tencent cloud


Searching mini programs

Last updated: 2024-07-03 18:00:50
    The mini program SDK provides an API for searching online mini programs by keywords and categories.
    firstType and secondType specify the primary and secondary categories for the mini program search.
    The completion parameter is used to retrieve the search results.
    // Search mini programs
    // Search mini program
    // @param name Search by name keyword - search name keyword
    // @param completion Search results - search results
    - (void)searchAppletsWithName:(NSString *)name
                          completion:(void (^)(NSArray<TMFAppletSearchInfo *> * _Nullable, NSError * _Nullable))completion;
    // Search mini programs
    // Search mini program
    // @param name Search by name keyword - search name keyword
    // @param firstType Primary category name - first level classification name
    // @param secondType Secondary category name - second level classification name
    // @param completion Search results - search results
    - (void)searchAppletsWithName:(NSString * _Nullable )name
                       firstType:(NSString * _Nullable)firstType
                       secondType:(NSString * _Nullable)secondType
                       completion:(void (^)(NSArray<TMFAppletSearchInfo *> * _Nullable, NSError * _Nullable))completion;

    Search by keyword

    Sample code:
    [[TMFMiniAppSDKManager sharedInstance] searchAppletsWithName:searchString completion:^(NSArray<TMFAppletSearchInfo *> * _Nonnull result, NSError * _Nonnull aError) {
    if (error) {
    // Search failed, or the list is empty
    } else {
    //Search successful, list not empty

    Search by single category

    Sample code:
    [[TMFMiniAppSDKManager sharedInstance] searchAppletsWithName:nil firstType:@"firstType" secondType:nil completion:^(NSArray<TMFAppletSearchInfo *> * _Nullable info, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (error) {
    // Search failed, or the list is empty
    } else {
    //Search successful, list not empty

    Bicategory search

    The result of a bicategory search is the intersection of two categories.
    Sample code:
    [[TMFMiniAppSDKManager sharedInstance] searchAppletsWithName:nil firstType:@"firstType" secondType:@"secondType" completion:^(NSArray<TMFAppletSearchInfo *> * _Nullable info, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (error) {
    // Search failed, or the list is empty
    } else {
    //Search successful, list not empty
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