Property | Type | Default value | Required | Description |
id | string | - | False | The unique identifier for the audio component. |
src | string | - | False | URL of the audio resource to be played. |
loop | boolean | false | False | Whether to loop the playback. |
controls | boolean | false | False | Whether to show the default controls. |
poster | string | - | False | Image URL for the audio cover on the default controls. This is ignored if controls is set to false. |
name | string | Unknown song | False | Name of the audio on the default controls. This is ignored if controls is set to false. |
author | string | Unknown author | False | Author of the audio on the default controls. This is ignored if controls is set to false. |
binderror | eventhandle | - | False | Triggered when an error occurs, detail = {errMsg: MediaError.code}. |
bindplay | eventhandle | - | False | Triggered when playback starts or resumes. |
bindpause | eventhandle | - | False | Triggered when playback is paused. |
bindtimeupdate | eventhandle | - | False | Triggered when the playback progress changes, detail = {currentTime, duration}. |
bindended | eventhandle | - | False | Triggered when playback reaches the end. |
<!-- audio.wxml --><audio poster="{{poster}}" name="{{name}}" author="{{author}}" src="{{src}}" id="myAudio" controls loop></audio><button type="primary" bindtap="audioPlay">Playback</button><button type="primary" bindtap="audioPause">Pause</button><button type="primary" bindtap="audio14">Sets the current playback time to 14 seconds</button><button type="primary" bindtap="audioStart">Back to the beginning</button>
// audio.jsPage({onReady: function (e) {// Uses wx.createAudioContext to get the audio contextthis.audioCtx = wx.createAudioContext('myAudio')},data: {poster: '',name: 'At The Moment',author: 'Xu Wei',src: '',},audioPlay: function () {},audioPause: function () {this.audioCtx.pause()},audio14: function () {},audioStart: function () {}})
Property | Type | Default value | Description |
src | string | - | URL of the image resource. |
mode | string | 'scaleToFill' | Mode for image cropping and scaling. |
show-menu-by-longpress | boolean | false | Shows a menu with options like "Save image" when the image is long-pressed. |
lazy-load | boolean | false | Lazy loading of images. Effective only for images within page and scroll-view. |
binderror | handleevent | - | Event name published to AppService when an error occurs, event.detail = {errMsg: 'something wrong'}. |
bindload | handleevent | - | Event name published to AppService when the image is fully loaded, event.detail = {height:'Image height in px', width:'Image width in px'}. |
Mode | Value | Description |
Scaling | scaleToFill | Scales the image without preserving the aspect ratio, stretching it to fill the image element completely. |
Scaling | aspectFit | Scales the image while preserving the aspect ratio, ensuring the entire image is visible (long side fits). |
Scaling | aspectFill | Scales the image while preserving the aspect ratio, ensuring the short side fits, potentially cropping the long side. |
Scaling | widthFix | Keeps the width unchanged and adjusts the height automatically, preserving the original aspect ratio. |
Cropping | top | Does not scale the image, only shows the top part. |
Cropping | bottom | Does not scale the image, only shows the bottom part. |
Cropping | center | Does not scale the image, only shows the center part. |
Cropping | left | Does not scale the image, only shows the left part. |
Cropping | right | Does not scale the image, only shows the right part. |
Cropping | top left | Does not scale the image, only shows the top-left corner. |
Cropping | top right | Does not scale the image, only shows the top-right corner. |
Cropping | bottom left | Does not scale the image, only shows the bottom-left corner. |
Cropping | bottom right | Does not scale the image, only shows the bottom-right corner. |
<view class="page"><view class="page__hd"><text class="page__title">image</text><text class="page__desc">Image</text></view><view class="page__bd"><view class="section section_gap" wx:for="{{array}}" wx:for-item="item"><view class="section__title">{{item.text}}</view><view class="section__ctn"><image style="width: 200px; height: 200px; background-color: #eeeeee;" mode="{{item.mode}}" src="{{src}}"></image></view></view></view></view>
Page({data: {array: [{mode: 'scaleToFill',text: 'scaleToFill: Scales the image without preserving the aspect ratio, stretching it to fill the image element completely. '}, {mode: 'aspectFit',text: 'aspectFit: Scales the image while preserving the aspect ratio, ensuring the entire image is visible (long side fits).'}, {mode: 'aspectFill',text: 'aspectFill: Scales the image while preserving the aspect ratio, ensuring the short side fits, potentially cropping the long side.'}, {mode: 'top',text: 'top: Does not scale the image, only shows the top part.'}, {mode: 'bottom',text: 'bottom: Does not scale the image, only shows the bottom part.'}, {mode: 'center',text: 'center: Does not scale the image, only shows the center part.'}, {mode: 'left',text: 'left: Does not scale the image, only shows the left part.'}, {mode: 'right',text: 'right: Does not scale the image, only shows the right part.'}, {mode: 'top left',text: 'top left: Does not scale the image, only shows the top-left part.'}, {mode: 'top right',text: 'top right: Does not scale the image, only shows the top-right part.'}, {mode: 'bottom left',text: 'bottom left: Does not scale the image, only shows the bottom-left part.'}, {mode: 'bottom right',text: 'bottom right: Does not scale the image, only shows the top-right part.'}],src: ''},imageError: function(e) {console.log('An error event is triggered in image3, and the carried value is', e.detail.errMsg)}})
Property | Type | Default value | Description |
src | string | - | URL of the video resource to be played, supports cloud file ID. |
duration | number | - | Specifies the video duration. |
controls | boolean | true | Whether to display the default playback controls (play/pause buttons, progress bar, time). |
danmu-list | Object Array | - | List of on-screen comments. |
danmu-btn | boolean | false | Whether to display the on-screen comment button. This configuration is only effective if set during initialization and cannot be changed later. |
enable-danmu | boolean | false | Whether to display the on-screen comments. This configuration is only effective if set during initialization and cannot be changed later. |
autoplay | boolean | false | Whether to enable auto-playback. |
loop | boolean | false | Whether to loop the playback. |
muted | boolean | false | Whether to mute the playback. |
initial-time | number | - | Specifies the initial playback position of the video. |
page-gesture | boolean | false | Whether to enable brightness and volume adjustment gesture in non-full screen mode. |
direction | number | - | Specifies the orientation of the video in full screen mode. If not specified, it is automatically determined based on the aspect ratio. 0 for normal vertical. 90 for counterclockwise 90 degrees. -90 for clockwise 90 degrees. |
show-progress | boolean | true | If not specified, the progress will only be displayed when the width is greater than 240. |
show-fullscreen-btn | boolean | true | Whether to show the full screen button. |
show-play-btn | boolean | true | Whether to show the playback button in the control bar at the bottom of the video. |
show-center-play-btn | boolean | true | Whether to show the playback button in the middle of the video. |
enable-progress-gesture | boolean | true | Whether to enable the gesture to control progress. |
object-fit | string | contain | The presentation format of a video when the size of the video does not match the video container size. contain: Contain. fil: Fill. cover: Cover. |
poster | string | - | URL for the video cover image. |
show-mute-btn | boolean | false | Whether to show the mute button. |
title | string | - | Title of the video, displayed at the top in fullscreen. |
play-btn-position | string | bottom | The position of the playback button. Valid values: bottom (on the control bar) center (in the center of the video) |
enable-play-gesture | boolean | false | Whether to enable the playback gesture, i.e., double tap to switch between playback and pause. |
auto-pause-if-navigate | boolean | true | Whether to automatically pause the video on this page when navigating to another mini program page. |
auto-pause-if-open-native | boolean | true | Whether to automatically pause the video on this page when navigating to another native page. |
vslide-gesture | boolean | false | Whether to enable brightness and volume adjustment gesture in non-full screen mode (same as page-gesture). |
vslide-gesture-in-fullscreen | boolean | true | Whether to enable brightness and volume adjustment gesture in full screen mode.(Supported only on IOS) |
picture-in-picture-mode | string/Array | - | Sets picture-in-picture mode: push, pop, or an array of modes (e.g., ["push", "pop"]). |
enable-auto-rotation | boolean | false | Whether to enable automatic fullscreen when the phone is rotated, effective when system auto-rotate is enabled. |
bindplay | eventhandle | - | Triggered when playback starts or resumes. |
bindpause | eventhandle | - | Triggered when playback is paused. |
bindended | eventhandle | - | Triggered when playback reaches the end. |
bindtimeupdate | eventhandle | - | Triggered when playback progress changes, event.detail = {currentTime, duration}. Trigger frequency: 250 ms. |
bindfullscreenchange | eventhandle | - | Triggered when the video enters/exits full screen mode; event.detail = {fullScreen, direction}. Valid values: vertical, horizontal. |
bindwaiting | eventhandle | - | Triggered when the video is buffering. |
binderror | eventhandle | - | Triggered when an error occurs during video playback. |
bindprogress | eventhandle | - | Triggered when the loading progress changes. supports only one segment of loading. event.detail = {buffered},in percentage. |
bindloadedmetadata | eventhandle | - | Triggered when the video metadata is loaded. event.detail = {width, height, duration} |
<view class="page-body"><view class="page-section tc"><videoid="myVideo"src=""binderror="videoErrorCallback"danmu-list="{{danmuList}}"enable-danmudanmu-btnshow-center-play-btn='{{false}}'show-play-btn="{{true}}"controlspicture-in-picture-mode="{{['push', 'pop']}}"bindenterpictureinpicture='bindVideoEnterPictureInPicture'bindleavepictureinpicture='bindVideoLeavePictureInPicture'></video><view style="margin: 30rpx auto" class="weui-label">On-screen comment content</view><input bindblur="bindInputBlur" class="weui-input" type="text" placeholder="Type your on-screen comment here" /><button style="margin: 30rpx auto" bindtap="bindSendDanmu" class="page-body-button" type="primary" formType="submit">Send on-screen comment</button><navigator style="margin: 30rpx auto" url="picture-in-picture" hover-class="other-navigator-hover"><button type="primary" class="page-body-button" bindtap="bindPlayVideo">Picture-in-picture mode</button></navigator></view></view>
function getRandomColor() {const rgb = []for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {let color = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256).toString(16)color = color.length === 1 ? '0' + color : colorrgb.push(color)}return '#' + rgb.join('')}Page({onShareAppMessage() {return {title: 'video',path: 'page/component/pages/video/video'}},onReady() {this.videoContext = wx.createVideoContext('myVideo')},onHide() {},inputValue: '',data: {src: '',danmuList:[{text: 'The on-screen comment that appears in the first second',color: '#ff0000',time: 1}, {text: 'The on-screen comment that appears in the third second',color: '#ff00ff',time: 3}],},bindInputBlur(e) {this.inputValue = e.detail.value},bindButtonTap() {const that = thiswx.chooseVideo({sourceType: ['album', 'camera'],maxDuration: 60,camera: ['front', 'back'],success(res) {that.setData({src: res.tempFilePath})}})},bindVideoEnterPictureInPicture() {console.log('Enters picture-in-picture mode')},bindVideoLeavePictureInPicture() {console.log ('Exits picture-in-picture mode')},bindPlayVideo() {console.log('1')},bindSendDanmu() {this.videoContext.sendDanmu({text: this.inputValue,color: getRandomColor()})},videoErrorCallback(e) {console.log ('Video error message: ')console.log(e.detail.errMsg)}})
Property | Type | Default value | Required | Description |
resource-width | number | 800 | False | The width of the video resource used by the component (unit: px). |
resource-height | number | 400 | False | The height of the video resource used by the component (unit: px). |
canvas-style | string | width:400px; height:400px; | False | CSS styles for animation canvas. |
path | string | | True | URL of the animation resource, supports relative and remote paths. If it is a remote path,Access-Control-Allow-Origin needs to be set in the response header to prevent cross-origin issues. |
loop | boolean | false | False | Whether to loop the animation playback. |
autoplay | boolean | false | False | Whether to enable auto-playback for the animations. |
alpha-direction | string | left | False | Direction of the alpha channel in the video resource. left means the alpha channel is on the left side, right means it is on the right side. |
bindstarted | eventhandle | - | False | The callback is triggered when the animation starts playing. |
bindended | eventhandle | - | False | Event triggered when the animation reaches the end (natural end of playback triggers the callback, loop end and pause do not trigger it). |
<view class="wrap"><view class="card-area"><view class="top-description border-bottom"><view>Animation alpha channel information is on the right side of the video</view><view>alpha-direction='right'</view></view><view class="video-area"><animation-videopath="{{rightAlphaSrcPath}}"loop="{{loop}}"resource-width="800"resource-height="400"canvas-style="width:200px;height:200px"autoplay="{{autoplay}}"bindstarted="onStarted"bindended="onEnded"alpha-direction='right'></animation-video></view></view><view class="card-area"><view class="top-description border-bottom"><view>Animation alpha channel information is on the left side of the video</view><view>alpha-direction='left'</view></view><view class="video-area"><animation-videopath="{{leftAlphaSrcPath}}"loop="{{loop}}"resource-width="800"resource-height="400"canvas-style="width:200px;height:200px"autoplay="{{autoplay}}"bindstarted="onStarted"bindended="onEnded"alpha-direction='left'></animation-video></view></view></view>
Page({data: {loop: true,leftAlphaSrcPath: '',rightAlphaSrcPath: '',autoplay: true},onStarted() {console.log('===onStarted');},onEnded() {console.log('===onEnded');}})
Property | Type | Valid values | Default value | Description |
mode | string | normal: Camera mode ScanCode: Scan code mode | normal | Application mode. This configuration is only effective if set during initialization and cannot be changed later. |
device-position | string | front: Front-facing back: Rear-facing | back | Camera position. |
flash | string | auto: Auto on: Enabled off: Disabled torch: Always on | auto | Flash. Valid values: auto, on, off. |
bindstop | eventhandle | - | - | Triggered when the camera stops abnormally, such as exiting the background. |
binderror | eventhandle | - | - | Triggered when the user denies camera access. |
bindscancode | eventhandle | - | - | Triggered when a scan code is successfully recognized, only effective when mode="scanCode". |
<cameradevice-position="back"flash="off"binderror="error"style="width: 100%; height: 300px;"></camera><button type="primary" bindtap="takePhoto">Camera</button><view>Preview</view><image mode="widthFix" src="{{src}}"></image>
Page({takePhoto() {const ctx = wx.createCameraContext()ctx.takePhoto({quality: 'high',success: (res) => {this.setData({src: res.tempImagePath})}})},error(e) {console.log(e.detail)}})
Property | Type | Valid values | Default value | Description |
src | string | - | - | URL of the audios and videos. Only flv and rtmp formats are supported. |
mode | string | live: Live streaming RTC: Real-time call | live | The mode. |
autoplay | boolean | - | false | Auto-playback. |
muted | boolean | - | false | Whether the audios and videos are muted. |
orientation | string | vertical: Portrait horizontal: Landscape | vertical | Screen orientation. |
object-fit | string | contain: Image's long side fills the screen, short side areas are black. fillCrop: Image fills the screen, excess parts are cropped. | contain | Fill mode. Valid values: contain, fillCrop. |
min-cache | number | - | 1 | Minimum buffer size in seconds (0.2 seconds is recommended for the RTC mode). |
max-cache | number | - | 3 | Maximum buffer size in seconds (0.8 seconds is recommended for the RTC mode). The buffer is used to resist network fluctuations. Larger buffer improves network stability but increases latency. |
sound-mode | string | speaker: Speaker ear: Earphone | speaker | Sound output mode. |
auto-pause-if-navigate | boolean | - | true | Whether to automatically pause the live audio and video on this page when navigating to another mini program page. |
auto-pause-if-open-native | boolean | - | true | Whether to automatically pause the live audio and video on this page when navigating to another native page of the host app. |
picture-in-picture-mode | string/Array | []: Disable the picture-in-picture. push: Trigger the picture-in-picture when routing push is performed pop: Trigger the picture-in-picture when routing pop is performed | - | Sets the picture-in-picture mode: push, pop, or an array of modes (e.g., ["push", "pop"]). |
enable-auto-rotation | boolean | - | false | Whether to enable automatic full-screen when the phone is rotated, effective when system auto-rotate is enabled. |
enable-metadata | boolean | - | false | Whether to call back metadata. |
bindstatechange | eventhandle | - | - | Triggered when playback state changes, detail = {code}. |
bindfullscreenchange | eventhandle | - | - | Triggered when full-screen mode changes, detail = {direction, fullScreen}. |
bindnetstatus | eventhandle | - | - | Network status notification, detail = {info}. |
bindaudiovolumenotify | eventhandle | - | - | Playback volume notification, detail = {}. |
bindenterpictureinpicture | eventhandle | - | - | Triggered when the player enters PiP mode. |
bindleavepictureinpicture | eventhandle | - | - | Triggered when the player exits PiP mode. |
bindmetadatachange | eventhandle | - | - | Metadata notification, detail = {info}. |
Code | Description |
2001 | Connected to the server successfully. |
2002 | Connected to the server and started the stream pulling. |
2003 | The network received the first video data packet (IDR). |
2004 | Video playback started. |
2006 | Video playback ended. |
2007 | Video playback is loading. |
2008 | Decoder started. |
2009 | Video resolution changed. |
-2301 | The network is disconnected, and automatic reconnection fails multiple times. Please restart the playback manually. |
-2302 | Failed to get accelerated stream URL. |
2101 | Failed to decode the current video frame. |
2102 | Failed to decode the current audio frame. |
2103 | The network is disconnected, and automatic reconnection has been started. |
2104 | Unstable incoming network packets. This may be caused by insufficient downstream bandwidth, or uneven outbound traffic from the source. |
2105 | Video freezes occurred during playback. |
2106 | Hardware decoding failed, switching to software decoding. |
2107 | Current video frames are not continuous, possible frame loss. |
2108 | The first I-frame hardware decoding failed, SDK automatically switches to software decoding. |
3001 | RTMP - DNS resolution failed. |
3002 | RTMP server connection failed. |
3003 | RTMP server handshake failed. |
3005 | RTMP read/write failed. |
Key name | Description |
videoBitrate | Current video data reception bit rate (in kbps). |
audioBitrate | Current audio data reception bit rate (in kbps). |
videoFPS | Current video frame rate. |
videoGOP | Current video GOP (Group of pictures), i.e., the time interval between every two keyframes (I frames) (unit: s). |
netSpeed | Current sending/receiving speed. |
netJitter | Network jitter, with higher values indicating less stable network conditions. |
videoWidth | Width of the video image. |
videoHeight | Height of the video image. |
<live-playersrc="https://domain/pull_stream"mode="RTC"autoplaybindstatechange="statechange"binderror="error"style="width: 300px; height: 225px;"/>
Page({statechange(e) {console.log('live-player code:', e.detail.code)},error(e) {console.error('live-player error:', e.detail.errMsg)}})
Property | Type | Valid values | Default value | Description |
url | string | - | - | Stream URL. Only RTMP is supported. |
mode | string | - | RTC | SD (Standard Definition), HD (High Definition), FHD (Full High Definition), RTC (Real-Time Communication). |
autopush | boolean | - | false | Automatic stream pushing. |
muted | boolean | - | false | Whether the audios and videos are muted. |
enable-camera | boolean | - | true | Enable the camera. |
auto-focus | boolean | - | true | Auto focus. |
orientation | string | vertical: Portrait horizontal: Landscape | vertical | Screen orientation. |
beauty | number | - | 0 | Beauty filter. Value range: 0-9, where 0 indicates off. |
whiteness | number | - | 0 | Whiteness filter. Value range: 0-9, where 0 indicates off. |
aspect | string | - | 9:16 | Aspect ratio. Valid values: 3:4, 9:16. |
min-bitrate | number | - | 200 | Min bitrate. |
max-bitrate | number | - | 1000 | Max bitrate. |
audio-quality | string | - | height | High quality (48 kHz) or low quality (16 kHz). Valid values: high, low. |
waiting-image | string | - | - | Waiting image when the app goes to the background. |
waiting-image-hash | string | - | - | The MD5 value of the waiting image resource. |
zoom | boolean | - | false | Adjusts the zoom. |
device-position | string | - | - | Camera position. Valid values: front, back. |
background-mute | boolean | - | false | Whether to mute the sound when entering the background. |
mirror | boolean | - | false | Whether mirror the push stream, reflected in the live-player. |
local-mirror | string | auto: Front camera mirrors, back camera does not enable: Both front and rear cameras mirror disable: Neither camera mirrors | auto | Controls local preview mirroring. |
audio-reverb-type | number | 0: Disable 1: KTV 2: Small room 3: Auditorium 4: Deep 5: Loud 6: Metal 7: Magnetic | 0 | Types of audio reverberation. |
enable-mic | boolean | - | - | Enable or disable the microphone. |
enable-agc | boolean | - | false | Whether to enable audio automatic gain control (AGC). |
enable-ans | boolean | - | false | Whether to enable audio noise suppression. |
audio-volume-type | string | auto: Auto media: Media volume voicecall: Call volume | auto | Volume type. |
video-width | number | - | 360 | Resolution width of the pushed video stream. |
video-height | number | - | 640 | Resolution height of the pushed video stream. |
bindstatechange | eventhandle | - | - | Status change event, detail = {code}. |
bindnetstatus | eventhandle | - | - | Network status notification, detail = {info}. |
binderror | eventhandle | - | - | Render error event, detail = {errMsg, errCode}. |
bindbgmstart | eventhandle | - | - | Triggered when the background sound starts playing. |
bindbgmprogress | eventhandle | - | - | Triggered when the background sound progress changes, detail = {progress, duration}. |
bindbgmcomplete | eventhandle | - | - | Triggered when the background sound finished playing. |
Code | Description |
10001 | User has denied access to the camera. |
10002 | User has denied access to the microphone. |
10003 | Failed to load the background music (BGM) resource. |
10004 | Failed to load the waiting image resource (waiting-image). |
Code | Description |
1001 | Connected to the stream pushing server. |
1002 | Completed handshake with the server and started stream pushing. |
1003 | Enabled the camera successfully. |
1004 | Started screen recording successfully. |
1005 | Dynamic resolution adjustment during streaming. |
1006 | Dynamic bitrate adjustment during streaming. |
1007 | Captured the first frame successfully. |
1008 | Started the encoder successfully. |
-1301 | Failed to enable the camera. |
-1302 | Failed to enable the microphone. |
-1303 | Failed to encode the video. |
-1304 | Failed to encode the audio. |
-1305 | Unsupported video resolution. |
-1306 | Unsupported audio sample rate. |
-1307 | The network is disconnected, and automatic reconnection fails multiple times. Please restart the stream pushing manually. |
-1308 | Failed to start the screen recording. Possible reason: Rejected by the user. |
-1309 | Screen recording failed. Reason: Unsupported Android version (5.0 or above version is required). |
-1310 | Screen recording is interrupted by another application. |
-1311 | Enabled Android microphone successfully, but no audio data captured. |
-1312 | Failed to switch between landscape and portrait screens during screen recording. |
1101 | Poor network conditions: Insufficient uplink bandwidth, data upload obstructed. |
1102 | The network is disconnected, and automatic reconnection has been started. |
1103 | Hardware decoding failed, switching to software decoding. |
1104 | Failed to encode the video. |
3001 | RTMP - DNS resolution failed. |
3002 | RTMP server connection failed. |
3003 | RTMP server handshake failed. |
3004 | RTMP server disconnected, please check the validity of the stream URL or anti-leech link expiration. |
3005 | RTMP read/write failed. |
Key name | Description |
videoBitrate | Current video encoder output bit rate (in kbps). |
audioBitrate | Current audio encoder output bit rate (in kbps). |
videoFPS | Current video frame rate. |
videoGOP | Current video GOP, i.e., the time interval between every two keyframes (I frames) (unit: s). |
netSpeed | Current sending/receiving speed. |
netJitter | Network jitter, with higher values indicating less stable network conditions. |
videoWidth | Width of the video image. |
videoHeight | Height of the video image. |
<live-pusherurl="https://domain/push_stream"mode="RTC"autopushbindstatechange="statechange"style="width: 300px; height: 225px;"/>
Page({statechange(e) {console.log('live-pusher code:', e.detail.code)}})
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