Domain name for API request:
This API is used to create one or more instances with a specified configuration.
during the creation. You can use DescribeInstances to query the status of the instance. If the status changes from Creating
to Running
, it means that the instance has been created successfully.A maximum of 10 requests can be initiated per second for this API.
The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
Action | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: RunInstances. |
Version | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: 2017-03-12. |
Region | Yes | String | Common Params. For more information, please see the list of regions supported by the product. |
InstanceChargeType | No | String | Instance billing type. POSTPAID_BY_HOUR : Hourly-based pay-as-you-go CDHPAID : Dedicated CVM (associated with a dedicated host. Resource usage of the dedicated host is free of charge.) SPOTPAID : Spot instanceDefault value: POSTPAID_BY_HOUR . |
InstanceChargePrepaid | No | InstanceChargePrepaid | Details of the monthly subscription, including the purchase period, auto-renewal. It is required if the InstanceChargeType is PREPAID . |
Placement | No | Placement | Location of the instance. You can use this parameter to specify the availability zone, project, and CDH (for dedicated CVMs). Note: Placement is required when LaunchTemplate is not specified. If both the parameters are passed in, Placement prevails. |
InstanceType | No | String | The instance model. POSTPAID_BY_HOUR instances, you can call DescribeInstanceTypeConfigs or refer to Instance Types. If this parameter is not specified, S1.SMALL1 will be used by default.CDHPAID instances, the value of this parameter is in the format of CDH_XCXG based on the number of CPU cores and memory capacity. For example, if you want to create a CDH instance with a single-core CPU and 1 GB memory, specify this parameter as CDH_1C1G . |
ImageId | No | String | The image ID in the format of img-xxx . There are three types of images:To check the image ID: InstanceType to retrieve the list of images supported by the current model, and then find the ImageId in the response.Note: ImageId is required when LaunchTemplate is not specified. If both the parameters are passed in, ImageId prevails. |
SystemDisk | No | SystemDisk | System disk configuration of the instance. If this parameter is not specified, the default value will be used. |
DataDisks.N | No | Array of DataDisk | The configuration information of instance data disks. If this parameter is not specified, no data disk will be purchased by default. When purchasing, you can specify 21 data disks, which can contain at most 1 LOCAL_BASIC or LOCAL_SSD data disk, and at most 20 CLOUD_BASIC, CLOUD_PREMIUM, or CLOUD_SSD data disks. |
VirtualPrivateCloud | No | VirtualPrivateCloud | Configuration information of VPC. This parameter is used to specify VPC ID and subnet ID, etc. If a VPC IP is specified in this parameter, it indicates the primary ENI IP of each instance. The value of parameter InstanceCount must be the same as the number of VPC IPs, which cannot be greater than 20. |
InternetAccessible | No | InternetAccessible | Configuration of public network bandwidth. If this parameter is not specified, 0 Mbps will be used by default. |
InstanceCount | No | Integer | The number of instances to be purchased. Value range for pay-as-you-go instances: [1, 100]. Default value: 1 . The specified number of instances to be purchased cannot exceed the remaining quota allowed for the user. For more information on the quota, see Quota for CVM Instances. |
InstanceName | No | String | Instance name.{R:x} , numbers [x, x+n-1] will be generated, where n represents the number of instances purchased. For example, you specify a pattern string server_{R:3} . If you purchase only one instance, the instance will be named server_3 ; if you purchase two, they will be named server_3 and server_4 . You can specify multiple pattern strings in the format of {R:x} .1, 2...n , where n represents the number of instances purchased. For example, if you purchase two instances with the name server_ , the instance names will be server_1 and server_2 . |
LoginSettings | No | LoginSettings | Instance login settings. You can use this parameter to set the login method, password and key of the instance, or keep the original login settings of the image. If it's not specified, the user needs to set the login password using the "Reset password" option in the CVM console or calling the API ResetInstancesPassword to complete the creation of the CVM instance(s). |
SecurityGroupIds.N | No | Array of String | Security groups to which the instance belongs. To obtain the security group IDs, you can call DescribeSecurityGroups and look for the sgld fields in the response. If this parameter is not specified, the instance will be associated with default security groups. |
EnhancedService | No | EnhancedService | Enhanced service. You can use this parameter to specify whether to enable services such as Anti-DDoS and Cloud Monitor. If this parameter is not specified, Cloud Monitor and Anti-DDoS are enabled for public images by default. However, for custom images and images from the marketplace, Anti-DDoS and Cloud Monitor are not enabled by default. The original services in the image will be retained. |
ClientToken | No | String | A unique string supplied by the client to ensure that the request is idempotent. Its maximum length is 64 ASCII characters. If this parameter is not specified, the idem-potency of the request cannot be guaranteed. |
HostName | No | String | Hostname of an instance.{R:x} , numbers [x, x+n-1] will be generated, where n represents the number of instances purchased. For example, you specify a pattern string server{R:3} . If you purchase only one instance, the hostname will be server3 ; if you purchase two, they will be server3 and server4 . You can specify multiple pattern strings in the format of {R:x} .1, 2...n , where n represents the number of instances purchased. For example, if you purchase two instances with the name server , the hostnames will be server1 and server2 . |
ActionTimer | No | ActionTimer | Scheduled tasks. You can use this parameter to specify scheduled tasks for the instance. Only scheduled termination is supported. |
DisasterRecoverGroupIds.N | No | Array of String | Placement group ID. You can only specify one. |
TagSpecification.N | No | Array of TagSpecification | List of tag description. By specifying this parameter, the tag can be bound to the corresponding CVM and CBS instances at the same time. |
InstanceMarketOptions | No | InstanceMarketOptionsRequest | The market options of the instance. |
UserData | No | String | User data provided to the instance. This parameter needs to be encoded in base64 format with the maximum size of 16 KB. For more information on how to get the value of this parameter, see the commands you need to execute on startup for Windows or Linux. |
DryRun | No | Boolean | Whether the request is a dry run only.true : dry run only. The request will not create instance(s). A dry run can check whether all the required parameters are specified, whether the request format is right, whether the request exceeds service limits, and whether the specified CVMs are available.If the dry run fails, the corresponding error code will be returned. If the dry run succeeds, the RequestId will be returned. false (default value): Send a normal request and create instance(s) if all the requirements are met. |
CpuTopology | No | CpuTopology | Information about the CPU topology of an instance. If not specified, it is determined by system resources. |
CamRoleName | No | String | CAM role name, which can be obtained from the roleName field in the response of the DescribeRoleList API. |
HpcClusterId | No | String | HPC cluster ID. The HPC cluster must and can only be specified for a high-performance computing instance. |
LaunchTemplate | No | LaunchTemplate | Instance launch template. |
DedicatedClusterId | No | String | Specify the ID of the dedicated cluster where the CVM is created. |
ChcIds.N | No | Array of String | Specify the CHC physical server that used to create the CHC CVM. |
DisableApiTermination | No | Boolean | Instance termination protection flag, indicating whether an instance is allowed to be deleted through an API. Valid values: Default value: false. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
InstanceIdSet | Array of String | If you use this API to create instance(s), this parameter will be returned, representing one or more instance IDs. Retuning the instance ID list does not necessarily mean that the instance(s) were created successfully. To check whether the instance(s) were created successfully, you can call DescribeInstances and check the status of the instances in InstancesSet in the response. If the status of an instance changes from "PENDING" to "RUNNING", it means that the instance has been created successfully. |
RequestId | String | The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem. |
This example shows you how to purchase 1 instance with the following configurations. Availability zone: Shanghai Zone 2; CDH: host-q88gab4i; billing mode: billed by CDH instance; image ID: img-pmqg1cw7; model: 1C1G; system disk: 50 GB premium cloud disk; data disk: 100 GB premium cloud disk; network type: VPC; public network billing: pay-as-you-go by traffic on an hourly basis; public network bandwidth cap: 10 Mbps; public IP address: randomly allocated; instance name: QCLOUD-TEST; login password: Qcloud@TestApi123++; Cloud Monitor: enabled; Cloud Security: enabled.
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: RunInstances
<Common request parameters>
"SystemDisk": {
"DiskSize": "50",
"InstanceCount": "1",
"Placement": {
"HostIds": [
"Zone": "ap-shanghai-2"
"LoginSettings": {
"Password": "Qcloud@TestApi123++"
"ImageId": "img-pmqg1cw7",
"InstanceChargeType": "CDHPAID",
"EnhancedService": {
"SecurityService": {
"Enabled": "TRUE"
"MonitorService": {
"Enabled": "TRUE"
"InternetAccessible": {
"PublicIpAssigned": "TRUE",
"InternetChargeType": "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR",
"InternetMaxBandwidthOut": "10"
"InstanceName": "QCLOUD-TEST",
"InstanceType": "CDH_1C1G",
"DataDisks": [
"DiskSize": "100",
"Response": {
"InstanceIdSet": [
"RequestId": "3c140219-cfe9-470e-b241-907877d6fb03"
This example shows you how to purchase 1 instance with the following configurations. Availability zone: Shanghai Zone 2; billing mode: monthly subscription for 1 month, with auto-renewal enabled; image ID: img-pmqg1cw7; model: 64C256G standard (S5.16XLARGE256); system disk: 50 GB premium cloud disk; data disk: 100 GB premium cloud disk; network type: VPC; public network billing: pay-as-you-go by traffic on an hourly basis; public network bandwidth cap: 10 Mbps; public IP address: randomly allocated; instance name: QCLOUD-TEST; login password: Qcloud@TestApi123++; Cloud Monitor: enabled; Cloud Security: enabled.
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: RunInstances
<Common request parameters>
"SystemDisk": {
"DiskSize": "50",
"InstanceCount": "1",
"Placement": {
"Zone": "ap-shanghai-2"
"LoginSettings": {
"Password": "Qcloud@TestApi123++"
"ImageId": "img-pmqg1cw7",
"InstanceChargeType": "PREPAID",
"EnhancedService": {
"SecurityService": {
"Enabled": "TRUE"
"MonitorService": {
"Enabled": "TRUE"
"InternetAccessible": {
"PublicIpAssigned": "TRUE",
"InternetChargeType": "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR",
"InternetMaxBandwidthOut": "10"
"InstanceChargePrepaid": {
"Period": "1"
"InstanceName": "QCLOUD-TEST",
"InstanceType": "S5.16XLARGE256",
"DataDisks": [
"DiskSize": "100",
"Response": {
"InstanceIdSet": [
"RequestId": "3c14def19-cfes-470e-b241-90787u6jf5uj"
This example shows you how to purchase an instance in Shanghai Zone 2 with the image ID img-pmqg1cw7
. Only the required Placement.Zone
and ImageId
parameters are provided. The other parameters use system default values.
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: RunInstances
<Common request parameters>
"Placement": {
"Zone": "ap-shanghai-2"
"ImageId": "img-pmqg1cw7"
"Response": {
"InstanceIdSet": [
"RequestId": "3c140219-cfe9-470e-b241-907877d6fb03"
This example shows you how to purchase 1 instance with the following configurations. Availability zone: Shanghai Zone 2; billing mode: pay-as-you-go on an hourly basis; image ID: img-pmqg1cw7; model: 64C256G standard (S5.16XLARGE256); system disk: 50 GB premium cloud disk; data disk: 100 GB premium cloud disk; network type: VPC; public network billing: pay-as-you-go by traffic on an hourly basis; public network bandwidth cap: 10 Mbps; public IP address: randomly allocated; instance name: QCLOUD-TEST; login password: Qcloud@TestApi123++; Cloud Monitor: enabled; Cloud Security: enabled.
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: RunInstances
<Common request parameters>
"SystemDisk": {
"DiskSize": "50",
"InstanceCount": "1",
"Placement": {
"Zone": "ap-shanghai-2"
"LoginSettings": {
"Password": "Qcloud@TestApi123++"
"ImageId": "img-pmqg1cw7",
"InstanceChargeType": "POSTPAID_BY_HOUR",
"EnhancedService": {
"SecurityService": {
"Enabled": "TRUE"
"MonitorService": {
"Enabled": "TRUE"
"InternetAccessible": {
"PublicIpAssigned": "TRUE",
"InternetChargeType": "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR",
"InternetMaxBandwidthOut": "10"
"InstanceName": "QCLOUD-TEST",
"InstanceType": "S5.16XLARGE256",
"DataDisks": [
"DiskSize": "100",
"Response": {
"InstanceIdSet": [
"RequestId": "3c140219-cfe9-470e-b241-907877d6fb03"
This example shows you how to purchase 2 instances with the following configurations. Availability zone: Shanghai Zone 2; billing mode: pay-as-you-go on an hourly basis; image ID: img-dkwyg6sr; model: 64C256G standard (S5.16XLARGE256); system disk: 50 GB premium cloud disk; network type: VPC; VPC ID: 1urkhbj4; subnet ID: dcs9x3gz; private IP address: and
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: RunInstances
<Common request parameters>
"VirtualPrivateCloud": {
"SubnetId": "subnet-dcs9x3gz",
"VpcId": "vpc-1urkhbj4",
"PrivateIpAddresses": [
"InstanceCount": "2",
"Placement": {
"Zone": "ap-shanghai-2"
"SystemDisk": {
"DiskSize": "50",
"ImageId": "img-dkwyg6sr",
"InstanceType": "S5.16XLARGE256"
"Response": {
"InstanceIdSet": [
"RequestId": "3c140219-cfe9-470e-b241-907877d6fb03"
TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.
The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.
Error Code | Description |
AccountQualificationRestrictions | Your account failed the qualification verification. |
AuthFailure.CamRoleNameAuthenticateFailed | Role name authentication failed. |
FailedOperation.DisasterRecoverGroupNotFound | The specified spread placement group does not exist. |
FailedOperation.IllegalTagKey | The tag key contains invalid characters. |
FailedOperation.IllegalTagValue | The tag value contains invalid characters. |
FailedOperation.InquiryPriceFailed | Price query failed. |
FailedOperation.NoAvailableIpAddressCountInSubnet | No available IPs in the subnet. |
FailedOperation.PromotionalRegionRestriction | The service is not available in this country/region. |
FailedOperation.SecurityGroupActionFailed | Security group operation failed. |
FailedOperation.SnapshotSizeLargerThanDataSize | The snapshot size is larger than the disk capacity. You need a larger disk space. |
FailedOperation.SnapshotSizeLessThanDataSize | The snapshot size should be larger than the cloud disk capacity. |
FailedOperation.TagKeyReserved | The tag key specified in the request is reserved for the system. |
InstancesQuotaLimitExceeded | You are trying to create more instances than your remaining quota allows. |
InternalError.TradeUnknownError | Internal error. |
InvalidAccount.InsufficientBalance | Insufficient account balance. |
InvalidClientToken.TooLong | The specified ClientToken exceeds the maximum length of 64 bytes. |
InvalidHostId.Malformed | Invalid CDH ID . The specified CDH ID has an invalid format. For example, host-1122 has an invalid ID length. |
InvalidHostId.NotFound | The specified HostId does not exist, or does not belong to your account. |
InvalidImageId.Malformed | Invalid image ID format. |
InvalidImageId.NotFound | The image cannot be found. |
InvalidInstance.NotSupported | This instance is not supported. |
InvalidInstanceName.TooLong | The specified InstanceName exceeds the maximum length of 60 bytes. |
InvalidInstanceType.Malformed | The specified InstanceType parameter has an invalid format. |
InvalidKeyPairId.Malformed | Invalid key pair ID. The specified key pair ID has an invalid format. For example, skey-1122 has an invalid ID length. |
InvalidParameter.CdcNotSupported | |
InvalidParameter.EdgeZoneMissInternetAccessible | When specifying the CTCC/CUCC/CMCC public IP address parameter for edge zones, you need to first specify the public IP address parameter for the primary IP address. |
InvalidParameter.HostIdCustomizedInstanceTypeNotSupport | The specified CDH host does not support custom instance specifications. |
InvalidParameter.HostIdInstanceTypeNotSupport | The specified CDH host does not support the instance model specifications. |
InvalidParameter.HostIdStandardInstanceTypeNotSupport | The specified CDH host does not support standard instance specifications. |
InvalidParameter.HostIdStatusNotSupport | This operation is not supported under the current status of the CVM. |
InvalidParameter.InstanceImageNotSupport | This API does not support instance images. |
InvalidParameter.InstanceTypeSupportedHostNotFound | No CDH host supports the specified instance specifications. |
InvalidParameter.InternetAccessibleNotSupported | Unable to set the public network bandwidth. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidIpFormat | Invalid VPC IP address format. |
InvalidParameter.LackCoreCountOrThreadPerCore | CoreCount and ThreadPerCore must be specified at the same time. |
InvalidParameter.OnlySupportForEdgeZone | Only edge zones support this parameter. |
InvalidParameter.ParameterConflict | Specifying an SSH key will override the original one of the image. |
InvalidParameter.SnapshotNotFound | The specified snapshot does not exist. |
InvalidParameter.SpecialParameterForSpecialAccount | This parameter can only be used when the allowlist feature is enabled. |
InvalidParameterCombination | The parameter combination is invalid. |
InvalidParameterValue | Incorrect parameter value. |
InvalidParameterValue.BandwidthPackageIdMalformed | The shared bandwidth package ID is invalid. Please provide a standard shared bandwidth package ID in the format similar to bwp-xxxxxxxx. In this format, the letter x stands for a lowercase character or a number. |
InvalidParameterValue.BandwidthPackageIdNotFound | The specified bandwidth package does not exist. |
InvalidParameterValue.BandwidthPackageIspNotMatch | The ISP of the bandwidth package does not match the ISP parameter. |
InvalidParameterValue.BandwidthPackageZoneNotMatch | The availability zone of the bandwidth package does not match the specified availability zone. |
InvalidParameterValue.CamRoleNameMalformed | Invalid CamRoleName . This parameter must contain only letters, numbers and symbols (+ , = , , , . , @ , _ , - ). |
InvalidParameterValue.ChcHostsNotFound | Corresponding CHC hosts not found. |
InvalidParameterValue.CloudSsdDataDiskSizeTooSmall | The minimum capacity of a SSD data disk is 100 GB. |
InvalidParameterValue.CoreCountValue | Invalid number of cores. |
InvalidParameterValue.DedicatedClusterNotSupportedChargeType | |
InvalidParameterValue.Duplicate | Duplicate parameter value. |
InvalidParameterValue.DuplicateTags | Duplicate tags. |
InvalidParameterValue.ExternalIpQuotaLimited | The number of requested public IP addresses exceeds the quota of this instance type. |
InvalidParameterValue.HpcClusterIdZoneIdNotMatch | |
InvalidParameterValue.IPAddressMalformed | Invalid IP format |
InvalidParameterValue.IllegalHostName | The value of HostName is invalid. |
InvalidParameterValue.IncorrectFormat | Incorrect request parameter format. |
InvalidParameterValue.InstanceTypeNotFound | The specified instance type does not exist. |
InvalidParameterValue.InstanceTypeNotSupportHpcCluster | This type of instances cannot be added to the HPC cluster. |
InvalidParameterValue.InstanceTypeRequiredHpcCluster | The HPC cluster needs to be specified for the high-performance computing instance. |
InvalidParameterValue.InsufficientOffering | The spot instances are out of stock. |
InvalidParameterValue.InsufficientPrice | The bid is lower than the market price. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidAppIdFormat | Invalid AppID |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidImageForGivenInstanceType | The specified image does not support the specified instance type. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidImageFormat | A RAW image cannot be used to create a CVM. Choose another image. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidImageId | The image does not support this operation. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidImageOsName | The operating system of the specified image is not available in the current region. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidImageState | The image has another ongoing task. Please check and try again later. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidIpFormat | Invalid IP address. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidPassword | Invalid password. The specified password does not meet the complexity requirements (e.g., too long or too short) |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidTimeFormat | Incorrect time format. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidUserDataFormat | Incorrect UserData format. Use the Base64-encoded format. |
InvalidParameterValue.IspNotSupportForEdgeZone | Edge zones do not support this ISP. |
InvalidParameterValue.IspValueRepeated | Duplicate ISP parameter value specified. |
InvalidParameterValue.KeyPairNotFound | The key does not exist. |
InvalidParameterValue.LaunchTemplateIdMalformed | Incorrect format of instance launch template ID. Please provide a valid instance launch template ID, similar to lt-xxxxxxxx, where x represents a lowercase character or digit. |
InvalidParameterValue.LaunchTemplateIdNotExisted | The instance launch template ID does not exist. |
InvalidParameterValue.LaunchTemplateNotFound | The instance launch template is not found. |
InvalidParameterValue.LaunchTemplateVersion | Invalid instance launch template version number. |
InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded | The number of parameter values exceeds the limit. |
InvalidParameterValue.MustDhcpEnabledVpc | The parameter value must be a DHCP-enabled VPC. |
InvalidParameterValue.NotCdcSubnet | The subnet is not in the CDC cluster. |
InvalidParameterValue.Range | Invalid parameter value: invalid parameter value range. |
InvalidParameterValue.SnapshotIdMalformed | Invalid snapshot ID. Provide a snapshot ID in the format of snap-xxxxxxxx, where the letter x refers to lowercase letter or number. |
InvalidParameterValue.SubnetIdMalformed | Invalid subnet ID. Please provide a subnet ID in the format of subnet-xxxxxxxx, where “x” can be a lowercase letter or number. |
InvalidParameterValue.SubnetNotExist | Creation failed: the subnet does not exist. Please specify another subnet. |
InvalidParameterValue.TagKeyNotFound | The specified tag does not exist |
InvalidParameterValue.TagQuotaLimitExceeded | Tag quota limit exceeded. |
InvalidParameterValue.ThreadPerCoreValue | Invalid thread count per core. |
InvalidParameterValue.TooLarge | The parameter value exceeds the maximum limit. |
InvalidParameterValue.VpcIdMalformed | The VPC ID xxx is invalid. Please provide a VPC ID in the format of vpc-xxxxxxxx, where “x” can be a lowercase letter or number. |
InvalidParameterValue.VpcIdNotExist | The specified VpcId doesn't exist. |
InvalidParameterValue.VpcIdZoneIdNotMatch | The VPC and instance must be in the same availability zone. |
InvalidParameterValue.VpcNotSupportIpv6Address | This VPC does not support the IPv6 addresses. |
InvalidParameterValue.ZoneNotSupported | The availability zone does not support this operation. |
InvalidPassword | Invalid password. The specified password does not meet the password requirements. For example, the password length does not meet the requirements. |
InvalidPeriod | Invalid period. Valid values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36]; unit: month. |
InvalidPermission | This operation is not supported for the account. |
InvalidProjectId.NotFound | Invalid project ID: the specified project ID does not exist. |
InvalidSecurityGroupId.NotFound | The specified security group ID does not exist. |
InvalidZone.MismatchRegion | The specified zone does not exist. |
LimitExceeded.CvmInstanceQuota | The quota limit for purchasing instances has been reached. |
LimitExceeded.CvmsVifsPerSecGroupLimitExceeded | The CVM ENIs associated with the security group has exceeded the limit. |
LimitExceeded.DisasterRecoverGroup | The quota of the specified placement group is insufficient. |
LimitExceeded.IPv6AddressNum | Number of IPs on this ENI reached the upper limit. |
LimitExceeded.InstanceEniNumLimit | Reached the upper limit of the ENIs for the instance. |
LimitExceeded.InstanceQuota | You are short of the instance quota. |
LimitExceeded.PrepayQuota | Your quota for monthly-subscribed instances is used up. Increase your quota and try again. |
LimitExceeded.PrepayUnderwriteQuota | |
LimitExceeded.SingleUSGQuota | The number of security groups exceeds the quota limit. |
LimitExceeded.SpotQuota | The spot instance offerings are out of stock. |
LimitExceeded.UserSpotQuota | You are short of the spot instance quota. |
LimitExceeded.VpcSubnetNum | Insufficient subnet IPs. |
MissingParameter | Missing parameter. |
MissingParameter.DPDKInstanceTypeRequiredVPC | The DPDK instance requires a VPC. |
MissingParameter.MonitorService | The instance type must have Cloud Monitor enabled. |
OperationDenied.AccountNotSupported | |
OperationDenied.ChcInstallCloudImageWithoutDeployNetwork | A CHC instance without network configured is not allowed for the installation of a cloud image |
OperationDenied.NotBandwidthShiftUpUserApplyEdgeZoneEip | Bill-by-CVM users are not allowed to apply for edge zone public IP addresses. |
ResourceInsufficient.AvailabilityZoneSoldOut | The availability zone has been sold out. |
ResourceInsufficient.CidrBlock | |
ResourceInsufficient.CloudDiskSoldOut | The specified cloud disk has been sold out. |
ResourceInsufficient.CloudDiskUnavailable | The parameters of cloud disk do not meet the specification. |
ResourceInsufficient.DisasterRecoverGroupCvmQuota | The number of instances exceeded the quota limit of spread placement groups. |
ResourceInsufficient.SpecifiedInstanceType | The specified instance type is insufficient. |
ResourceNotFound.HpcCluster | The HPC cluster does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.KeyPairNotFound | |
ResourceNotFound.NoDefaultCbs | No default CBS resources are available. |
ResourceNotFound.NoDefaultCbsWithReason | No default CBS resources are available. |
ResourceUnavailable.InstanceType | This instance type is unavailable in the availability zone. |
ResourcesSoldOut.EipInsufficient | The public IP has been sold out. |
ResourcesSoldOut.SpecifiedInstanceType | The specified instance type is sold out. |
UnauthorizedOperation.InvalidToken | Check if the token is valid. |
UnsupportedOperation | Unsupported operation. |
UnsupportedOperation.BandwidthPackageIdNotSupported | The specified instance or network cannot use the bandwidth package. |
UnsupportedOperation.HibernationOsVersion | |
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateIsolating | Unable to isolate: the instance is isolated |
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceTypeNotSupportJumboFrame | The instance type does not support setting the EnableJumboFrame status. |
UnsupportedOperation.InstancesEnableJumboWithoutReboot | Modifying Jumbo Frame status without a restart is not supported. |
UnsupportedOperation.InvalidDisk | The specified disk is not supported. |
UnsupportedOperation.InvalidRegionDiskEncrypt | Encrypted disks are not available in the selected regions. |
UnsupportedOperation.KeyPairUnsupportedWindows | Key-pair login is not available to Windows instances. |
UnsupportedOperation.NoInstanceTypeSupportSpot | This instance type does not support spot instances. |
UnsupportedOperation.NotSupportImportInstancesActionTimer | Failed to configure the scheduled action for the current instance. |
UnsupportedOperation.OnlyForPrepaidAccount | Only a prepaid account supports this operation. |
UnsupportedOperation.RawLocalDiskInsReinstalltoQcow2 | This image does not support instance reinstallation. |
UnsupportedOperation.SpotUnsupportedRegion | Spot instance is not supported in this region. |
UnsupportedOperation.UnderwritingInstanceTypeOnlySupportAutoRenew | For an underwriting instance, RenewFlag can only be set to NOTIFY_AND_AUTO_RENEW . |
UnsupportedOperation.UnsupportedInternationalUser | This operation is not available for Tencent Cloud International users. |
VpcAddrNotInSubNet | The VPC IP address is not in the subnet. |
VpcIpIsUsed | The VPC IP address is already occupied. |
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