tencent cloud


HINT Statement Control

Last updated: 2024-07-22 12:35:02
    TencentDB for MySQL allows you to enable or disable the parallel query feature by adjusting parameters. Specifically, you can enable or disable the feature for all SQL statements, set execution conditions, or specify the execution mode of a specific SQL statement through the HINT statement in the console.
    The HINT statement can specify whether to execute a SQL statement and apply session parameters to the statement. In addition, it also supports querying the specified parallel table.

    HINT statement usage

    Command Line
    Enable parallel query
    SELECT /*+PARALLEL(x)*/ ... FROM ...;
    x indicates the parallelism for the SQL statement, which should be greater than 0.
    Disable parallel query
    SELECT /*+PARALLEL(x)*/ ... FROM ...;
    If x is set to 0, it indicates to disable parallel query.
    Specify the parallel table
    You can specify the table to be included in or excluded from the parallel query execution plan in either of the following ways:
    Specify the table to be included in the plan through PARALLEL. SELECT /*+PARALLEL(t)*/ ... FROM ...;
    Specify the table to be excluded from the plan through NO_PARALLEL. SELECT /*+NO_PARALLEL(t)*/ ... FROM ...;
    t is the table name.
    Specify both the parallel table and parallelism
    SELECT /*+PARALLEL(t x)*/ * ... FROM ...;
    x indicates the parallelism for the SQL statement, which should be greater than 0. t is the table name.
    Set the session parameter through the HINT statement, which takes effect only for the specified SQL statement
    SELECT /*+SET_VAR(var=n)*/ * ... FROM ...;
    var is the parallel query parameter in the session scope.

    HINT statement use cases

    Use case 1:select /*+PARALLEL()*/ * FROM t1,t2; Set the parallelism to the value of txsql_parallel_degree (default) for the parallel query. If a statement does not meet the parallel query execution condition, serial query will be used.
    Use case 2:select /*+PARALLEL(4)*/ * FROM t1,t2; Set the parallelism of the statement to 4 regardless of the default value, i.e., txsql_parallel_degree = 4. If the statement does not meet the parallel query execution condition, serial query will be used.
    Use case 3:select /*+PARALLEL(t1)*/ * FROM t1,t2; Include the t1 table in the parallel query and use the default parallelism. If t1 is smaller than the value of txsql_parallel_table_record_threshold, serial query will be used.
    Use case 4:select /*+PARALLEL(t1 8)*/ * FROM t1,t2; Include the t1 table in the parallel query and set the parallelism to 8. If t1 is smaller than the value of txsql_parallel_table_record_threshold, serial query will be used.
    Use case 5:select /*+NO_PARALLEL(t1)*/ * FROM t1,t2; Exclude the t1 table from the parallel query. If t1 is greater than the value of txsql_parallel_table_record_threshold, serial query will be used.
    Use case 6:select /*+SET_VAR(txsql_parallel_degree=8)*/ * FROM t1,t2; Set the parallelism of the statement to 8 regardless of the default value, i.e., txsql_parallel_degree = 8.
    Use case 7:select /*+SET_VAR(txsql_parallel_cost_threshold=1000)*/ * FROM t1,t2 Set txsql_parallel_cost_threshold=1000 for the statement. If its execution penalty is greater than 1000, parallel query can be used.
    Use case 8:select /*+SET_VAR(txsql_optimizer_context_max_mem_size=500000)*/ * FROM t1,t2 Set txsql_optimizer_context_max_mem_size=500000 for a statement, which means to adjust the maximum memory size it can apply for in the parallel query plan environment to 500000.


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