Integration sample code
You can get the demo address from GitHub
Environment requirements
iOS >= 9.0
Xcode >= 10.0
Dependent components
Integration Methods
TCMPPSDK can be integrated in one of the following two ways:
CocoaPods Integration SDK
Manual Integration SDK
CocoaPods Integration SDK
1. Add TCMPP sources and mini program dependencies to the Podfile file in your project:
#TCMPP Pods repository
source ''
target 'YourTarget' do
# ――― TCMPP -----―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――--- #
pod 'TCMPPExtScanCode'
pod 'TCMPPExtMedia'
where YourTarget is the name of the target where you need to introduce TCMPP to your project.
2. Terminal cd to the directory where the Podfile file is located and run pod install to install the components.
If the error Couldn't determine repo type for URL: ''
: is reported, you need to run the pod repo add specs before executing the pod install.
Manual SDK Integration
Integration Sample Code
You can download the manual integration demo by clicking
1. Add SDK
Add the directory of the TCMPPSDK component to the appropriate location in your project's Xcode Project and select the appropriate target.
You can drag the component directory directly from Finder to Xcode Project for quick addition.
2. Add dependent SDKs
Add all the components that TCMPPSDK depends on to the project. For a list of dependent components, see Component Dependencies in Pre-requisites. 3. Add dependent libraries
To add TCMPPSDK dependent libraries to the project, open the project settings page in Xcode, select the relevant target, click General, and add them under "Linked Frameworks and Libraries".
4. The system library dependencies are as follows:
5. project settings
After adding TCMPPSDK, you need to set up the related project settings. Open the Project Settings page in Xcode, select the relevant target and make the following settings:
Select Build Settings > Linking > Other Linker Flags and add: -ObjC.
Select Build Settings > Apple Clang - Custom Compiler Flags > Other C Flags, add:
Select Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources,add TCMPPSDK resource file:
Swift Project Integration SDK
Integration Sample Code
You can download the Swift Project Integration Demo here.
The first time you introduce an OC file, Xcode will prompt you to create a bridge file, click Create.
If you clicked cancel, you can manually create a new Header named "{target-name-Bridging-Header.h}", such as "TestSwift-Bridging-Header.h".
In the Build Settings option of the project's targets, find the Objective-c Bridging Header option and set it to the created bridging file.
Add the code in this bridging file:
Getting the configuration file
The initialisation of the mini program SDK relies on the mini program SDK configuration file obtained from the mini program console; before you start integrating the mini program SDK, you need to obtain the mini program SDK configuration file from the mini program console.
After logging into the console, please click Create App:
Fill in the app information:
Download the configuration file:
The name of the configuration file downloaded by default is: tcmpp-ios-configurations.json
Adding Configuration Files to the Project
After obtaining the configuration file, you need to add the configuration file to the application source project:
The bundleId of the iOS project must be consistent with the bundleId in the configuration file, otherwise the mini program SDK cannot pass the package name verification at runtime, resulting in SDK initialisation exceptions.
If it is inconsistent, you can't directly modify the bundleId field in the configuration file, you should correct it in the following two ways:
Modify the bundleId of the application in the project to be consistent with the bundleId in the configuration file.
The console modifies the bundleId of the application to be consistent with the bundleId of the application in the project and re-downloads the configuration file.
The packageName field in the configuration file needs to be consistent with the package name of the current project.
Adding Permission Settings
If you only integrate the core library of TCMPP, that is, TCMPPSDK, you need to add the permission application information in the info.plist file.
Among the permissions involved in the core SDK (FinApplet):
Write Album | NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription | saveImageToPhotosAlbum、saveVideoToPhotosAlbum |
Camera | NSCameraUsageDescription | CameraContext(Camera component) |
Microphone | NSMicrophoneUsageDescription | CameraContext(Camera component) |
f you need to use the extension SDK, then you need to add the corresponding permission request information in the info.plist file of your project.
Setting the device to support landscape
The loading page and video components in TCMPP SDK support landscape effect, but only if the app project supports landscape.
Please tick the following options in Xcode settings:
If landscape is not ticked, then the functions in the SDK that involve landscape have no effect.
Introduce the header file
Introduce TMFMiniAppSDKManager.h and TMFAppletConfigManager.h into AppDelegate.
Configuration Information Setting
Initialise the TMAServerConfig object according to the configuration file and use TMAServerConfig to initialise the TCMPP mini program engine.
The SDK can support direct engine initialisation, prepare the network link in advance, and update the base library information and configuration information to accelerate the post mini program loading, or it can support initialisation when needed.
Simple Code
NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"tcmpp-ios-configurations" ofType:@"json"];
if(filePath) {
TMAServerConfig *config = [[TMAServerConfig alloc] initWithFile:filePath];
[[TMFMiniAppSDKManager sharedInstance] setConfiguration:config];
Other Initialisation Actions
Users can set up open interface implementation instances as needed. If you need to integrate the extension module, initialise the extension interface ready.
[TMFMiniAppSDKManager sharedInstance].miniAppSdkDelegate = [MIniAppDemoSDKDelegateImpl sharedInstance];
MIniAppDemoSDKDelegateImpl must implement the TMFMiniAppSDKDelegate protocol, you can refer to the MIniAppDemoSDKDelegateImpl file in Customised SDK capabilities and Demo projects. Open mini program
You can open a mini program by calling the API directly through AppId.
[[TMFMiniAppSDKManager sharedInstance] startUpMiniAppWithAppID:appId parentVC:self completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
NSLog(@"open applet error:%@",error);
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