tencent cloud


API Description

Last updated: 2024-06-27 10:50:40


    Parameter configuration for mini program launching
    Parameter configuration for mini program launching
     * Whether to force update when opening the mini program (effective only the first time the app is launched). false: Use local cache first and fetch the latest data asynchronously. true: Wait for the network response before opening the mini program.
    public boolean isForceUpdate = false;
     * Entry path, supports adding parameters: path?key=value&key1=value1
    public String entryPath;
     * Receive mini program startup errors
    public ResultReceiver resultReceiver;
     // Parameters for starting the mini program
    public String params;
     * Set the task mode for opening the mini program.
     * false:  Multi-task mode, true:  Single task mode
    public boolean isSingleTask;


    Error code description
     * Successful
    public static final int CODE_OK = 0;
    //////////////////////////////Server error//////////////////////////////////
    public static final int C_SERVER = -11000;
     * shark network error
    public static final int C_SERVER_SHARK_ERROR = -11001;
     * The server returns the code error
    public static final int C_SERVER_RET_CODE_ERROR = -11002;
     * The server returns the response is null
    public static final int C_SERVER_RESPONSE_NULL = -11003;
     * The server returns that the update type of mini program error.
    public static final int C_SERVER_UPDATE_TYPE_ERROR = -11004;
     * The server returns that an exception occurred while parsingdata
    public static final int C_SERVER_PARSE_DATA_ERROR = -11005;
     * Mini program does not exist or has been removed
    public static final int C_SERVER_TAKE_OFF = -11006;
    //////////////////////////////Client-side error//////////////////////////////////
    public static final int C_CLIENT = -12000;
     * The Shark instance is empty
    public static final int C_CLIENT_SHARK_IS_NULL = -12001;
     * Previewing mini program requires login
    public static final int C_CLIENT_NEED_LOGIN_PREVIEW_APP = -12002;
     * Data parsing exception
    public static final int C_CLIENT_JSON_EXCEPTION = -12003;
     * Code scanning exception
    public static final int C_CLIENT_SCAN_ERROR = -12004;
     * Mini program information is missing
    public static final int C_CLIENT_MINI_APP_INFO_ERROR = -12005;
     * Code scanning error
    public static final int C_CLIENT_QRCODE_ERROR = -12006;
     * The code is not a TMF mini program QR code
    public static final int C_CLIENT_QRCODE_INVALIDATE = -12007;
     * The `appId` is empty
    public static final int C_CLIENT_APPID_EMPTY = -12008;
     * businessId null
    public static final int C_CLIENT_QRCODE_BUSINESSID_NULL = -12009;
     // Mini program launching error
    public static final int C_CLIENT_START_MINI_APP_THROWABLE = -12010;
     * json parsing exception
    public static final int C_CLIENT_JSON_ERROR = -12011;
     * Failed to download mini program
    public static final int C_CLIENT_MINI_APP_DOWNLOAD_FAIL = -12012;
     * Mini program parsing failed
    public static final int C_CLIENT_MINI_APP_PARSE_FAIL = -12013;


    Mini program information classes
     * Official mini program
    public static final int TYPE_ONLINE = MiniSDKConst.ONLINE;
     * Debug mini program
    public static final int TYPE_DEVELOP = MiniSDKConst.DEVELOP;
     * Preview mini program
    public static final int TYPE_PREVIEW = MiniSDKConst.PREVIEW;
     Try out the mini program demo
    public static final int TYPE_EXPERIENCE = MiniSDKConst.EXPERIENCE;
     * Mini program ID
    public String appId;
     * Mini program version type (official/preview/developer)
    public int appVerType;
     * Mini program version
    public String version;
     * Mini program name
    public String name;
     * Mini program icon
    public String iconUrl;
     * Mini program overview
    public String appIntro;
     * Developer enterprise name
    public String appDeveloper;
     * Timestamp
    public long time;


    Scenarios for opening a mini program.
     * Main entry of the mini program, list of [recently used mini programs]
    public static final int LAUNCH_SCENE_MAIN_ENTRY = 1001;
     * Scan the QR code to open
    public static final int LAUNCH_SCENE_QR_CODE_FROM_SCAN = 1011;
     * Search and open
    public static final int LAUNCH_SCENE_SEARCH = 2005;


     * Search keyword. When it is empty, all mini programs are searched for.
    public String keyWord = "";
     * Specify primary category
    public String firstLevelCate;
     * Specify the secondary category
    public String secondaryLevelCate;


        Source of the share, which is value from ShareSource
       public int shareSource;
        * Target of the share, which is value from ShareTarget
       public int shareTarget;
        * ID for distinguishing share channels
       public int shareItemId;
        * Share title
       public String title;
         * Share summary
       public String summary;
        * Path to the share image, either local or network path Whether the image is local; true for local, false for network
       public String sharePicPath;
        * Whether it is a local image. If it is True, sharePicPath is the path to the local picture; otherwise, sharePicPath is the path to the picture from network
       public boolean isLocalPic;
        * Share link obtained from the server
       public String targetUrl;
        View the mini program package details.
       protected MiniAppInfo miniAppInfo;


    public static class ShareSource {
       public static final int INNER_BUTTON = 11; // From mini program|internal button of mini games
       public static final int MORE_BUTTON = 12;  // From "More" option in the capsule button


    public static class ShareTarget {
       Public static final int QQ = 0;//Share to QQ contacts
       Public static final int QZONE = 1;//Share to QQ Zone
       public static final int WECHAT_FRIEND = 4;//Share to Weixin contacts
       public static final int WECHAT_MOMENTS = 4;// Sahre to Weixin Moments


    public static class ShareResult {
       public static final int SUCCESS = 0;// Shared successfully
       public static final int FAIL = 1;// Share failed
       public static final int CANCEL = 2;// Share canceled


    public class MiniStartLinkOptions {
    * Whether to force the mini program to check for updates when it is opened (valid for the first time the app opens the mini program every time it is started), false: priority is given to using the local cache while obtaining the latest data asynchronously; true: wait for the network to return before opening the mini program
    public boolean isForceUpdate = false;
    * Entry address
    public String entryPath;
    * Receive error messages during mini program startup.
    public ResultReceiver resultReceiver.
    * Mini-program startup parameters.
    public String params;


     * Configuration file name in assets
    private String configAssetName;
     Customize configuration file path
    private String configFilePath;
     * imei, for background mini program push configuration
    private String imei;
     * SDK log switch
    private boolean debug;
     * Set up external shark instance
    private IShark shark;
     * When loading configuration file, whether to check the package name in the configuration file
    private boolean verifyPkg;
     * Whether to use x5 kernel
    private boolean isUserX5Core = true;
     * Whether to force use the kernel base library
    private boolean forceUseBaseLibInAsset;
     * Path to preset offline package in assets
    private String assetPathOfPresets;


    * callback miniprogram info
    MiniAppInfo getMiniAppInfo();


    public String appId;//appID of the mini program.
    public String name;//Name of the mini program.
    public String iconUrl;//url of the mini program icon.
    public String version;//mini program version number
    public int verType;//Type of mini program: development, preview, official version.


    public interface IpcCallback {
        * Callback for process communication
        * @param isSucc Whether the call is successful
        * @param response Returns data
       void result(boolean isSucc, Bundle response);


    public Context context;
    public Bundle data;
    //returns callback
    public IpcCallback callback;


    //Mini program activity
    public WeakReference<Activity> activityRef;
    //Event name
    public String event;
    //Event parameters
    public String jsonParams;


     * Mini program launched
    int STATE_START = 1;
     * Mini program swithed to the foreground
     * Close mini program via capsule
    int STATE_CLOSE = 3;
     * Mini program switched to the background
     * Mini program destroyed
    int STATE_DESTROY = 5;


     * Mini program information
    public MiniApp miniApp;
     * Whether it is a hot start
    public boolean isHotStart;


     * Mini program appId
    public String appId;
     * Whether to download mini program package
    public boolean isDownload;


     * Callback for successful download
     * @param downloadInfo
    void onFinish(DownloadInfo downloadInfo);
     * Callback failed
     * @param downloadInfo
    void onError(DownloadInfo downloadInfo);


    //Download IOEXCEPTION and IllegalAccessException exceptions
    public static final int CODE_DOWNLOAD_IOEXCEPTION = -100001;
    //Download EXCEPTION exception
    public static final int CODE_DOWNLOAD_EXCEPTION = -100002;
    //No internet
    public static final int CODE_NO_NETWORK = -100003;
    //Download parameter error
    public static final int CODE_PARAM_ERROR = -100004;
    /// Failed to create the download directory
    public static final int CODE_DOWNLOAD_DIR_CREATE_FAIL = -100005;
    /// Failed to create the download directory
    public static final int CODE_MINI_APP_PARSE_FAIL = -12013;
     * Mini program ID
    private String appId;
     * Error code
    private int errCode;
     * Error msg
    private String message;


    * Get wxfile absolute path
    * Parameters wxFilePath
    * Returns
    String getAbsolutePath(String wxFilePath);
    * Converts an absolute path to a wxfile.
    * Parameters path
    * Returns
    String getWxFilePath(String path);
    * Get temporary directory
    * Parameter suffix
    * Returns
    String getTmpPath(String suffix);


    * :: Mini program contexts
    protected IMiniAppContext mMiniAppContext;
    * Mini program information.
    protected MiniAppInfo mMiniAppInfo;
    * Mini program package information.
    protected ApkgInfo mApkgInfo; /** ** Applet package information */ protected ApkgInfo mApkgInfo; /**
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