Issue Description
Failed to enable case insensitivity. An error was reported as follows:
If the database version is 8.0, you can only choose whether to enable case sensitivity for table names when creating an instance on the purchase page. You cannot modify the lower_case_table_names
parameter after creating the instance.
Common Causes
Database or table names contain uppercase letters.
Check whether all of the database and table names of the instance are lowercase, convert uppercase names (if any) to lowercase ones, and modify the lower_case_table_names
Modifying lower_case_table_names
will cause the database restart.
Check if there are uppercase table names
select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in("mysql","information_schema") and (md5(table_name)<>md5(lower(table_name)) or md5(table_schema)<>md5(lower(table_schema)));
Check if there are uppercase database names
select SCHEMA_NAME from information_schema.SCHEMATA where md5(SCHEMA_NAME)<>md5(lower(SCHEMA_NAME));
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