tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-07-12 17:49:11
    TCMPP development framework is designed to allow developers to develop services with a native app experience in Weixin by the simplest and most efficient means possible.
    The Mini Program framework system includes Logic Layer (App Service) and View Layer (View). The Mini Program provides its own view layer description languages WXML and WXSS, and a logic layer framework based on JavaScript, as well as a data transfer and event system between the view layer and the logic layer, allowing developers to focus on data and logic.

    Reactive Data Binding

    The reactive data binding system is the core of the framework. It provides an extremely simple way to ensure the synchronization of data and views. To modify data, you simply need to modify the data on the logic layer and it will be updated in the view layer.
    Here is a simple example:
    <!-- This is our View -->
    <view> Hello {{name}}! </view>
    <button bindtap="changeName"> Click me! </button>
    // This is our App Service.
    // This is our data.
    var helloData = {
    name: 'TCMPP'
    // Register a Page.
    data: helloData,
    changeName: function(e) {
    // sent data change to view
    name: 'World'
    The developer uses the framework to bind name in the logic layer data to name in the view layer, so Hello TCMPP! appears once the page opens.
    When the button is clicked, the view layer sends changeName events to the logic layer, which finds and executes the corresponding event handler.
    After the callback function is triggered, the logic layer executes setData to change the name in data from TCMPP to World. Since the data is bound to the view layer, Hello World! is automatically applied to the view layer.

    Page Management

    The framework manages the page routing of the entire Mini Program, which enables seamless switching between pages and gives the pages a complete lifecycle. The developer only needs to register the data, methods, and lifecycle functions of the page to the framework. All other complex operations are handled by the framework.

    Basic Components

    The framework provides a set of basic components that come with Weixin styles and special logic. Developers can create powerful Weixin Mini Programs by combined use of these components.

    Wide Range of APIs

    The framework features a wide range of Weixin native APIs that can easily call the capabilities provided by Weixin, such as access to user information, local storage, and payment.
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