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Cloud Virtual Machine
Last updated: 2024-11-27 10:20:05
Last updated: 2024-11-27 10:20:05

1. API Description

Domain name for API request: cvm.intl.tencentcloudapi.com.

This API is used to modify the VPC attributes of an instance, such as the VPC IP address.

  • This action will shut down the instance, and restart it after the modification is completed.
  • To migrate an instance to another VPC/subnet, specify the new VPC and subnet directly. Make sure that the instance to migrate is not bound to an ENI or CLB instances.
  • You can use the API DescribeInstances to query the operation result. If the LatestOperationState in the response is SUCCESS, the operation is successful.

A maximum of 10 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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2. Input Parameters

The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

Parameter Name Required Type Description
Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: ModifyInstancesVpcAttribute.
Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2017-03-12.
Region Yes String Common Params. For more information, please see the list of regions supported by the product.
InstanceIds.N Yes Array of String Instance ID(s). To obtain the instance IDs, you can call DescribeInstances and look for InstanceId in the response.
VirtualPrivateCloud Yes VirtualPrivateCloud VPC configurations. You can use this parameter to specify the VPC ID, subnet ID, VPC IP, etc. If the specified VPC ID and subnet ID (the subnet must be in the same availability zone as the instance) are different from the VPC where the specified instance resides, the instance will be migrated to a subnet of the specified VPC. You can use PrivateIpAddresses to specify the VPC subnet IP. If you want to specify the subnet IP, you will need to specify a subnet IP for each of the specified instances, and each InstanceIds will match a PrivateIpAddresses. If PrivateIpAddresses is not specified, the VPC subnet IP will be assigned randomly.
ForceStop No Boolean Whether to force shut down a running instances. Default value: TRUE.
ReserveHostName No Boolean Whether to keep the host name. Default value: FALSE.

3. Output Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
RequestId String The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.

4. Example

Example1 Migrating instances to a VPC and specifying the subnet and IP

This example shows you how to migrate the r8hr2upy and 5d8a23rs instances to the dcs9x3gz subnet of the 1urkhbj4 VPC and specify as the private IP of the r8hr2upy instance and as that of the 5d8a23rs instance.

Input Example

Host: cvm.intl.tencentcloudapi.com
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: ModifyInstancesVpcAttribute
<Common request parameters>

    "VirtualPrivateCloud": {
        "SubnetId": "subnet-dcs9x3gz",
        "VpcId": "vpc-1urkhbj4",
        "PrivateIpAddresses": [
    "InstanceIds": [

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "RequestId": "3c14def19-cfes-470e-b241-90787u6jf5uj"

5. Developer Resources


TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

Command Line Interface

6. Error Code

The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Error Code Description
EniNotAllowedChangeSubnet ENIs do not support changing subnets.
InvalidInstance.NotSupported This instance is not supported.
InvalidInstanceId.NotFound No instance found.
InvalidInstanceState This operation cannot be performed due to the current instance status.
InvalidParameterValue Incorrect parameter value.
InvalidParameterValue.IPAddressMalformed Invalid IP format
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidAppIdFormat Invalid AppID
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidIpFormat Invalid IP address.
InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded The number of parameter values exceeds the limit.
InvalidParameterValue.MustDhcpEnabledVpc The parameter value must be a DHCP-enabled VPC.
InvalidParameterValue.SubnetIdMalformed Invalid subnet ID. Please provide a subnet ID in the format of subnet-xxxxxxxx, where “x” can be a lowercase letter or number.
InvalidParameterValue.VpcIdMalformed The VPC ID xxx is invalid. Please provide a VPC ID in the format of vpc-xxxxxxxx, where “x” can be a lowercase letter or number.
MutexOperation.TaskRunning An identical job is running.
OperationDenied.InstanceOperationInProgress The instance has an operation in progress. Please try again later.
UnauthorizedOperation.MFAExpired Unauthorized operation. Make sure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is valid.
UnauthorizedOperation.MFANotFound Unauthorized operation. Make sure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) exists.
UnsupportedOperation.ElasticNetworkInterface An ENI is bound to the CVM. Please unbind the ENI from the CVM before switching to VPC.
UnsupportedOperation.IPv6NotSupportVpcMigrate IPv6 instances cannot be migrated from Classiclink to VPC.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceChargeType This instance billing mode does not support the operation.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateBanning This CVM is blocked. Please submit a ticket.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateEnterRescueMode Instances are entering the rescue mode, and this operation is not supported.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateExitRescueMode Instances are exiting from the rescue mode, and this operation is not supported.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateExitServiceLiveMigrate The instance ins-xxxxxx in the EXIT_SERVICE_LIVE_MIGRATE status is not supported.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateFreezing The operation is not supported for the frozen instances.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateIsolating Unable to isolate: the instance is isolated
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStatePending The instances are being created, and this operation is not supported.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateRebooting The instances are being restarted, and this operation is not supported.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateRescueMode Instances in the rescue mode are not available for this operation.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateRunning Running instances do not support this operation.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateServiceLiveMigrate The instances are being migrated, and this operation is not supported.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateShutdown Isolated instances do not support this operation.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateStarting The instance is starting up, and this operation is not supported.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateStopping The instance is being shut down, and this operation is not supported.
UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateTerminating The instance is being terminated, and the operation is not supported.
UnsupportedOperation.ModifyVPCWithCLB An instance bound with CLB does not support modifying its VPC attributes.
UnsupportedOperation.ModifyVPCWithClassLink This instance is configured with ClassLink. Please cancel the association and continue.
UnsupportedOperation.NoVpcNetwork A physical network is not supported by this instance.
UnsupportedOperation.StoppedModeStopCharging The instance does not support the no charges when shut down feature.
VpcAddrNotInSubNet The VPC IP address is not in the subnet.
VpcIpIsUsed The VPC IP address is already occupied.
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