024-06-07 18:04:03


    Windows app icon (.ico) files are specialized formats used by Windows to display icons for applications, folders, and more. Creating an .ico file requires some basic image editing skills and tools. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a Windows icon.

    Required tools

    Before you start, you'll need the following tools:
    Image editing software: Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, or any other software that supports editing transparent backgrounds.
    Icon conversion tools: Online converters (ConvertICO and ICO Convert) or icon creation software (IcoFX or Greenfish Icon Editor).


    1. Prepare image file
    First, you need an image file that will serve as the base for your icon. A high-quality PNG file is recommended because it supports transparent backgrounds, making the icon look more polished.
    1.1 Open your image file in your image editing software.
    1.1 Ensure the image size is appropriate. Typically, 256 x 256 pixels or 512 x 512 pixels is recommended.
    1.1 Make sure the image background is transparent (if needed).
    2. Edit the image with image editing software
    Next, you need to edit the image to meet icon requirements.
    2.1 Resize the image to fit various icon sizes (e.g., 16 x 16, 32 x 32, 48 x 48, 64 x 64, 128 x 128 and 256 x 256 pixels). It's best to start with the largest size.
    2.2 If the image background is not transparent, use the Magic Wand Tool or other selection tools to remove the background, ensuring smooth edges.
    2.3 Save the edited image file in PNG format to maintain transparency and high quality.
    3. Convert the image to .ico format
    After editing, you need to convert the image file to .ico format. You can use online conversion tools or dedicated icon creation software for this step.
    3.1 Use online conversion tools:
    3.1.1 Open an online conversion website, for example, ConvertICO.
    3.1.2 Upload your PNG image file.
    3.1.3 Select the desired icon sizes for automatic conversion.
    3.1.4 Click Download button to download the generated .ico file.
    3.2 Use icon creator:
    3.2.1 Open the icon creator, for example, IcoFX.
    3.2.2 Import your PNG image files.
    3.2.3 Adjust the icon sizes as needed.
    3.2.4 Export the file as .ico.


    mage clarity: Ensure that the image remains clear and not blurry at all size.
    Color and transparency: Select appropriate colors and transparent backgrounds so the icon looks good on different backgrounds.
    Copyright: Make sure the images you use are either not copyrighted or that you have permission to use them.


    You need some basic image editing software and tools to create .ico files. By following the steps above, you can easily create the .ico file.
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