tencent cloud


Mini Program Release

Last updated: 2024-07-22 14:26:54

    Mini Program List

    Functional Purpose

    Mini program developers can create mini program projects, while the platform concurrently provides the download link for the latest version of the IDE.

    Specific Functional Operations

    Create Mini Program: Users with permissions can create a mini program directly, and the associated code resources will belong to the user's team.
    Filter: Corporate governance right holders can further filter the mini program lists by selecting the corresponding team from the filter box at the top.
    Edit: Users with permissions can modify the fundamental descriptive information of the mini program.
    Details: Users with permissions can view the mini program's App ID (keep this crucial ID information safe) and download the latest version of the IDE tool.

    Binding Application

    Functional Purpose

    Mini program developers can associate and bind different mini programs with various applications under the same enterprise.

    Specific Functional Operations

    Create Mini Program: Users with permissions can create a mini program directly, and the associated code resources will belong to the user's team.
    Filter: Corporate governance right holders can further filter the mini program lists by selecting the corresponding team from the filter box at the top.
    Request for Binding: Developers can select the desired application for binding association from the list of applications awaiting binding.
    Unbind: Developers can select the desired application from the list of bound applications and proceed with the unbinding operation.

    Version Management

    Functional Purpose

    Mini program developers can control the release of each mini program version. It's important for business personnel to note that this release will affect all applications associated with the mini program.

    Specific Functional Operations

    Create Mini Program: Users with permissions can create a mini program directly, and the associated code resources will belong to the user's team.
    Filter: Corporate governance right holders can further filter the mini program lists by selecting the corresponding team from the filter box at the top.
    Version Overview: This displays the current online version of the mini program, the progress of version review, and information about the development version.
    Review Record: This displays the review records of past version releases of the current mini program.
    Go Live: Once the review process is completed, users with permissions can initiate the release.
    Add Version: Using the form of a code package, upload the files obtained from packaging with the TCMPP IDE tool here for the release of a new version.
    Submit Version for Review: Submit the current development version to the application administrator for review.
    Configure Trial Version: Configure the opening page of the mini program using relative address configuration;
    Code scanning: Developers can perform code scanning on the uploaded version of the mini program, and can actively click to view the code scanning score and detailed report.

    Grayscale Release

    Developers can release the mini program in grayscale to some users before the new version of the mini program is officially launched. Enter the mini program platform console, in Version Management > Grayscale Release, click New Grayscale Task to start the grayscale release process.

    Grayscale Progress

    Grayscale version: Grayscale release is a special form of release and online of Mini programs version. Therefore, the version released in gray level must have passed the applet review, have not been launched yet andhave a version number higher than the online version.
    Gray task name: fill in the gray task name for differentiation, no more than 20 characters.
    Grayscale Time: Select the start and end time of the grayscale process. The end time of the grayscale process cannot be earlier than the time point when the creation is confirmed.
    Number of Grayscale: Set the limit on the total number of users of grayscale distribution.
    Grayscale Effective Application: Select from all associated applications of the current Mini programs. After checking an application, you can enter the version number range limit of the application below (if the version number range is empty, there is no limit).
    Grayscale Effective Platform: Select from Android and iOS platforms, and fill in the beginning and end version number of the corresponding operating system after checking.
    Grayscale Objects: Deliver grayscale versions to a specific set of users by adding push object criteria. Currently supports GUID, custom device identification, user account three conditions. Developers can manually enter the push object information, also can through the txt batch upload object allowlist.
    Networking mode: Select whether to drop down the grayscale version in a specific network environment.
    Take the intersection between multiple gray conditions, and no gray version will be released after reaching the limit of one of the conditions.

    Gray Tasks

    On a grayscale publishing page, multiple grayscale tasks in the list are sorted by creation time from late to early. Each gray task has the status of To Be Released, Being Released, Paused, Ended, etc. The flow mode of tasks in various statuses is shown in the following figure:
    ClickGrayscale Progress to view the release of the current gray scale task.
    Click Grayscale Progress to view the release of the current gray scale task.
    When a developer releases an Mini programs version online, the grayscale task with the same version number or smaller version number will automatically end, and all users will upgrade to the latest released version.

    Development management

    Functional Purpose

    Provides domain setting, sensitive API permission request, and real-time log query functions for mini program developers.

    Specific Functional Operations

    Create Mini Program: Users with permissions can create a mini program directly, and the associated code resources will belong to the user's team.
    Filter: Corporate governance right holders can further filter the mini program lists by selecting the corresponding team from the filter box at the top.
    Domain Name Settings
    Add Domain Name: Mini program developers can add new valid Request domain names, business domain names, valid Socket domain names, valid UploadFile domain names, valid DownloadFile domain names, valid UDP domain names, and valid TCP domain names.
    View Domain Name Blocklist/Allowlist: Developers can only view the blocklist and allowlist set under the enterprise. The setting permissions can only be set by the permission holder in Platform Management>Domain Name Management.
    Interface Permission
    Request Permission: Mini program developers can only apply for the use of sensitive API permissions added by the application manager.
    Real-Time Logs
    Search Criteria: The search criteria include time, log level dimensions (all, info and above, warn and above, error and above), system type, Guid, page link, filterMsg content, basic library version, and client version.


    Functional Purpose

    You can set up a user privacy protection agreement and make modifications directly based on the provided template.

    Offline applet

    Functional Purpose

    Offline mini programs are mini programs built into the host App. The mini program package needs to be downloaded from the console, imported into the host App project, and packaged together with the App. During the use of the App, the user opens a built-in mini program without downloading it from the backend. The mini program can be opened and run even without a network connection.

    Specific Functional Operations

    1. Download the applet that needs to be preset from the console.
    2. Copy the downloaded applet package to the customized assets directory. Offline applet must strictly abide by the naming rules and cannot be modified at will.
    Offline mini program naming rules: {miniAppId}_{miniAppVersion}.apkg
    3. In the SDK initialization configuration, specify the asset directory where the offline applet was placed in the previous step.


    Offline mini programs also need to go through the normal mini program binding application and publishing process. Only online mini programs can download offline packages.
    Offline mini programs are suitable for version management logic such as new version release, version rollback, and delisting. When the online version is inconsistent with the preset version, the client will pull the online version normally.
    When the mini program is removed from the shelves, the corresponding offline mini program preset in the App cannot be used normally.

    Delete applet

    Function Description

    Offline mini programs are mini programs built into the host App. The mini program package needs to be downloaded from the console, imported into the host App project, and packaged together with the App. During the use of the App, the user opens a built-in mini program without downloading it from the backend. The mini program can be opened and run even without a network connection.

    Specific functional operations

    After the mini program is deleted, the mini program analysis, monitoring, audit records, release records, mini program version records, version audit records, mini program application binding records, grayscale tasks, formal task delivery tasks and other information will be deleted. Please Business parties should operate with caution.
    Platform administrators, team administrators (complete teams), and mini program team administrators can delete all unpublished or delisted mini programs in Mini Program Management > Mini Program List.
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