tencent cloud


Team Management

Last updated: 2024-07-04 16:11:25

    Team List

    Functional Purpose

    Enterprise management rights holders can manage internal lines of business or third-party partner companies through the concept of new teams.

    Specific Functional Operations

    Create Team: Corporate governance right holders can create a new team, designate team administrators, as well as determine whether the team's authority pertains to mini program management or application management.
    Edit: Corporate governance right holders can modify team administrators and team names.
    View: Corporate governance right holders can view the members within a team.
    Delete: Corporate governance right holders can delete a team account. Note that this action will result in the inability to retrieve applications and mini program resources under the team account.

    Member Management

    Functional Purpose

    Application administrators, application team member managers, mini program team administrators, and mini program team member managers can add members to the team.

    Application team member management

    Add Members

    Application administrators and application team member managers can click Add Member in the upper left corner of the Team Management > Member Management page in the left menu of the console.
    You can select a common user from the platform user list, add him to the team, and assign a role to the member.

    New Member

    Application administrators and application team member administrators can manage team members. In the Team Management > Member Management page on the left menu of the console, click New Member in the upper left corner to create a new user on the platform and add it to the team. Users created in this way can only be ordinary members of the platform. Administrators still need to fill in the user name, login account, login password, team and team role.

    Mini Program Team Member Management

    Invite members

    Mini Program team administrators and Mini Program team member managers can go to Team Management > Member Management on the left side menu of the console and click Invite Members in the upper left corner.
    Select the permissions you want to assign to the invitee, click Generate Invite Code, and send it to the invitee.
    The invitee can log in to the console through the login link and use the invitation code to join the team.
    1. Invitation codes have usage restrictions and time limits. Each invitation code can only be used once. If it is not used within 24 hours, it will expire.
    2. If a user fails to join a team using an invitation code, the invitation code will also become invalid.

    New Member

    Mini Program team administrators and Mini Program team member administrators can manage team members. In the Team Management > Member Management page on the left menu of the console, click New Member in the upper left corner to create a new user on the platform and add it to the team. Users created in this way can only be ordinary members of the platform. Administrators still need to fill in the user name, login account, login password, team and team role.

    Role Management

    TCMPP provides pre-defined roles, including administrator, member management role, developer role, operation role and audit role, to meet the actual business control needs.

    Application team roles and permissions

    Function | Role
    Application Administrator
    Application Team Member Manager
    Application Senior Developer
    Application Developer
    Application Operation Staff
    Team member management
    Application management
    Application access
    Mini program release approval
    Sensitive API management
    Sensitive API call approval
    Data dashboard
    User feedback
    User complaints
    Mini program operation monitoring
    Overview of application team roles:
    Application administrator: There is only one manager of the application team, who has all the permissions of the application team.
    Application member manager: Responsible for the management of application team members, with the authority to modify team name, member management, and role management.
    Application senior developer: Usually the technical leader of the application team, with the authority to manage applications, develop, view operation data, view monitoring data, etc.
    Application developer: The developer of the application, with the authority to develop and view user feedback and feedback logs.
    Application operator: Summarize and analyze user feedback issues and mini program data in the application, and provide data support for product experience improvement.
    Reviewer: Responsible for the approval process between mini programs and applications, including mini program release approval, sensitive API use approval, etc.

    Mini Program Team Roles and Permissions

    Function | Role
    Application Administrator
    Application Team Member Manager
    Application Senior Developer
    Application Developer
    Application Operation Staff
    Team member management
    Mini program management
    Mini program development configuration
    Real-time log
    Mini program development, IDE use
    Mini program experience
    Mini program submission review
    Mini program release
    Data dashboard
    User feedback
    Mini program operation monitoring
    Mini Program Team Role Overview:
    Mini Program Team Administrator: There is only one manager of the Mini Program team, who has all the permissions of the Mini Program team.
    Mini Program Team Member Manager: Responsible for the management of Mini Program team members, with the permissions to modify team name, member management, and role management.
    Mini Program Senior Developer: Usually the technical leader of the Mini Program team, with permissions such as Mini Program management, development, IDE, viewing operation data, and viewing monitoring data.
    Mini Program Developer: The developer of the Mini Program, with permissions to develop, IDE, view user feedback and feedback logs.
    Mini Program Operator: Summarize and analyze user feedback issues and Mini Program usage data to provide data support for the experience and function evolution of the Mini Program.
    Mini Program Release Reviewer: Responsible for the approval process between Mini Programs and applications, including experiencing Mini Programs, submitting Mini Program release approval, and publishing Mini Programs.
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