API | Description | Authorization Granularity |
DescribeSSLStatus | Queries whether SSL is enabled. If it is enabled, the download link for the certificate will be returned synchronously. | Operation-level |
Queries the instance audit policy | Resource-level | |
Queries the price of a database instance | Resource-level | |
Enables the audit service | Operation-level | |
OpenSSL | Enables SSL connection | Resource-level |
Queries whether GTID is enabled for the instance | Resource-level | |
DeleteAuditRule | Deletes the audit policy | Operation-level |
CreateAuditRule | Creates an audit rule | Operation-level |
CloseSSL | Disables SSL connection | Resource-level |
ModifyAuditRule | Modifies the audit rule | Operation-level |
Queries database version attributes, including supported features such as database encryption and audit. | Resource-level | |
DescribeDBDiskInfo | Queries the disk information of the TencenDB physical machine | Resource-level |
ModifyDBInstanceReadOnlyStatus | Sets TencenDB for MySQL instance to be read-only | Resource-level |
OpenTransparentSlaveAccess | Enables the read-only access to the replica server | Resource-level |
SwitchDrMasterRole | Performs a disaster recovery failback | Resource-level |
DescribeDBInstanceProcess | Queries the instance active threads | Resource-level |
DescribeDataBackupSavePlan | Queries the database backup retention plan for the next year | Resource-level |
EndReservedRollbackInstance | Disables version rollback after version upgrade, which indicates that you can’t roll back the instance version from v5.7 to v5.6. | Resource-level |
BatchUpgradeDBInstance | Upgrades or downgrades TencentDB instance configurations in batches, which can be applied for a source instance, disaster recovery instance, or read-only instance | Resource-level |
DescribeSupportDeviceClass | Obtains the supported placement group model | Operation-level |
CheckDrInstanceRecovery | Verifies whether a disaster recovery failback can be performed. Before promoting the disaster recovery instance to the source instance, you can use this API to verify the delay between these two instances and their GTIDs. If the verification is successful, the disaster recovery instance can be promoted to the source instance and a disaster recovery failback can be performed. | Resource-level |
StartReplay | Enables point-in-time replay to a specific time or position. | Resource-level |
DescribeSwitchableInstanceList | Obtains the list of all instances to be switched | Resource-level |
DescribeInstanceGTIDInfo | Queries GTID information | Resource-level |
CloseTransparentSlaveAccess | Disables the read-only access to the replica server | Resource-level |
CheckIpInSubnet | Verifies whether an IP is within a subnet | Operation-level |
RollbackDBInstanceEngineVersion | Rolls back the instance that initiated the version upgrade. Currently, this is only supported for upgrading from v5.6 to v5.7, that is, only v5.7 can be rolled back to v5.6 | Resource-level |
Unassociates security groups from instances in batches | Resource-level | |
TransferPreToPost | Switches from monthly subscription to pay-as-you-go billing | Resource-level |
TerminateInstanceAutoTune | Cancels parameter tunning task, which is only supported for incomplete task with instances that have not been terminated. | Resource-level |
SubmitBatchOperation | Submits batch import tasks | Resource-level |
StartInstanceAutoTune | Initiates parameter tunning task | Resource-level |
ModifyRollbackInstanceSyncStatus | Ignores errors in data sync during the rollback version process after version upgrade | Resource-level |
ModifyProtectMode | Modifies the sync mode of the instance | Resource-level |
ModifyManualBackupName | Modifies the alias of a manual backup | Resource-level |
ModifyBackupInfo | Modifies the backup information | Resource-level |
DescribeTimeWindowSwitchForZone | Gets the list of regions where the maintenance window is disabled. This means that the switch tasks initiated within the maintenance window are all invalid, and no switch is performed.. | Operation-level |
DescribeMonitorData | Gets the instance monitoring data | Resource-level |
DescribeBatchJobFileContent | Gets batch import SQL files | Operation-level |
DescribeBackupDownloadDbTableCode | Queries the download position of sharded databases and tables | Resource-level |
DeleteTimeWindowSwitchForZone | Deletes a region where any switch tasks initiated by users during the maintenance window will still be valid within the maintenance window. | Operation-level |
DeleteReadOnlyInstanceIp | Deletes the exclusive VIP for a read-only instance | Resource-level |
DeleteBatchJobFiles | Deletes the list of batch import SQL files submitted by users | Operation-level |
CreateBatchJobFiles | Imports and exports SQL files in batches | Operation-level |
CancelBatchOperation | Stops batch import task | Operation-level |
AddPartSqlFile | Saves parts information when a large SQL file is divided into multiple parts for uploading | Operation-level |
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