Property | Type | Default value | Description |
type | string | - | The type of icon. Valid values are: success, success_no_circle, info, warn, waiting, cancel, download, search, clear. |
size | umber/string | 23 | The size of the icon. The default unit is pixel. |
color | string | - | The color of the icon, following the same rules as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) color. |
<view class="container"><view class="icon-box"><icon class="icon-box-img" type="success" size="93"></icon><view class="icon-box-ctn"><view class="icon-box-title">Success</view><view class="icon-box-desc">Used to indicate a successful operation.</view></view></view><view class="icon-box"><icon class="icon-box-img" type="info" size="93"></icon><view class="icon-box-ctn"><view class="icon-box-title">Info</view><view class="icon-box-desc">Used for informational prompts and to intercept operations lacking necessary conditions, prompting the user for required information.</view></view></view><view class="icon-box"><icon class="icon-box-img" type="warn" size="93" color="#C9C9C9"></icon><view class="icon-box-ctn"><view class="icon-box-title">Warning</view><view class="icon-box-desc">Indicates potential consequences of an operation or negative outcomes due to system issues.</view></view></view><view class="icon-box"><icon class="icon-box-img" type="warn" size="93"></icon><view class="icon-box-ctn"><view class="icon-box-title">Strong warning</view><view class="icon-box-desc">Indicates negative outcomes from user actions or irreversible serious consequences.</view></view></view><view class="icon-box"><icon class="icon-box-img" type="waiting" size="93"></icon><view class="icon-box-ctn"><view class="icon-box-title">Waiting</view><view class="icon-box-desc">Indicates that the user needs to wait for the result.</view></view></view><view class="icon-box"><view class="icon-small-wrp"><icon class="icon-small" type="success_no_circle" size="23"></icon></view><view class="icon-box-ctn"><view class="icon-box-title">Multi-select icon_Selected</view><view class="icon-box-desc">Used in the multi-select control to indicate that the item has been selected.</view></view></view><view class="icon-box"><view class="icon-small-wrp"><icon class="icon-small" type="circle" size="23"></icon></view><view class="icon-box-ctn"><view class="icon-box-title">Multi-select icon_Not selected</view><view class="icon-box-desc">Used in the multi-select control to indicate that the item is selectable but has not been selected.</view></view></view><view class="icon-box"><view class="icon-small-wrp"><icon class="icon-small" type="warn" size="23"></icon></view><view class="icon-box-ctn"><view class="icon-box-title">Error</view><view class="icon-box-desc">Indicates that an error occurs in the form.</view></view></view><view class="icon-box"><view class="icon-small-wrp"><icon class="icon-small" type="success" size="23"></icon></view><view class="icon-box-ctn"><view class="icon-box-title">Single-select icon_Selected</view><view class="icon-box-desc">Used in the single-select control to indicate that the item has been selected.</view></view></view><view class="icon-box"><view class="icon-small-wrp"><icon class="icon-small" type="download" size="23"></icon></view><view class="icon-box-ctn"><view class="icon-box-title">Download</view><view class="icon-box-desc">Indicates that the item is downloadable.</view></view></view><view class="icon-box"><view class="icon-small-wrp"><icon class="icon-small" type="info_circle" size="23"></icon></view><view class="icon-box-ctn"><view class="icon-box-title">Info</view><view class="icon-box-desc">Indicates that there is an information prompt in the form.</view></view></view><view class="icon-box"><view class="icon-small-wrp"><icon class="icon-small" type="cancel" size="23"></icon></view><view class="icon-box-ctn"><view class="icon-box-title">Stop or close</view><view class="icon-box-desc">Indicates close or stop in the form.</view></view></view><view class="icon-box"><view class="icon-small-wrp"><icon class="icon-small" type="search" size="14"></icon></view><view class="icon-box-ctn"><view class="icon-box-title">Search</view><view class="icon-box-desc">Used in the search control to indicate that search can be implemented.</view></view></view></view>
Page({data: {iconSize: [20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70],iconColor: ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'rgb(0,255,255)', 'blue', 'purple'],iconType: ['success', 'success_no_circle', 'info', 'warn', 'waiting', 'cancel', 'download', 'search', 'clear']}})
Property | Type | Default value | Description |
percent | float | - | Percentage (0-100). |
show-info | boolean | false | Displays the percentage on the right side of the progress bar. |
border-radius | number / string | 0 | Border radius in pixel. |
font-size | number / string | 16 | Font size of the percentage on the right side in pixel. |
stroke-width | number / string | 6 | Width of the progress bar line. |
color | color | #09BB07 | Progress bar color (use activeColor) |
activeColor | color | #09BB07 | Color of the selected progress bar. |
backgroundColor | color | #EBEBEB | Color of the unselected progress bar. |
active | boolean | false | Animation of the progress bar moving from left to right. |
active-mode | string | backwards | backwards: Animation starts from the beginning. forwards: Animation continues from the last end point. |
bindactiveend | eventhandle | - | Event triggered when the animation completes. |
<view class="progress-box"><progress percent="20" show-info stroke-width="3"/></view><view class="progress-box"><progress percent="40" active stroke-width="3" /><icon class="progress-cancel" type="cancel"></icon></view><view class="progress-box"><progress percent="60" active stroke-width="3" /></view><view class="progress-box"><progress percent="80" color="#10AEFF" active stroke-width="3" /></view>
Property | Type | Default value | Description |
selectable | boolean | false | Whether the text is selectable. |
space | string | - | Displays continuous spaces: ensp: Half-width space of a Chinese character emsp: Full-width space of a Chinese character nbsp: Space size based on font settings. |
decode | boolean | false | Whether to decode the character entities in the text. |
< > & '    
.<view class="container"><view class="page-body"><view class="page-section page-section-spacing"><view class="text-box" scroll-y="true" scroll-top="{{scrollTop}}"><text>{{text}}</text></view><button disabled="{{!canAdd}}" bindtap="add">add line</button><button disabled="{{!canRemove}}" bindtap="remove">remove line</button></view></view></view>
const texts = ['lin1: text1','lin2: text2','lin3: text3','lin4: text4','lin5: text5','lin6: text6','lin7: text7','lin8: text8','lin9: text9','lin10: text10','lin11: text11','lin12: text12','......']Page({onShareAppMessage() {return {title: 'text',path: 'page/component/pages/text/text'}},data: {text: '',canAdd: true,canRemove: false},extraLine: [],add() {this.extraLine.push(texts[this.extraLine.length % 12])this.setData({text: this.extraLine.join('\\n'),canAdd: this.extraLine.length < 12,canRemove: this.extraLine.length > 0})setTimeout(() => {this.setData({scrollTop: 99999})}, 0)},remove() {if (this.extraLine.length > 0) {this.extraLine.pop()this.setData({text: this.extraLine.join('\\n'),canAdd: this.extraLine.length < 12,canRemove: this.extraLine.length > 0,})}setTimeout(() => {this.setData({scrollTop: 99999})}, 0)}})
Property | Type | Default value | Description |
nodes | array/string | [] | List of nodes/HTML string. |
space | string | - | Displays continuous spaces: ensp: Half-width space of a Chinese character emsp: Full-width space of a Chinese character nbsp: Space size based on font settings. |
.Property | Description | Type | Required | Note |
name | Tag name | string | True | Supports a subset of trusted HTML nodes. |
attrs | Property | object | False | Supports a subset of trusted properties, following PascalCase naming convention. |
children | List of child nodes | array | False | The structure is the same as the nodes. |
Property | Description | Type | Required | Note |
text | Text | string | True | Supports entities. |
Node | Property | Node | Property |
a | - | img | alt,src,height,width |
abbr | - | ins | - |
b | - | label | - |
br | - | legend | - |
code | - | li | - |
col | span,width | ol | start,type |
colgroup | span,width | p | - |
dd | - | q | - |
del | - | span | - |
div | - | strong | - |
dl | - | sub | - |
dt | - | sup | - |
em | - | table | width |
fieldset | - | tbody | - |
h1 | - | td | colspan,height,rowspan,width |
h2 | - | tfoot | - |
h3 | - | th | colspan,height,rowspan,width |
h4 | - | thead | - |
h5 | - | tr | - |
h6 | - | ul | - |
hr | - | - | - |
<view class="container"><view class="page-body"><view class="page-section"><view class="page-section-title">Render via HTML String</view><view class="page-content"><scroll-view scroll-y>{{htmlSnip}}</scroll-view><button style="margin: 30rpx 0" type="primary" bindtap="renderHtml">Render HTML</button><block wx:if="{{renderedByHtml}}"><rich-text nodes="{{htmlSnip}}"></rich-text></block></view></view><view class="page-section"><view class="page-section-title">Render via nodes</view><view class="page-content"><scroll-view scroll-y>{{nodeSnip}}</scroll-view><button style="margin: 30rpx 0" type="primary" bindtap="renderNode">Render nodes</button><block wx:if="{{renderedByNode}}"><rich-text nodes="{{nodes}}"></rich-text></block></view></view></view></view>
const htmlSnip =`<div class="div_class"><h1>Title</h1><p class="p">Life is <i>like</i> a box of<b> chocolates</b>.</p></div>`const nodeSnip =`Page({data: {nodes: [{name: 'div',attrs: {class: 'div_class',style: 'line-height: 60px; color: red;'},children: [{type: 'text',text: 'You never know what you're gonna get.'}]}]}})`Page({onShareAppMessage() {return {title: 'rich-text',path: 'page/component/pages/rich-text/rich-text'}},data: {htmlSnip,nodeSnip,renderedByHtml: false,renderedByNode: false,nodes: [{name: 'div',attrs: {class: 'div_class',style: 'line-height: 60px; color: #1AAD19;'},children: [{type: 'text',text: 'You never know what you\\'re gonna get.'}]}]},renderHtml() {this.setData({renderedByHtml: true})},renderNode() {this.setData({renderedByNode: true})},enterCode(e) {console.log(e.detail.value)this.setData({htmlSnip: e.detail.value})}})
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