Mini program list
Developers can create mini programs, and the TCMPP provides download address for the latest version of the IDE.
How to use
Create mini program: Authorized users can create mini programs, and the code resources will belong to the user's team.
Filter: Filter the mini programs by selecting the mini program team in the filter box.
Edit: Authorized users can modify the basic description of the mini program.
Submit/Remove: Submit or remove a mini program. After a mini program is removed, it cannot be accessed by any associated apps, and new versions cannot be released. However, you can still submit versions for approval.
Details: Authorized users can view the app ID of the mini program (please keep the ID properly), and download the latest version of the IDE.
Version management
Mini program developers can manage the release of mini program versions. Please note that the releases will affect all associated applications.
How to use
Create mini program: Authorized users can create mini programs, and the code resources will belong to the user's team.
Filter: Filter the mini programs by selecting the mini program team in the filter box.
Version overview: Display the current released version, version approval progress, and development version information of the mini program.
Approval history: Display the approval records for the release of mini program versions.
Release: Authorized users can release the versions of mini programs after the release is approved.
Version rollback: Roll back the released version of the mini program to a previously released version. Continuous rollback is not supported.
New version: Upload the code package generated by IDE for new version release.
Submit approval request: Submit the current development version for approval.
Configure Preview: Configure the opening page of the mini program with the relative path.
Canary release
Developers can perform a canary release of a mini program to a subset of users before officially releasing a new version. To start the canary release process, log in to the TCMPP console, go to Version management Canary release , and clic Create canary release task.
Canary release task settings
Canary release version: The canary release version must be approved and not yet released,and the version must be later than the online version.
Canary release task name: Fill in the name of the canary release task with up to 20 characters.
Canary release time: Select the start and end time for the canary release task. The end time cannot be earlier than the creation time of the canary release task.
Canary release limit: Set a limit on the total number of users for the canary release.
Applicable app: Select an applicable app from all apps associated with the current mini program. You can enter the version number range for the selected app (the limit is not applicable when the version number range is empty).
Applicable platform: Select Android or iOS or both, and specify the version number range.
Target users: Set filters for target users of the canary release versions. Three filters are currently supported: GUID, custom device identifier, and user account. Developers can manually enter the target user information or batch upload target user allowlist in a .txt file.
Networking: Choose whether to pull the canary release version in WiFi environment.
Multiple canary conditions are intersected; once one condition limit is reached, the canary release will stop.
Canary release task management
In the canary release task list, multiple canary release tasks are sorted from latest to earliest based on the creation time. The status of a canary release task includes: Pending, In progress, Paused, and Completed. The status flow is shown in the following figure:
Click Canary release progress to view the current status of the canary release task.
When a mini program version is officially released, any canary tasks with the same or lower version number will automatically end, and all users will be updated to the latest version.
Development management
Mini program developers can configure domain names, request permissions for sensitive APIs, and query real-time logs.
Domain settings
Add domain: A communication domain name is required to be preset for communication with the mini program, including ordinary HTTPS request (wx.request), file uploading (wx.uploadFile), file downloading (wx.downloadFile), and WebSocket communication (wx.connectSocket). Embedding webpages in a mini program is supported (H5 page) to facilitate flexible configuration of the mini program.
Skipping domain verification
If the the mini program’s domain configuration is inconvenient or changes frequently, the developer can request to skip domain verification. Once approved, the mini program can initiate network requests to its server without configuring the domain name in the console.
The mini program must comply with the Security Agreement on Skipping Domain Verification, and the service requests must not contain any malicious code, viruses, or other content that may harm user devices or data.
API permissions
When sensitive APIs are configured for the host app, the mini program can call the sensitive APIs only after obtaining approval from the host app.
How to use:
Request permissions: Request permissions from the host app to call the sensitive APIs.
Real-time logs
Filters: Time, log level (All, Info and above, Warn and above, Error and above), system type, GUID, page link, filterMsg content, base library version, and client version.
Set the user privacy protection policy, which can be modified based on the provided template.
Offline mini program
Feature description
Offline mini programs are embedded within the host app. Developers need to download the mini program package from the console and import it into the host app project, where it gets packaged with the app. Users can open and run these embedded mini programs without needing to download them from the backend, even when there is no internet connection.
How to use
1. Download the mini program that need to be preset from the console.
2. Copy the downloaded mini program package to a custom assets directory. Note that the offline mini programs must strictly follow the naming rule and cannot be modified arbitrarily.
Naming rule for offline mini programs: {miniAppId}_{miniAppVersion}.apkg
3. Specify the asset directory where the offline mini program is placed in the SDK initialization configuration.
Offline mini programs must go through the standard binding and release process. Only offline packages of released mini programs can be downloaded.
Version management such as new version release, version rollback, and removal are applicable to offline mini programs. When the online version is inconsistent with the preset version, the client will fetch the online version.
The offline mini program preset in the host app doesn't work when the corresponding mini program is removed.
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