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Cloud Virtual Machine
Switching to VPC
Last updated: 2024-03-26 14:58:42
Switching to VPC
Last updated: 2024-03-26 14:58:42


Tencent Cloud provides the classic network and VPC for different scenarios. Various features are offered to help you flexibly manage your networks.
Switching between networks:
Switching from the classic network to VPC: Tencent Cloud allows you to migrate one or more CVM instances from the classic network to VPC at a time.
Switching between VPCs: Tencent Cloud allows you to migrate one or more CVM instances from VPC A to VPC B at a time.
Specifying a custom IP address.
Choosing to retain the original private IP and HostName of the instance.


Before migration, unbind the CVM instance from the CLB instances and secondary ENIs in the private and public networks and release the secondary IP of the primary ENI. Rebind them after migration.


Determining the network attribute of the CVM instance

1. Log in to the CVM console.
2. On the "instance" list page, view the target instance of which the network is pending switched based on the actually used view mode.
List view
Tab view
The instance is on the classic network if Network: Classic Network is displayed in the Instance Configuration column.

The instance is in the classic network if "Network: Classic Network" appears in Basic Information.
Switching from a classic network to a VPC is irreversible. A CVM instance cannot communicate with CVM instances in classic networks after being migrated from a classic network to a VPC.
Before switching from a classic network to a VPC, you need to create a VPC in the same region and a subnet in the same AZ as the target CVM instance in advance. For detailed directions, see Creating VPC.
After determining the network attribute of the instance, switch to VPC as required.

Switching to VPC

1. Log in to the CVM console.
2. On the Instances page, migrate the target instance to VPC.
List view
Tab view
Migrating a single instance to the VPC Select the target instance and click More > Resource Adjustment > Switch VPC in the Operation column on the right.

Batch migrating instances to the VPC Select the target instances and click More Actions > Resource Adjustment > Switch VPC above the list of instances.
Batch migration is only supported for CVM instances in the same availability zone.

Select the tab of the target instance and click More Actions > Resource Adjustment > Switch VPC in the top-right corner.

3. In the Switch VPC window that appears, read the notes and then click Next.
4. Select the destination VPC and the corresponding subnet and then click Next.

5. Set the private IP and HostName Options of the selected subnet as needed.

Set the main parameters as follows:
Pre-allocate IP: If the original private IP is not retained, you can enter the Pre-allocate IP. If it is not entered, the system will automatically assign one.
Retain original private IP: Set it as needed.
HostName Options: Set it as needed.
6. Click Next, perform the operations according to the instructions on the Shutdown CVM page, and click Start Migration. On the Instances page, you will see that Modifying instance VPC attributes is displayed in the Status column of the migrated instances.
During the migration, the CVM instance or instances need to be restarted. Therefore, do not perform other operations.
After the migration, please check whether the CVM instance or instances are running normally and can be accessed via a private network and logged in to remotely.

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