tencent cloud


Best Practices

Last updated: 2024-07-22 12:51:13
    This document describes how to accelerate the import of massive amounts of data to a database with the TXRocks engine.


    Scenario: The import of massive amounts of data to a database with the TXRocks engine needs to be accelerated.
    Impact: The Rows inserted during bulk load must not overlap existing rows error may be reported when massive amounts of data are imported.

    Option 1

    1. Delete secondary indexes and retain only the primary key index.
    2. Adjust memory parameters based on the specification and data volume.
    Appropriately increase the values of rocksdb_merge_buf_size and rocksdb_merge_combine_read_size parameters based on the specification and data volume.
    rocksdb_merge_buf_size indicates the data volume of each way in k-way merge during index creation. rocksdb_merge_combine_read_size indicates the total memory used in k-way merge.
    rocksdb_block_cache_size indicates the size of rocksdb_block_cache. We recommend you decrease its value temporarily during k-way merge.
    3. Use bulk load to import the data.
    SET session rocksdb_bulk_load_allow_unsorted=1;
    SET session rocksdb_bulk_load=1;
    Import the data
    SET session rocksdb_bulk_load=0;
    SET session rocksdb_bulk_load_allow_unsorted=0;
    If the imported data is sorted, you don't need to configure rocksdb_bulk_load_allow_unsorted.
    4. Recreate secondary indexes one by one after all data is imported.
    Secondary index creation involves k-way merge. rocksdb_merge_buf_size indicates the data volume of each way, and rocksdb_merge_combine_read_size indicates the total memory used in k-way merge.
    For example, we recommend you set rocksdb_merge_buf_size to 64 MB or higher and set rocksdb_merge_combine_read_size to 1 GB or higher to avoid OOM. After all data is imported, you must modify the parameters to their original values.
    As a lot of memory is used during the creation of each secondary index, we recommend you not create many of them at the same time.

    Option 2

    You can disable unique_check during data import to improve the import performance.
    SET unique_checks=OFF;
    Import the data.
    SET unique_checks=ON;
    After the operation is completed, you must set unique_checks back to ON; otherwise, the uniqueness of INSERT operations in subsequent normal transaction writes will not be checked.
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