tencent cloud


Deleting mini programs

Last updated: 2024-07-03 18:01:44
    As the mini program runs, it caches the mini program package and mini program information locally so that it can be opened more quickly next time. If you want to delete all the information of a mini program, you can call the following API to delete a mini program or delete all mini programs.

    Delete all mini program caches

    /// Remove all caches related to mini programs including resource packs, base libraries, and mini program/game sandbox data.
    - (void)clearMiniAppCache;

    Delete the specified mini program cache

    /// Delete the local cache mini program.
    /// @param appID appID to be deleted, defaults to all versions.
    - (void)clearCacheWithAppID:(NSString *)appID;

    Deletes the specified version and type of mini program

    // Delete local cache mini programs
    // Delete the local cache mini program.
    // @param appID appID to delete, defaults to all versions - appID to delete, defaults to all versions
    // @param verType the type of local cache applet to delete - the version type of the mini program to delete
    - (void)clearCacheWithAppID:(NSString *)appID verType:(TMAVersionType)verType;
    Sample code:
    [[TMFMiniAppSDKManager sharedInstance] clearCacheWithAppID:appId verType:verType];
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