Property | Type | Valid values and description | Default value | Required | Description |
size | string | default: Default size mini: Small size | default | False | Button size. |
type | string | primary: Green default: White warn: Red | default | False | Button style type. |
plain | boolean | - | false | False | Whether the button is hollow with a background color. |
disabled | boolean | - | false | False | Whether the button is disabled. |
loading | boolean | - | false | False | Whether to show a loading icon before the button name. |
form-type | string | submit: Submits the form reset: Resets the form | - | False | |
open-type | string | share: Triggers user sharing getPhoneNumber: Quick phone number verification getUserInfo: Gets user information from the bindgetuserinfo callback openSetting: Opens the authorization settings page feedback: Opens the Feedback page, where users can submit feedback and upload logs | - | False | Host app capabilities |
hover-class | string | - | button-hover | False | Specifies the style class when the button is tapped. When hover-class="none" is set, no tap effect is available. |
hover-start-time | number | - | 20 | False | Time in milliseconds before the tap effect appears after pressing. |
hover-stay-time | number | - | 70 | False | Time in milliseconds the tap effect remains after the finger is released. |
lang | string | en: English zh_CN: Simplified Chinese zh_TW: Traditional Chinese | en | False | Specifies the language for returning user information. |
bindgetuserinfo | eventhandle | - | - | False | When this button is tapped, the acquired user information will be returned. The callback detail is consistent with that returned by wx.getUserInfo. Effective when open-type="getUserInfo". |
bindgetphonenumber | eventhandle | - | - | False | Callback for quick verification of phone number. Effective when open-type=getPhoneNumber. Note: After triggering the bindgetphonenumber callback, immediately hide the phone number button component or set it to disabled to avoid extra charges from repeated authorizations. |
bindopensetting | eventhandle | - | - | False | Callback after opening the authorization setting page. Effective when open-type=openSetting. |
<view class="page-body"><view class="btn-area" id="buttonContainer"><button type="primary">Primary Page Action Normal</button><button type="primary" loading="true">Primary Page Action Loading</button><button type="primary" disabled="true">Primary Page Action Disabled</button><button type="default">Secondary Page Action Normal</button><button type="default" disabled="true">Secondary Page Action Disabled</button><button type="warn">Warning Action Normal</button><button type="warn" disabled="true">Warning Action Disabled</button><view class="button-sp-area"><button type="primary" plain="true">Button</button><button type="primary" disabled="true" plain="true">Disabled button</button><button type="default" plain="true">Button</button><button type="default" disabled="true" plain="true">Button</button><button class="mini-btn" type="primary" size="mini">Button</button><button class="mini-btn" type="default" size="mini">Button</button><button class="mini-btn" type="warn" size="mini">Button</button></view></view></view>
const types = ['default', 'primary', 'warn']const pageObject = {data: {defaultSize: 'default',primarySize: 'default',warnSize: 'default',disabled: false,plain: false,loading: false},onShareAppMessage() {return {title: 'button',path: 'page/component/pages/button/button'}},setDisabled() {this.setData({disabled: !})},setPlain() {this.setData({plain: !})},setLoading() {this.setData({loading: !})},handleContact(e) {console.log(e.detail)},handleGetPhoneNumber(e) {console.log(e.detail)},handleGetUserInfo(e) {console.log(e.detail)},handleOpenSetting(e) {console.log(e.detail.authSetting)},handleGetUserInfo(e) {console.log(e.detail.userInfo)}}for (let i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {(function (type) {pageObject[type] = function () {const key = type + 'Size'const changedData = {}changedData[key][key] === 'default' ? 'mini' : 'default'this.setData(changedData)}}(types[i]))}Page(pageObject)
button{margin-top: 30rpx;margin-bottom: 30rpx;}.button-sp-area{margin: 0 auto;width: 60%;}.mini-btn{margin-right: 10rpx;}
Property | Type | Default value | Required | Description |
value | string | - | False | Checkbox identifier. When selected, it triggers the change event of the checkbox-group and carries the checkbox's value. |
disabled | boolean | false | False | Whether the checkbox is disabled. |
checked | boolean | false | False | Whether the checkbox is currently selected. The checkbox can be set to selected by default. |
color | string | #09BB07 | False | Checkbox color, similar to the CSS color property. |
<view class="container"><view class="page-body"><view class="page-section page-section-gap"><view class="page-section-title">Default style</view><label class="checkbox"><checkbox value="cb" checked="true"/>Selected</label><label class="checkbox"><checkbox value="cb" />Unselected</label></view><view class="page-section"><view class="page-section-title">Recommended display style</view><view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"><checkbox-group bindchange="checkboxChange"><label class="weui-cell weui-check__label" wx:for="{{items}}" wx:key="{{item.value}}"><view class="weui-cell__hd"><checkbox value="{{item.value}}" checked="{{item.checked}}"/></view><view class="weui-cell__bd">{{}}</view></label></checkbox-group></view></view></view></view>
Page({onShareAppMessage() {return {title: 'checkbox',path: 'page/component/pages/checkbox/checkbox'}},data: {items: [{value: 'USA', name: 'United States'},{value: 'CHN', name: 'China', checked: 'true'},{value: 'BRA', name: 'Brazil'},{value: 'JPN', name: 'Japan'},{value: 'ENG', name: 'United Kingdom'},{value: 'FRA', name: 'France'}]},checkboxChange(e) {console.log('A change event is triggered in the checkbox, and the carried value is', e.detail.value)const items = values = e.detail.valuefor (let i = 0, lenI = items.length; i < lenI; ++i) {items[i].checked = falsefor (let j = 0, lenJ = values.length; j < lenJ; ++j) {if (items[i].value === values[j]) {items[i].checked = truebreak}}}this.setData({items})}})
Property | Type | Default value | Required | Description |
bindchange | eventhandle | - | False | A change event is triggered when the selected checkboxes in the checkbox-group change, detail = {value:[array of values of selected checkboxes]}. |
and plain text
. Internally, it uses the delta
format for storage.setContents
API, parsing insertedHTML
may result in errors due to illegal tags. It is recommended to use delta
for insertion within the app.Property | Type | Default value | Required | Description |
read-only | boolean | false | False | Specifies whether the editor is set to read-only. |
placeholder | string | - | False | Placehoder text. |
show-img-size | boolean | false | False | Displays image size controls when an image is tapped. |
show-img-toolbar | boolean | false | False | Displays toolbar controls when an image is tapped. |
show-img-resize | boolean | false | False | Displays resize controls when an image is tapped. |
bindready | eventhandle | - | False | Triggered when the editor is initialized. |
bindfocus | eventhandle | - | False | Triggered when the editor gains focus. event.detail = {html, text, delta}. |
bindblur | eventhandle | - | False | Triggered when the editor loses focus, detail = {html, text, delta}. |
bindinput | eventhandle | - | False | Triggered when the editor content changes. detail = {html, text, delta}. |
bindstatuschange | eventhandle | - | False | Triggered when the editor's internal style is changed via Context methods. Returns the styles set in the selection. |
tags and inline styles but does not support class
andid attributes.
will be converted to <p>
supported tags.Type | Node |
Inline elements | <span> <strong> <b> <ins> <em> <i> <u> <a> <del> <s> <sub> <sup> <img> |
Block-level elements | <p> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <hr> <ol> <ul> <li> |
is categorized as an inline element property, so setting it on a p
tag is invalid.Type | Style |
Block-level styles | text-align ,direction ,margin ,margin-top ,margin-left ,margin-right ,margin-bottom padding ,padding-top ,padding-left ,padding-right ,padding-bottom ,line-height ,text-indent |
Inline styles | font ,font-size ,font-style ,font-variant ,font-weight ,font-family ,letter-spacing ,text-decoration ,color ,background-color |
Property | Type | Default value | Required | Description |
bindsubmit | eventhandle | - | False | A submit event is triggered when the form is submitted, carrying the data from the form. event.detail = {value : {'name': 'value'} , formId: ''}. |
bindreset | eventhandle | - | False | A reset event is triggered when the form is reset. |
<view class="container"><view class="page-body"><form catchsubmit="formSubmit" catchreset="formReset"><view class="page-section page-section-gap"><view class="page-section-title">switch</view><switch name="switch"/></view><view class="page-section page-section-gap"><view class="page-section-title">radio</view><radio-group name="radio"><label><radio value="radio1"/>Option 1</label><label><radio value="radio2"/>Option 2</label></radio-group></view><view class="page-section page-section-gap"><view class="page-section-title">checkbox</view><checkbox-group name="checkbox"><label><checkbox value="checkbox1"/>Option 1</label><label><checkbox value="checkbox2"/>Option 2</label></checkbox-group></view><view class="page-section page-section-gap"><view class="page-section-title">slider</view><slider value="50" name="slider" show-value ></slider></view><view class="page-section"><view class="page-section-title">input</view><view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"><view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"><view class="weui-cell__bd" style="margin: 30rpx 0" ><input class="weui-input" name="input" placeholder="This is an input box" /></view></view></view></view><view class="btn-area"><button style="margin: 30rpx 0" type="primary" formType="submit">Submit</button><button style="margin: 30rpx 0" formType="reset">Reset</button></view></form></view></view>
Page({onShareAppMessage() {return {title: 'form',path: 'page/component/pages/form/form'}},data: {pickerHidden: true,chosen: ''},pickerConfirm(e) {this.setData({pickerHidden: true})this.setData({chosen: e.detail.value})},pickerCancel() {this.setData({pickerHidden: true})},pickerShow() {this.setData({pickerHidden: false})},formSubmit(e) {console.log('A submit event is triggered in the form, and the carried data is', e.detail.value)},formReset(e) {console.log('A reset event is triggered in the form, and the carried data is', e.detail.value)this.setData({chosen: ''})}})
Property | Type | Valid values and description | Default value | Required | Description |
value | string | - | - | True | Initial content of the input field. |
type | string | text: Text input keyboard number: Numeric input keyboard idcard: ID number input keyboard digit: Numeric keyboard with a decimal point | text | False | Input type. |
password | boolean | - | false | False | Whether the input is of password type. |
placeholder | string | - | | True | Placeholder text when the input field is empty. |
placeholder-style | string | - | - | True | Specifies the placeholder style. |
placeholder-class | string | - | input-placeholder | False | Specifies the placeholder style class. |
disabled | boolean | - | false | False | Whether the input field is disabled. |
maxlength | number | - | 140 | False | Maximum input length. Set to -1 for no limit. |
cursor-spacing | number | - | 0 | False | Distance between the cursor and the keyboard. The minimum value between the input's bottom distance and cursor-spacing is used. |
auto-focus | boolean | - | false | False | (Deprecated, use focus instead) Automatically focuses and brings up the keyboard |
focus | boolean | - | false | False | Specifies whether to get the focus. |
confirm-type | string | send: Sets the button in the bottom-right corner to "Send" search: Sets the button in the bottom-right corner to "Search" next: Sets the button in the bottom-right corner to "Next" go: Sets the button in the bottom-right corner to "Go" done: Sets the button in the bottom-right corner to "Done" | done | False | Sets the text of the button in the bottom-right corner of the keyboard. Effective only when type='text'. |
confirm-hold | boolean | - | false | False | Whether to keep the keyboard open when the button in the bottom-right corner is tapped. |
cursor | number | - | - | True | Specifies the position of the cursor when the input field gets focus. |
selection-start | number | - | -1 | False | Start position of the selection, effective when auto-focusing, should be used with selection-end. |
selection-end | number | - | -1 | False | End position of the selection, effective when auto-focusing, should be used with selection-start. |
adjust-position | boolean | - | true | False | Whether to automatically adjust the page position when the keyboard pops up. |
hold-keyboard | boolean | - | false | False | Whether to keep the keyboard open when tapping on the page. |
bindinput | eventhandle | - | - | True | Triggered when the keyboard input occurs. event.detail = {value, cursor, keyCode}. The handler can return a string to replace the input field content. |
bindfocus | eventhandle | - | - | True | Triggered when the input field gets focus. event.detail = { value, height }, where height is the keyboard height. |
bindblur | eventhandle | - | - | True | Triggered when the input box loses focus, event.detail = { value, encryptedValue, encryptError }. |
bindconfirm | eventhandle | - | - | True | Triggered when the user taps the Done button, event.detail = { value }. |
bindkeyboardheightchange | eventhandle | - | - | True | Triggered when the keyboard height changes, event.detail = {height: height, duration: duration}. |
<view class="page-body"><view class="page-section"><view class="weui-cells__title">Input that can be auto-focused</view><view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"><view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"><input class="weui-input" auto-focus placeholder="Will be focused"/></view></view></view><view class="page-section"><view class="weui-cells__title">Input that controls the max input length</view><view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"><view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"><input class="weui-input" maxlength="10" placeholder="The max input length is 10" /></view></view></view><view class="page-section"><view class="weui-cells__title">Get the input value in real-time: {{inputValue}}</view><view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"><view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"><input class="weui-input" maxlength="10" bindinput="bindKeyInput" placeholder="Input is synced to the view"/></view></view></view><view class="page-section"><view class="weui-cells__title">Input that the controls the typing</view><view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"><view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"><input class="weui-input" bindinput="bindReplaceInput" placeholder="Typing two consecutive ones will generate a two" /></view></view></view><view class="page-section"><view class="weui-cells__title">Input that controls the keyboard</view><view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"><view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"><input class="weui-input" bindinput="bindHideKeyboard" placeholder="Typing 123 will automatically close the keyboard" /></view></view></view><view class="page-section"><view class="weui-cells__title">Input for entering numbers</view><view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"><view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"><input class="weui-input" type="number" placeholder="This is a number input box" /></view></view></view><view class="page-section"><view class="weui-cells__title">Input for entering a password</view><view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"><view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"><input class="weui-input" password type="text" placeholder="This is a password input box" /></view></view></view><view class="page-section"><view class="weui-cells__title">Input with a decimal point</view><view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"><view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"><input class="weui-input" type="digit" placeholder="Numeric keyboard with a decimal point"/></view></view></view><view class="page-section"><view class="weui-cells__title">Input for entering ID card numbers</view><view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"><view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"><input class="weui-input" type="idcard" placeholder="ID card input keyboard" /></view></view></view><view class="page-section"><view class="weui-cells__title">Input that controls the placeholder color</view><view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"><view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"><input class="weui-input" placeholder-style="color:#F76260" placeholder="The color of the placeholder font is red" /></view></view></view></view>
Page({data: {focus: false,inputValue: ''},bindKeyInput: function (e) {this.setData({inputValue: e.detail.value})},bindReplaceInput: function (e) {var value = e.detail.valuevar pos = e.detail.cursorvar leftif (pos !== -1) {// The cursor is in the middleleft = e.detail.value.slice(0, pos)// Calculates the cursor positionpos = left.replace(/11/g, '2').length}// Returns the object directly, filters the input, and controls the cursor positionreturn {value: value.replace(/11/g, '2'),cursor: pos}// Or returns the string directly, with the cursor at the end// return value.replace(/11/g,'2'),},bindHideKeyboard: function (e) {if (e.detail.value === '123') {// Closes the keyboardwx.hideKeyboard()}}})
Property | Type | Default value | Required | Description |
for | string | - | False | The ID of the bound control. |
<view class="container"><view class="page-body"><view class="page-section page-section-gap"><view class="page-section-title">The form component is inside the label</view><checkbox-group class="group" bindchange="checkboxChange"><view class="label-1" wx:for="{{checkboxItems}}"><label><checkbox value="{{}}" checked="{{item.checked}}"></checkbox><text class="label-1-text">{{item.value}}</text></label></view></checkbox-group></view><view class="page-section page-section-gap"><view class="page-section-title">Label uses for to identify the form component</view><radio-group class="group" bindchange="radioChange"><view class="label-2" wx:for="{{radioItems}}"><radio id="{{}}" value="{{}}" checked="{{item.checked}}"></radio><label class="label-2-text" for="{{}}"><text>{{}}</text></label></view></radio-group></view><view class="page-section page-section-gap"><view class="page-section-title">If there are multiple controls in the label, the first one is selected</view><label class="label-3"><checkbox class="checkbox-3">Option 1</checkbox><checkbox class="checkbox-3">Option 2</checkbox><view class="label-3-text">When tapping the text under this label, the first checkbox is selected by default</view></label></view></view></view>
Page({onShareAppMessage() {return {title: 'label',path: 'page/component/pages/label/label'}},data: {checkboxItems: [{name: 'USA', value: 'United States'},{name: 'CHN', value: 'China', checked: 'true'}],radioItems: [{name: 'USA', value: 'United States'},{name: 'CHN', value: 'China', checked: 'true'}],hidden: false},checkboxChange(e) {const checked = e.detail.valueconst changed = {}for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {if (checked.indexOf([i].name) !== -1) {changed['checkboxItems[' + i + '].checked'] = true} else {changed['checkboxItems[' + i + '].checked'] = false}}this.setData(changed)},radioChange(e) {const checked = e.detail.valueconst changed = {}for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {if (checked.indexOf([i].name) !== -1) {changed['radioItems[' + i + '].checked'] = true} else {changed['radioItems[' + i + '].checked'] = false}}this.setData(changed)},tapEvent() {console.log('the button is tapped')}})
.label-1, .label-2{margin: 30rpx 0;}.label-3-text{color: #576B95;font-size: 28rpx;}.checkbox-3{display: block;margin: 30rpx 0;}
Property | Type | Valid values and description | Default value | Required | Description |
mode | string | selector: Normal picker multiSelector: Multi-column picker time: Time picker date: Date picker region: Region picker | selector | False | Type of the picker. |
disabled | boolean | - | false | False | Whether the selector is disabled. |
bindcancel | eventhandle | - | - | False | Triggered when selection is canceled. |
has different properties for different modes. Property | Type | Default value | Description |
range | array/object array | [] | Effective when mode is selector or multiSelector. |
range-key | string | - | When range is an object array, specifies the key in the Object Array to display as the content of the picker. |
value | number | 0 | Specifies which one in the range is selected (index starts from 0). |
bindchange | eventhandle | - | The change event is triggered when value changes, event.detail = {value}. |
Property | Type | Default value | Description |
range | array/object array | [] | Effective when mode is selector or multiSelector. |
range-key | string | - | When range is an object array, specifies the key in the Object Array to display as the content of the picker. |
value | array | [] | Specifies which one in the range is selected (index starts from 0). |
bindchange | eventhandle | - | The change event is triggered when value changes, event.detail = {value}. |
bindcolumnchange | eventhandle | - | Triggered when the column changes. |
Property | Type | Default value | Description |
value | string | - | Indicates the selected time, format is "hh:mm". |
start | string | - | Indicates the start of the valid time range, format is "hh:mm". |
end | string | - | Indicates the end of the valid time range, format is "hh:mm". |
bindchange | eventhandle | - | The change event is triggered when value changes, event.detail = {value}. |
Property | Type | Valid values | Default value | Description |
value | string | - | Current day | Specifies the selected date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
start | string | - | - | Indicates the selected date, format is "YYYY-MM-DD". |
end | string | - | - | Indicates the start of the valid date range, format is "YYYY-MM-DD". |
fields | string | year: Year month: Month day: Day | day | Indicates the granularity of the picker. |
bindchange | eventhandle | - | - | The change event is triggered when value changes, event.detail = {value}. |
Property | Type | Default value | Description |
value | Array | [] | Specifies the selected regions. The first value in each column is selected by default. |
custom-item | string | - | Adds a custom item at the top of each column. |
bindchange | evenhandle | - | The change event is triggered when value changes, event.detail = {value: value, code: code, postcode: postcode}, where the code field is the statistical division code and postcode is the postal code. |
<view class="section"><view class="section__title">Normal picker</view><picker bindchange="bindPickerChange" value="{{index}}" range="{{array}}"><view class="picker">Currently selected: {{array[index]}}</view></picker></view><view class="section"><view class="section__title">Multi-column picker</view><picker mode="multiSelector" bindchange="bindMultiPickerChange" bindcolumnchange="bindMultiPickerColumnChange" value="{{multiIndex}}" range="{{multiArray}}"><view class="picker">Currently selected: {{multiArray[0][multiIndex[0]]}}, {{multiArray[1][multiIndex[1]]}}, {{multiArray[2][multiIndex[2]]}}</view></picker></view><view class="section"><view class="section__title">Time picker</view><picker mode="time" value="{{time}}" start="09:01" end="21:01" bindchange="bindTimeChange"><view class="picker">Currently selected: {{time}}</view></picker></view><view class="section"><view class="section__title">Date picker</view><picker mode="date" value="{{date}}" start="2015-09-01" end="2017-09-01" bindchange="bindDateChange"><view class="picker">Currently selected: {{date}}</view></picker></view><view class="section"><view class="section__title">Region picker</view><picker mode="region" bindchange="bindRegionChange" value="{{region}}" custom-item="{{customItem}}"><view class="picker">Currently selected: {{region[0]}}, {{region[1]}}, {{region[2]}}</view></picker></view>
Page({data: {array: ['United States', 'China', 'Brazil', 'Japan'],objectArray: [{id: 0,name: 'United States'},{id: 1,name: 'China'},{id: 2,name: 'Brazil'},{id: 3,name: 'Japan'}],index: 0,multiArray: [['Invertebrates', 'Vertebrates'], ['Flatworms', 'Nematodes', 'Annelates', 'Mollusks', 'Arthropods'], ['Pork tapeworms', 'Blood-sucking worms']],objectMultiArray: [[{id: 0,name: 'Invertebrates'},{id: 1,name: 'Vertebrates'}], [{id: 0,name: 'Flatworms'},{id: 1,name: 'Nematodes'},{id: 2,name: 'Annelates'},{id: 3,name: 'Mollusks'},{id: 4,name: 'Arthropods'}], [{id: 0,name: 'Pork tapeworms'},{id: 1,name: 'Blood-sucking worms'}]],multiIndex: [0, 0, 0],date: '2016-09-01',time: '12:01',region: ['Guangdong Province', 'Guangzhou', 'Haizhu District'],customItem: 'All'},bindPickerChange: function(e) {console.log('The picker sends selection change, and the carried value is' e.detail.value)this.setData({index: e.detail.value})},bindMultiPickerChange: function (e) {console.log('The picker sends selection change, and the carried value is' e.detail.value)this.setData({multiIndex: e.detail.value})},bindMultiPickerColumnChange: function (e) {console.log('The modified column is', e.detail.column, ', and the value is', e.detail.value);var data = {multiArray:,multiIndex:};data.multiIndex[e.detail.column] = e.detail.value;switch (e.detail.column) {case 0:switch (data.multiIndex[0]) {case 0:data.multiArray[1] = ['Flatworms', 'Nematodes', 'Annelates', 'Mollusks', 'Arthropods'];data.multiArray[2] = ['Pork tapeworms', 'Blood-sucking worms'];break;case 1:data.multiArray[1] = ['Fish', ''Amphibians', 'Reptiles'];data.multiArray[2] = ['Carassius auratus', 'Hairtail'];break;}data.multiIndex[1] = 0;data.multiIndex[2] = 0;break;case 1:switch (data.multiIndex[0]) {case 0:switch (data.multiIndex[1]) {case 0:data.multiArray[2] = ['Pork tapeworms', 'Blood-sucking worms'];break;case 1:data.multiArray[2] = ['Roundworms'];break;case 2:data.multiArray[2] = ['Ants', 'Leech'];break;case 3:data.multiArray[2] = ['Mussels', 'Snails', 'Slugs'];break;case 4:data.multiArray[2] = ['Insects', 'Crustaceans', 'Arachnids', 'Myriapods'];break;}break;case 1:switch (data.multiIndex[1]) {case 0:data.multiArray[2] = ['Carassius auratus', 'Hairtail'];break;case 1:data.multiArray[2] = [''Frogs', 'Giant salamanders'];break;case 2:data.multiArray[2] = ['Lizards', 'Turtles', 'Geckos'];break;}break;}data.multiIndex[2] = 0;break;}console.log(data.multiIndex);this.setData(data);},bindDateChange: function(e) {console.log('The picker sends selection change, and the carried value is' e.detail.value)this.setData({date: e.detail.value})},bindTimeChange: function(e) {console.log('The picker sends selection change, and the carried value is' e.detail.value)this.setData({time: e.detail.value})},bindRegionChange: function (e) {console.log('The picker sends selection change, and the carried value is' e.detail.value)this.setData({region: e.detail.value})}})
Property | Type | Default value | Required | Description |
value | Array.<number> | - | False | The numbers in the array represent the selected item in each picker-view-column (index starts from 0). If the number exceeds the length of the options, the last item is selected. |
mask-class | string | - | False | Sets the class name for the mask layer. |
indicator-style | string | - | False | Sets the style of the selected box in the picker. |
bindchange | eventhandle | - | False | The change event is triggered when scrolling selection changes, event.detail = {value}; value is an array indicating the current selection in each picker-view-column (index starts from 0). |
bindpickstart | eventhandle | - | False | The event is triggered when scrolling selection starts. |
bindpickend | eventhandle | - | False | The event is triggered when scrolling selection ends. |
indicator-class | string | - | False | Sets the class name of the selected box in the picker. |
mask-style | string | - | False | Sets the style of the mask layer. |
immediate-change | boolean | false | False | Whether to trigger the change event immediately when the finger is released. If not enabled, the change event will be triggered after the scrolling animation ends. |
<view class="container"><view class="page-body"><view class="selected-date">{{year}}Year{{month}}Month{{day}}Day{{isDaytime ? "Day" : "Night"}}</view><picker-view indicator-style="height: 50px;" style="width: 100%; height: 300px;" value="{{value}}" bindchange="bindChange"><picker-view-column><view wx:for="{{years}}" wx:key="{{years}}" style="line-height: 50px; text-align: center;">{{item}}Year</view></picker-view-column><picker-view-column><view wx:for="{{months}}" wx:key="{{months}}" style="line-height: 50px; text-align: center;">{{item}}Month</view></picker-view-column><picker-view-column><view wx:for="{{days}}" wx:key="{{days}}" style="line-height: 50px; text-align: center;">{{item}}Day</view></picker-view-column><picker-view-column><view class="icon-container"><image class="picker-icon" src="../lib/daytime.png" /></view><view class="icon-container"><image class="picker-icon" src="../lib/night.png" /></view></picker-view-column></picker-view></view></view>
const date = new Date()const years = []const months = []const days = []for (let i = 1990; i <= date.getFullYear(); i++) {years.push(i)}for (let i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {months.push(i)}for (let i = 1; i <= 31; i++) {days.push(i)}Page({onShareAppMessage() {return {title: 'picker-view',path: 'page/component/pages/picker-view/picker-view'}},data: {years,year: date.getFullYear(),months,month: 2,days,day: 2,value: [9999, 1, 1],isDaytime: true,},bindChange(e) {const val = e.detail.valuethis.setData({year:[val[0]],month:[val[1]],day:[val[2]],isDaytime: !val[3]})}})
Property | Type | Default value | Required | Description |
value | string | - | False | Identifier of the radio. When the radio is selected, the change event of radio-group is triggered and the radio value will be carried. |
checked | boolean | false | False | Whether the radio is selected. |
disabled | boolean | false | False | Whether the radio is disabled. |
color | string | #09BB07 | False | The color of the radio, similar to the CSS color property. |
<view class="page-body"><view class="page-section"><view class="page-section-title">Default style</view><label class="radio"><radio value="r1" checked="true"/>Selected</label><label class="radio"><radio value="r2" />Unselected</label></view><view class="page-section"><view class="page-section-title">Recommended display style</view><view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title"><radio-group bindchange="radioChange"><label class="weui-cell weui-check__label" wx:for="{{items}}" wx:key="{{item.value}}"><view class="weui-cell__hd"><radio value="{{item.value}}" checked="true"/></view><view class="weui-cell__bd">{{}}</view></label></radio-group></view></view></view>
Page({onShareAppMessage() {return {title: 'radio',path: 'page/component/pages/radio/radio'}},data: {items: [{value: 'USA', name: 'United States'},{value: 'CHN', name: 'China', checked: 'true'},{value: 'BRA', name: 'Brazil'},{value: 'JPN', name: 'Japan'},{value: 'ENG', name: 'United Kingdom'},{value: 'FRA', name: 'France'},]},radioChange(e) {console.log('A change event is triggered in the radio, and the carried value is: ', e.detail.value)const items = (let i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; ++i) {items[i].checked = items[i].value === e.detail.value}this.setData({items})}})
Property | Type | Default value | Required | Description |
bindchange | eventhandle | - | False | A change event is triggered when the selected item in the radio-group component changes, detail = {value:[array of values of selected radio buttons]}. |
Property | Type | Default value | Required | Description |
min | number | 0 | False | Minimum value. |
max | number | 100 | False | Maximum value. |
step | number | 1 | False | Step size, must be greater than 0 and divisible by (max - min). |
disabled | boolean | false | False | Whether the slider is disabled. |
value | number | 0 | False | Current value. |
color | color | #e9e9e9 | False | Background bar color (use backgroundColor). |
selected-color | color | #1aad19 | False | Selected color (use activeColor). |
activeColor | color | #1aad19 | False | Selected color. |
backgroundColor | color | #e9e9e9 | False | Background bar color. |
block-size | number | 28 | False | Size of the slider block, range is 12 - 28. |
block-color | color | #ffffff | False | Color of the slider block. |
show-value | boolean | false | False | Whether to display the current value. |
bindchange | eventhandle | - | False | Event triggered after a drag is completed, event.detail = {value}. |
bindchanging | eventhandle | - | False | Event triggered during the drag, event.detail = {value}. |
<view class="page"><view class="page__hd"><text class="page__title">slider</text><text class="page__desc">Slider</text></view><view class="page__bd"><view class="page-section page-section-gap"><view class="page-section-title">Set the step</view><view class="body-view"><slider value="60" bindchange="slider2change" step="5"/></view></view><view class="page-section page-section-gap"><view class="page-section-title">Show the current value</view><view class="body-view"><slider value="50" bindchange="slider3change" show-value/></view></view><view class="page-section page-section-gap"><view class="page-section-title">Set the min/max values</view><view class="body-view"><slider value="100" bindchange="slider4change" min="50" max="200" show-value/></view></view></view></view>
var pageData = {}for (var i = 1; i < 5; ++i) {(function (index) {pageData[`slider${index}change`] = function (e) {console.log(`A change event is triggered in slider${index}, and the carried value is` e.detail.value)}})(i);}Page(pageData)
Property | Type | Default value | Required | Description |
checked | boolean | false | False | Whether the switch is selected. |
disabled | boolean | false | False | Whether the switch is disabled. |
type | string | switch | False | Style of the switch, valid values: switch, checkbox. |
color | string | #04BE02 | False | Color of the switch, similar to the CSS color property. |
bindchange | eventhandle | - | False | The change event is triggered when the component is tapped and the value of checked changes, event.detail={ value}. |
<view class="page"><view class="page__hd"><text class="page__title">switch</text><text class="page__desc">Switch</text></view><view class="page__bd"><view class="section section_gap"><view class="section__title">type="switch"</view><view class="body-view"><switch checked="{{switch1Checked}}" bindchange="switch1Change"/></view></view><view class="section section_gap"><view class="section__title">type="checkbox"</view><view class="body-view"><switch type="checkbox" checked="{{switch2Checked}}" bindchange="switch2Change"/></view></view></view></view>
var pageData = {data: {switch1Checked: true,switch2Checked: false,switch1Style: '',switch2Style: 'text-decoration: line-through'}}for (var i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) {(function (index) {pageData[`switch${index}Change`] = function (e) {console.log(`A change event is triggered in switch${index}, and the carried value is` e.detail.value)var obj = {}obj[`switch${index}Checked`] = e.detail.valuethis.setData(obj)obj = {}obj[`switch${index}Style`] = e.detail.value ? '' : 'text-decoration: line-through'this.setData(obj)}})(i)}Page(pageData)
Property | Type | Valid values and description | Default value | Required | Description |
value | string | - | - | False | Content of the input box. |
placeholder | string | - | - | False | Placeholder text when the input field is empty. |
placeholder-style | string | - | - | False | Style for the placeholder, currently supports color, font-size, and font-weight. |
placeholder-class | string | - | textarea-placeholder | False | Style class for the placeholder. |
fixed | boolean | - | false | False | If the textarea is in a position:fixed area, the property fixed should be set to true. |
show-confirm-bar | boolean | - | true | False | Whether to show the bar with the "Done" button above the keyboard. |
disabled | boolean | - | false | False | Whether the textarea is disabled. |
maxlength | number | - | 140 | False | Maximum input length. Set to -1 for no limit. |
auto-focus | boolean | - | false | False | Automatically focuses and brings up the keyboard. |
focus | boolean | - | false | False | Gets the focus. |
auto-height | boolean | - | false | False | Whether to enable automatic height adjustment for the input box. If auto-height is set to true, the style.height is invalid. |
cursor-spacing | number / string | - | 0 | False | Distance between the cursor and the keyboard. Use the smaller value between the distance from the textarea to the bottom and the distance specified by cursor-spacing as the distance between the cursor and the keyboard. |
cursor | number | - | -1 | False | Cursor position when focused. |
selection-start | number | - | -1 | False | Start position of the cursor, effective when auto-focusing, used with selection-end . |
selection-end | number | - | -1 | False | End position of the cursor, effective when auto-focusing, used with selection-start . |
adjust-position | boolean | - | true | False | Automatically pushes the page up when the keyboard pops up. |
hold-keyboard | boolean | - | false | False | Whether to keep the keyboard open when tapping on the page. |
confirm-type | string | send: Sets the button in the bottom-right corner to "Send"; search: Sets the button in the bottom-right corner to "Search"; next: Sets the button in the bottom-right corner to "Next"; go: Sets the button in the bottom-right corner to "Go"; done: Sets the button in the bottom-right corner to "Done"; return: Sets the button in the bottom-right corner to “Carriage return”. | return | False | Specifies the text on the button in the bottom-right corner of the keyboard. |
confirm-hold | boolean | - | false | False | Whether to keep the keyboard open when the button in the bottom-right corner is tapped. |
bindfocus | eventhandle | - | - | False | Triggered when the input field gets focus. event.detail = { value, height }, where height is the keyboard height. |
bindblur | eventhandle | - | - | False | Triggered when the input box loses focus, event.detail = {value, cursor}. |
bindlinechange | eventhandle | - | - | False | This event is triggered when the number of lines in the input box changes, event.detail = {height: 0, heightRpx: 0, lineCount: 0} |
bindinput | eventhandle | - | - | False | When keyboard input occurs, the input event is triggered, with event.detail = {value, cursor, keyCode}. The keyCode represents the key value, but currently, the tool does not support returning the keyCode parameter. The return value of the bindinput handler will not be reflected in the textarea. |
bindconfirm | eventhandle | - | - | False | Triggered when the user taps the Done button, event.detail = {value: value}. |
bindkeyboardheightchange | eventhandle | - | - | False | Triggered when the keyboard height changes, event.detail = {height: height, duration: duration} |
<view class="section"><textarea bindblur="bindTextAreaBlur" auto-height placeholder="Automatic height adjustment" /></view><view class="section"><textarea placeholder="The placeholder color is red" placeholder-style="color:red;" /></view><view class="section"><textarea placeholder="This is a textarea that can be automatically focused" auto-focus /></view><view class="section"><textarea placeholder="This will only be focused when the button is tapped" focus="{{focus}}" /><view class="btn-area"><button bindtap="bindButtonTap">Make the input box focused</button></view></view><view class="section"><form bindsubmit="bindFormSubmit"><textarea placeholder="Textarea in the form component" name="textarea"/><button form-type="submit"> Submit </button></form></view>
Page({data: {height: 20,focus: false},bindButtonTap: function() {this.setData({focus: true})},bindTextAreaBlur: function(e) {console.log(e.detail.value)},bindFormSubmit: function(e) {console.log(e.detail.value.textarea)}})
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