tencent cloud


Modifying Rule Template

Last updated: 2024-06-24 09:53:46
    This document describes how to modify a database audit rule template in the console.
    Starting from September 202325, the relationship between rule templates and audit instances has transitioned from initialization to strong association. Alterations to the rule template content will synchronously impact the audit rules applied to the instances bound to the said rule template.
    A rule template allows up to 5 characteristic strings for a single parameter field, with each string being separated by vertical bar "|".


    1. Log in to the TencentDB for MySQL console.
    2. On the left sidebar, click Database Audit.
    3. Select Region and click Rule Template.
    4. Find the target rule template in the rule template list, or search for it by resource attribute in the search box, and click Edit in the Operation column.
    5. In the Edit Rule Template window, modify configuration items and click OK.
    Rule Template Name
    This field can contain up to 30 letters, digits, and symbols -_./()[]()+=::@ and cannot start with a digit.
    Rule Content
    Specify the rule content, including parameters, matching types, and feature strings. For detailed descriptions and examples, see Rule Content Details and Examples .
    You can click 'Add' under Rule Content to include additional parameter fields.
    You can click 'Delete' in the action column under Rule Content to remove unnecessary parameter fields and conditions, although at least one parameter field and condition must remain.
    Risk Level
    Choose a risk level for this rule template. Options include Low Risk, Medium Risk, and High Risk.
    Alarm Policy
    Choose an alarm policy for this rule template. Options include 'Do Not Send Alarms' and 'Send Alarms'.
    Please go to TCOP->Alarm Management to set alarm rules and notifications. For detailed information, refer to Post-Event Alarm Configuration.
    Rule Template Remarks
    This field can contain up to 200 letters, digits, and symbols-_./()[]()+=::@ and cannot start with a digit.

    Rule content details and examples

    You can configure one or multiple rules. Up to 5 rules can be configured.
    Different rules are in AND relationship; that is, they need to be met at the same time.
    Different characteristic strings in a rule are in OR relationship; that is, at least one of them needs to be met.
    You can add only one operator for the same parameter field; for example, for the database name, the operator can be either Include or Exclude.
    Parameter Field
    Characteristic String
    Client IP
    Include, Exclude, Equal to, Not equal to, Regex
    Up to five client IPs can be configured and should be separated by vertical bar "|". When the operator is Regex, only one characteristic string can be entered.
    User Account
    Include, Exclude, Equal to, Not equal to, Regex
    Up to 5 user accounts can be configured, separated by English vertical bars. When the match type is regular expression, only one feature string is supported.
    Database Name
    Include, Exclude, Equal to, Not equal to, Regex
    Up to five database names can be configured and should be separated by vertical bar "|". When the operator is Regex, only one characteristic string can be entered.
    SQL Details
    Include, Exclude
    Up to five SQL commands can be configured and should be separated by vertical bar "|".
    SQL Type
    Equal to, Not equal to
    Affected Rows
    Greater than, Less than
    Select affected rows
    Returned Rows
    Greater than, Less than
    Select returned rows
    Scanned Rows
    Greater than, Less than
    Select scanned rows
    Execution Time
    Greater than, Less than
    Select execution time in microseconds
    Example: If the following rule content is set, the database name should include a, b, or c, and the client IP should include IP1, 2 or 3, then the audit logs filtered by the rule are those where the database name includes a, b, or c and the client IP includes IP1, 2, or 3.
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