tencent cloud


Operations Management

Last updated: 2024-07-16 15:09:36

    Global Overview

    Functional Purpose

    View the operational data of connected applications and mini programs from a corporate perspective.

    Specific Functional Operations

    Filter: You can further filter data by selecting the date from the filter box at the top.
    To maintain the accuracy of data analytics, we utilize UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) for data tracking. Data is recorded every half hour, and when refreshed, the displayed data is the most recent statistics rather than real-time data.

    Data Dashboard

    Functional Purpose

    You can view the operational data of a specified mini program across various applications.

    Specific Functional Operations

    Filter: You can further filter the data by selecting a date at the top, or switch between the Basic Data and Page Access tabs to view data from different dimensions.
    When selecting All Applications in the application filter at the top of the page, the total data of all applications associated with the mini program during the selected time period will be displayed. If a mini program is unbound from an application, it will no longer be selectable in the application filter, but its corresponding historical data will still be retained when All Applications is selected.

    Mini Program Data

    Functional Purpose

    Used for viewing the primary information of the mini program, providing a quick dashboard entry point for data navigation.

    Specific Functional Operations

    Details: Click Details and you can view information such as the mini program name, mini program ID, mini program type, mini program description, and associated applications.
    Data Statistics: Click Data Statistics and you will be redirected to the data dashboard page and the corresponding mini program will be automatically selected.

    User feedback


    View feedback and complaint information submitted by users of Mini programs on the end side.

    Specific function operation

    Enter the user feedback page, select the Mini programs you want to view, and you can view the corresponding data. Click the tab bar to switch different types of feedback content.
    Platform users whose account type is ordinary members can view three parts of information: function abnormality, product feedback and feedback log if they have user feedback permission. Super administrators and platform administrators can view four parts of information: abnormal function, product feedback, feedback log and complaint.
    The feedback log can be stored for 30 days. Log files can be downloaded. Log files can be deleted and cannot be restored after deletion.
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