/*** @brief SDK host platform's user nickname, returns "TCMPP" by default -- SDK host platform's user nickname, returns "TCMPP" by default.*/- (NSString *)getAppNickName;
/*** @ brief SDK host platform user avatar, the default return demo image, SDK host platform user avatar, default return demo image*/- (UIImage *)getAppAvatar;
/*** @brief Get the current user account identifier of the SDK host platform, usually fill in uin or openid - Get the current user account identifier of the SDK host platform, usually fill in uin or openid* Note: Returning nil will invalidate some caches within the SDK. If you are not logged in, you can fill in a device number id to avoid cache invalidation - Note: Returning nil will cause some caches within the SDK to be invalidated. If not logged in, you can fill in a device number id to avoid cache invalidation.*/- (NSString *_Nonnull)getAppUID;
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