API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
StopCpuExpand | Disables elastic CPU expansion | 20 |
StartCpuExpand | Enables elastic CPU expansion | 20 |
DescribeCpuExpandStrategy | Queries the elastic expansion policy of an instance | 20 |
AddTimeWindow | Adds a maintenance time window | 100 |
BalanceRoGroupLoad | Rebalances the loads of instances in RO group | 100 |
CloseWanService | Disables public network access for an instance | 100 |
CreateRoInstanceIp | Creates a VIP exclusive to a TencentDB read-only instance | 20 |
DeleteTimeWindow | Deletes a maintenance time window | 100 |
DescribeCdbZoneConfig | Queries the AZ and the purchasable specifications of the database. | 20 |
DescribeDBFeatures | Queries the version attributes of an instance | 20 |
DescribeDBInstanceCharset | Queries the character set of a TencentDB instance | 100 |
DescribeDBInstanceConfig | Queries the configuration information of a TencentDB instance | 100 |
DescribeDBInstanceGTID | Queries whether GTID is activated for a TencentDB instance | 100 |
DescribeDBInstanceInfo | Queries the basic information of instance | 20 |
DescribeDBInstanceRebootTime | Queries the estimated restart time of a TencentDB instance | 100 |
DescribeDBPrice | Queries the prices of TencentDB instances | 20 |
DescribeDBSwitchRecords | Queries the instance switch records | 50 |
DescribeRoGroups | Queries the information of all RO groups of TencentDB instance | 20 |
DescribeRoMinScale | Queries the minimum specification of a read-only instance that can be purchased or upgraded to | 20 |
DescribeTagsOfInstanceIds | Queries instance tags | 20 |
DescribeTimeWindow | Queries a maintenance time window | 20 |
IsolateDBInstance | Isolates a TencentDB instance | 20 |
ModifyAutoRenewFlag | Modifies the auto-renewal flag of a TencentDB instance | 20 |
ModifyDBInstanceName | Renames a TencentDB instance | 100 |
ModifyDBInstanceProject | Modifies the project to which a TencentDB instance belongs | 20 |
ModifyDBInstanceVipVport | Modifies the IP and port number of a TencentDB instance | 20 |
ModifyInstanceTag | Modifies an instance tag | 20 |
ModifyNameOrDescByDpId | Modifies the name or description of a placement group | 20 |
ModifyRoGroupInfo | Updates RO instance group | 20 |
ModifyTimeWindow | Updates a maintenance time window | 20 |
OfflineIsolatedInstances | Deactivates isolated TencentDB instances | 20 |
OpenDBInstanceEncryption | Enables data storage encryption | 20 |
OpenDBInstanceGTID | Enables GTID for an instance | 20 |
OpenWanService | Enables public network access for an instance | 20 |
ReleaseIsolatedDBInstances | Deisolates TencentDB instance | 20 |
RenewDBInstance | Renews a TencentDB instance | 20 |
RestartDBInstances | Restarts instances | 20 |
StartReplication | Starts replication | 20 |
StopReplication | Stops replication | 20 |
SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlave | Performs source-to-replica switch | 20 |
SwitchDrInstanceToMaster | Promotes a disaster recovery instance to source instance | 20 |
SwitchForUpgrade | Switches to a new instance | 20 |
UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersion | Upgrades the version of an instance | 20 |
CreateDBInstance | Creates a monthly subscribed TencentDB instance | 20 |
CreateDBInstanceHour | Creates pay-as-you-go TencentDB instance | 20 |
DescribeDBInstances | Queries the list of instances | 100 |
UpgradeDBInstance | Modifies the configurations of TencentDB instance | 30 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateDBImportJob | Creates a data import task | 100 |
DescribeDBImportRecords | Queries import task records | 100 |
DescribeUploadedFiles | Queries the list of imported SQL files (deprecated) | 1 |
StopDBImportJob | Stops a data import task | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AdjustCdbProxy | Adjusts the configuration of database proxy | 20 |
AdjustCdbProxyAddress | Adjusts database proxy address | 20 |
CloseCDBProxy | Disables database proxy | 20 |
CloseCdbProxyAddress | Disables database proxy address | 20 |
CreateCdbProxy | Creates a database proxy | 20 |
CreateCdbProxyAddress | Creates a database proxy address | 20 |
DescribeCdbProxyInfo | Queries the details of a database proxy | 20 |
DescribeProxyCustomConf | Queries the proxy configuration | 20 |
DescribeProxySupportParam | Queries the supported proxy versions and parameters for an instance | 20 |
ModifyCdbProxyAddressDesc | Modifies the description of a proxy address | 20 |
ModifyCdbProxyAddressVipAndVPort | Modifies the VPC of the database proxy address | 20 |
ModifyCdbProxyParam | Configures the database proxy parameters | 20 |
ReloadBalanceProxyNode | Rebalances the load on database proxy | 20 |
SwitchCDBProxy | Switches database proxy | 20 |
UpgradeCDBProxyVersion | Upgrades the version of database proxy | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
OpenAuditService | Enables the audit service | 50 |
DescribeAuditLogs | Queries a database audit log | 20 |
DescribeAuditRules | Queries the audit rules | 20 |
CreateAuditPolicy | Creates an audit policy | 20 |
DescribeAuditPolicies | Queries the audit policies | 20 |
AnalyzeAuditLogs | Analyzes audit log | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AssociateSecurityGroups | Binds security groups in batches | 100 |
DescribeDBSecurityGroups | Queries the security group information | 100 |
DescribeProjectSecurityGroups | Queries the security group information of a project | 100 |
DisassociateSecurityGroups | Unbinds security groups in batches | 100 |
ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups | Modifies the security groups bound to a TencentDB instance | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeAsyncRequestInfo | Queries the execution result of an async task | 40 |
DescribeTasks | Queries the list of tasks for a TencentDB instance | 100 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateAccounts | Creates a TencentDB account | 10 |
DeleteAccounts | Deletes TencentDB accounts | 10 |
DescribeAccountPrivileges | Queries the information of TencentDB account permissions | 10 |
DescribeAccounts | Queries the information of all TencentDB accounts | 50 |
DescribeSupportedPrivileges | Queries the information of TencentDB instance permissions | 100 |
ModifyAccountDescription | Modifies the remarks of a TencentDB instance account | 10 |
ModifyAccountMaxUserConnections | Modifies the maximum connections of one or more TencentDB instance accounts | 20 |
ModifyAccountPassword | Modifies the password of a TencentDB instance account | 10 |
ModifyAccountPrivileges | Modifies the permissions of a TencentDB instance account | 10 |
ResetRootAccount | Resets the root account | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateBackup | Creates a TencentDB instance backup | 5 |
DeleteBackup | Deletes a TencentDB instance backup | 100 |
DescribeBackupDownloadRestriction | Queries backup download restrictions | 20 |
DescribeBackupOverview | Queries backup overview | 20 |
DescribeBackupSummaries | Queries real-time backup statistics | 20 |
DescribeBinlogBackupOverview | Queries log backup overview | 20 |
DescribeDataBackupOverview | Queries data backup overview | 20 |
DescribeLocalBinlogConfig | Queries the retention policy of local binlog | 20 |
DescribeRemoteBackupConfig | Queries the configuration information of a remote TencentDB instance backup | 20 |
DescribeSlowLogs | Queries slow logs | 20 |
ModifyBackupDownloadRestriction | Modifies backup download restrictions | 20 |
ModifyLocalBinlogConfig | Modifies the retention policy of local binlog | 20 |
ModifyRemoteBackupConfig | Modifies the configuration information of a remote TencentDB instance backup | 20 |
DescribeBackups | Queries data backup file list | 10 |
DescribeBackupConfig | Queries the configuration information of a TencentDB instance backup | 100 |
DescribeBackupDecryptionKey | Queries the decryption key of a backup file | 20 |
DescribeBackupEncryptionStatus | Queries the default encryption status of an instance backup | 20 |
DescribeBinlogs | Queries binlog backup file list | 100 |
ModifyBackupConfig | Modifies the database backup configuration | 20 |
ModifyBackupEncryptionStatus | Sets the default encryption status of an instance backup | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeRollbackRangeTime | Queries the time range available for rollback | 20 |
DescribeRollbackTaskDetail | Queries rollback task details | 20 |
StartBatchRollback | Rolls back database tables | 20 |
StopRollback | Cancels a rollback task | 20 |
DescribeCloneList | Queries the clone task list | 20 |
CreateCloneInstance | Clones an instance | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateParamTemplate | Creates a parameter template | 100 |
DeleteParamTemplate | Deletes a parameter template | 20 |
DescribeInstanceParamRecords | Queries the parameter modification records | 20 |
DescribeInstanceParams | Queries the list of configurable parameters for an instance | 20 |
DescribeParamTemplateInfo | Queries the parameter template details | 20 |
DescribeParamTemplates | Queries the list of parameter templates | 20 |
ModifyInstanceParam | Modifies instance parameters | 20 |
ModifyInstancePasswordComplexity | Modifies the password complexity of a TencentDB instance | 20 |
ModifyParamTemplate | Modifies a parameter template | 20 |
DescribeDefaultParams | Queries the list of default configurable parameters | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateDatabase | Creates a database | 20 |
DescribeDatabases | Queries databases | 100 |
DescribeTables | Queries database tables | 40 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeDeviceMonitorInfo | Queries the monitoring information of a physical machine | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeErrorLogData | Queries instance error log details | 20 |
DescribeSlowLogData | Queries instance slow logs | 50 |
DescribeDBInstanceLogToCLS | Query configurations of sending instance logs to CLS | 20 |
ModifyDBInstanceLogToCLS | Enable or disable the feature of sending CDB logs to CLS | 20 |
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